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Mar 13, 2025 at 7:06 AM
Jan 29, 2012
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Doing homework

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Ruby Forum Member, Male, from The Netherlands

Vote bonus 3300! Just in time before the new year! :D Dec 22, 2024

TomvanWijnen was last seen:
Mar 13, 2025 at 7:06 AM
    1. TomvanWijnen
      Captcha stopped working halfway through voting -_- sigh. Nothing works for me today. :/ EDIT: it works again, but my last statement still holds a lot of truth.
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
    2. TomvanWijnen
      Woot, 18,000 posts!! :D
      1. View previous comments...
      2. TomvanWijnen
        Thanks! :D
        Apr 28, 2019
      3. Gawadrolt
        but... have you looked at your texp? xD
        May 7, 2019
      4. TomvanWijnen
        Monthly is 0, just like yours. :D
        May 7, 2019
    3. TomvanWijnen
      Wait what??? " is blocked in your country" EDIT: ah, reconnecting my ethernet cable to my computer fixed it. :D (DNS related issue, probably)
    4. liamwill
      Hello Tom! I know I didn’t express to you how grateful I was for you voting for my accounts! Really sorry and hope to see you soon!
      1. Equinox_Boss and TomvanWijnen like this.
      2. TomvanWijnen
        Hey Tah! :D I haven't seen you in a while! I'm pretty sure you already said thanks somewhere, so, no worries - I'm happy I could help you with it. :) Thanks as well for the recent funds, I can really use those! :D (I literally only had 25k :P) Hopefully you're doing great! :) Bis bald ;)
        Apr 23, 2019
    5. TomvanWijnen
      1. Equinox_Boss and Uber_Corq like this.
    6. TomvanWijnen
      That moment when some difficult redstone you've been working on for 2+ hours suddenly disappears when you re-enter the chunks... I hate everything right now.
      1. Equinox_Boss, Uber_Corq, 607 and 2 others like this.
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      3. TomvanWijnen
        I know what caused it too: I accidentally logged into the world I was working in with my alt. From that point on, it stopped saving the chunks... -_- it was really weird, I went into a minecart away from where I was working, and immediately back, and then everything was gone... Quite odd.
        Apr 15, 2019
      4. TomvanWijnen
        So, if you ever accidentally log into a world you're already working on in another client, leave the world on both clients immediately, and you should be fine. :)
        Apr 15, 2019
      5. 607
        Huh, that's scary! :$
        Apr 16, 2019
    7. TomvanWijnen
      You might think that Minecraft doesn't use that much resources... I have an i7 3770k at 4.4 GHz, and it's literally using ALL of the processor as I have 5 Minecrafts opened... lolwat
    8. TomvanWijnen
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
    9. TomvanWijnen
      I just realised that if you say "DCs" weirdly, you get "disease"... whoops. :P
      1. Equinox_Boss and Kaddrii like this.
      2. Skiddylicense04
        Apr 8, 2019
    10. TomvanWijnen
      Aww, pity there wasn't anything for April Fools' on here, it was great fun every year. :)
      1. Equinox_Boss, Kaddrii and 607 like this.
      2. 607
        I do agree, especially when I wasn't involved so it wasn't my problem if it got out of hand. :D
        Apr 2, 2019
      3. Krysyy
        Code was a bit too unstable with the work towards 1.13 to go deploying anything for the day. We'll make it up to y'all =)
        Apr 2, 2019
    11. TomvanWijnen
      Having a glass of water on your desk when electronics are around is completely fine. Do, however, remove it when you're going to mess around with cables, as cables can be stronger and behave differently from how you anticipated them to be. I learned this the hard way. ... ._.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. TomvanWijnen
        water got all over the keyboard, and inside a bit too (it's an old laptop and has small gaps so water can conveniently leak inside :P). I immediately turned it off and opened it up entirely (rear panel off, entire keyboard off). Water didn't come in that much luckily. I dried off every drop of water I could see, fortunately nothing visibly got on electronical stuff.
        Mar 28, 2019
      3. TomvanWijnen
        The only thing still: visible water was literally inside the keyboard. I've set the keyboard on its side so it can droop out onto a towel, and did the came with the mouse buttons. They've been on their side for like 7 hours now, so I think that I'm going to put everything back together now to see if the keyboard still works...
        Mar 28, 2019
      4. luckycordel
        Dry rice works good to absorb water. Good luck man hope all works out :)
        Mar 28, 2019
      1. Equinox_Boss and TomvanWijnen like this.
      2. TomvanWijnen
