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Jan 2, 2025 at 1:30 AM
Nov 23, 2015
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MPO Founder

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Revered Member, Male, from Tennessee

It has now been a decade since I first joined - in-game on my other account. Wow! Jan 2, 2025 at 1:30 AM

We3_MPO was last seen:
Jan 2, 2025 at 1:30 AM
    1. We3_MPO
      For those of you who are currently testing in school, or else are going to between now and June, good luck! Try not to get too nervous, otherwise it'll actually hurt your grades if you do!
      1. haastregt and 607 like this.
      2. AlexC__
        Nervousness is a pretty natural response (and pretty much uncontrollable). The best thing to do is preparation so that any inevitable nervousness is unfounded
        Apr 19, 2018
    2. We3_MPO
      R.I.P. Barbara Bush. You will be missed.
    3. We3_MPO
      Trying hardcore mode for the first time in the almost 4 years that I've played MC. Here goes nothing...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. We3_MPO
        Of course, this is all in single player worlds, and of course I will update on this.
        Apr 17, 2018
      3. 607
        How's it going?
        Apr 19, 2018
      4. We3_MPO
        Not played since that one day.
        Apr 19, 2018
    4. We3_MPO
      The forecast looks VERY unsettling. Although it doesn't look like May or the rest of April will be cold, still somewhat below normal, then followed by a brutal June/July. Now I worry there won't be time for the pool to warm up enough for me to get used to it by then... continued
      1. We3_MPO
        ...and I already drink lots of water and wear loose fitting, thin, light colored, short sleeve clothing, but it's super humid here and I hate getting my clothes wet. But I still need some way to avoid the heat other than staying inside the whole summer or being tortured by cold water. How am I going to deal with the heat now?!
        Apr 16, 2018
      2. We3_MPO
        For those of you who even care, going out at night isn't just going to work either. Pride events don't happen at night, and I will need to do my spray painting to prepare for the annual Independence Day celebration in June, but during the day as I can't see to paint at night.
        Apr 16, 2018
    5. We3_MPO
      When will Winter be done? It was chilly today and even snowed this morning (it wasn’t subfreezing and didn’t stick to the ground, but still).
      1. Alukiann
        I know! I'm trying to mess around outside but it's hard!

        Apr 16, 2018
    6. We3_MPO
      Special thanks to MoreMoople (for drawing it) and AlexC__ (for compressing it) for my brand new avatar!
      1. triphora
        The picture is drawn so well and it looks so good that I can't really describe it in words...
        Apr 16, 2018
      2. Nickblockmaster
        Very nice picture mate!
        Apr 17, 2018
    7. We3_MPO
      How do you compress an image? I want to change my avatar, but it's too large for the server to process.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. AlexC__
        If you give me an imgur link I can compress it for you, or there are probs some tools that'll do it for you online
        Apr 16, 2018
      3. We3_MPO
        Thank you so much!
        Apr 16, 2018
      4. AlexC__
        no problem
        Apr 16, 2018
    8. We3_MPO
      A quote very much needed in a dangerous time like this: "A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons." -Hillary Clinton
      1. View previous comments...
      2. We3_MPO
        Not every politician is giving out fake news and/or trying to get yourmoney. That's a conspiracy theory. But some aren't trustworthy, yes.
        Apr 15, 2018
      3. salmjd
        most of them are, and i would argue hillary clinton is one of them. definitely not as bad as trump though. I respect your opinion tho
        Apr 15, 2018
      4. We3_MPO
        Definitely not as bad as Trump if she is at all, you're right. Thanks. Plus, even if she was, she'd still be preferable over Trump (for me anyways) because Trump's a hater and doesn't know much about politics.
        Apr 15, 2018
    9. We3_MPO
      Remember, the best way to solve your (or others') problems in life, if possible, is to remove the root of the problem.
      1. Sydney4363 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. We3_MPO
        Well, yes, he did support animal rights, but that's almost (if not quite) the only good thing about him.
        Apr 24, 2018
      4. We3_MPO
        He was a horrible person other than that.
        Apr 24, 2018
      5. SoulPunisher
        I'm no Hitler apologist but most of the things the Nazis did didn't come from him. He slept until 12PM in his house in the mountains, relaxed with his wife in his garden, signed some documents, ate, and then went back to sleep. The entire NSDAP and German electorate should be held to account and not just him.
        Apr 24, 2018
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
      2. We3_MPO
        Totally agreed! Thanks for posting that!
        Apr 14, 2018
    10. We3_MPO
      Looking out my window, it's now a verdant green like I wish it was all year! :D
      1. Sydney4363 and SliceOfRhyBread like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Rhyblet
        Excuse me, are you saying that Washington is not a valid United State? :I
        Apr 14, 2018
      4. We3_MPO
        Washington is a U.S. state. It's one of the rainiest and most overcast, though. But in the Mid-Atlantic, the South, and the Southwest, it's warmer and tends to be sunnier (especially in the Southwest because it's desert).
        Apr 14, 2018
      5. We3_MPO
        Also, I like the rain IRL, I just don't like it in Minecraft (too noisy!) or the cold (even and especially if it snows or makes the trees change their leaf colors and lose their leaves). Basically, I love Spring and like Summer, but dislike Winter and hate Autumn.
        Apr 14, 2018
    11. We3_MPO
      The U.S., U.K., and France have performed another missile strike on Syria after more chemical weapons use in Syria, and now Iran and Russia are mad at the three countries. All these wars keep getting more terrifying! Plus innocent people keep DYING! When will it stop?! ;-; :/
      1. ShyguytheGamer1
        Who cares, let em die.
        Apr 14, 2018
      2. We3_MPO
        I don't know if you meant it that way or not, but that did still sound pretty rude.
        Apr 14, 2018
    12. We3_MPO
      Weather here in TN is on some very uncomfortable temperature swings. We had a bad frost last weekend, then two days in a row highs hit 82 (yesterday and the day before) while remaining warm at night, and we're supposed to have another frost Sunday night/Monday morning... :/
      1. We3_MPO
        So much for all that 57-77 weather we had in mid and late February... :/
        Apr 14, 2018
    13. derp_duckie
      I take a peek at "What's New?" and the whole page screams We3 was here!
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
    14. We3_MPO
      Traffic in SimCity 2013 is a complete nightmare, and I've done my best trying to deal with it for YEARS. Why does it have to be so hard to fix? :/
      1. TomvanWijnen
        Maybe you can try using a traffic improving