        Yes, sorry, I was going to pay & pickup today after I started up my computer, but I did some oopsies and had to spend a while fixing that, so I haven't been online yet. :P (originally I was going to do it yesterday, actually, but then I unexpectedly spent the entire evening helping somone) I kept the thread in my unread threads list so I wouldn't forget about it. :)
        Mar 28, 2019
      3. TomvanWijnen
        I'll hop on within a few hours. :)
        Mar 28, 2019
      4. SpiritAdventurer
        Mar 28, 2019
    12. TomvanWijnen
      Wha? Life TEXP: 0. Month TEXP: 10. Even disregarding the 180,000 disappeared XP, that does not make any sense whatsoever... :P EDIT: Ah, it works again. :P
      1. Equinox_Boss, luckycordel and Egeau like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. luckycordel
        That happened to me before. I was confused why it cleared all my hard earned xp. Then the next time I logged in it was back.
        Mar 21, 2019
      4. TomvanWijnen
        I didn't even have to log in, it just somehow worked again when I went to the page again. :P
        Mar 21, 2019
      5. luckycordel
        Guess it just needed a refresh. Glad there's no problems.:D
        Mar 22, 2019
    13. TomvanWijnen
      It is not only π day, it's also Einstein's birthday! ;) Happy birthday, Einstein! :D
      1. Equinox_Boss, Egeau and luckycordel like this.
    14. TomvanWijnen
      Wow, I reached 17,500 posts! :D That is somewhat insane. :P Thanks all for alllowing this. :)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Nickblockmaster
        Good grief that’s a few 😮
        Mar 7, 2019
      3. Be6Ja1min
        Mar 13, 2019
      4. TomvanWijnen
        Thanks! :D
        Mar 13, 2019
    15. TomvanWijnen
      I finally finished a massive schoolproject that I had been working on (with way too many breaks) for half a year. After much "long term stress" (I don't normally get stressed ever) and difficulty starting, it's finally done and can finally leave my mind! :D So happy right now! :D
      1. Equinox_Boss, 607 and Egeau like this.
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      3. TomvanWijnen
        Here they also get good attendance, because people from the 5th year HAVE to go, and parents are invited too. Friends in the same year can't come generally, because they obviously have to do their own presentations at the same time. :P
        Mar 15, 2019
      4. TomvanWijnen
        Yup, I'm still going to be doing my best for the presentation, because it just feels the right thing to do (and it isn't that difficult to be honest, as you already have most of the text available anyways :P - I'm just not that good at presenting).
        Mar 15, 2019
      5. 607
        I can be good, but tend to get nervous. One tip: don't obscure the digiboard with your body. :$ I only found out nobody had been able to read the slides at 70% of my presentation.
        Mar 15, 2019
    16. TomvanWijnen
      I don't understand how people can mix up "apart" and "a part"... One is an adverb/adjective while the other is just an article with a noun, and they have completely different definitions...
      1. Equinox_Boss, Egeau and Lukas3226 like this.
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      3. Otus_NigRum
        when the dutchman knows better english than 90% of english speakers
        Feb 21, 2019
      4. 607
        But they sound pretty much the same. Like "they're", "their" and "there".
        Mar 7, 2019
      5. TomvanWijnen
        They sound less similar than your example, though, and they're (:rolleyes:) definitions are also easier to keep apart (:D) (to be honest, I also don't entirely understand how "they're", "their", and "there" are confused so much, but still. :P).
        Mar 7, 2019
    17. Lukas3226
      I'm still trying to figure out if you're serious about bidding or just like nice sequences of numbers :P
      1. Equinox_Boss and TomvanWijnen like this.
      2. TomvanWijnen
        Hahahahaha, both actually. :PI like to bid and get the stuff, and often do so through nice numbers - much more interesting than just all those round thousands. :D
        Feb 17, 2019
      3. Lukas3226
        haha, indeed. It always sheers me up a little when I see your bids :D
        Feb 18, 2019
      4. TomvanWijnen
        :D thank you, that's really nice to hear! :)
        Feb 18, 2019
    18. TomvanWijnen
      I just reached 20,000 likes!! Thar is ridiculous, thanks to everyone! :D (and thanks to Moople in particular for tje 20,000th like. :D)
      1. Raaynn
        ...and one...
        Feb 6, 2019
      2. 607
        I am kind of hoping for my likes to slow down, as I'd like 22k posts and 34k likes to coincide again, as 20k/30k and 21k/32k did. :P
        Feb 7, 2019
      3. TomvanWijnen
        I can stop playing counting with pictures, if you'd like (lol)... :P
        Feb 7, 2019
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    The Netherlands
    Doing homework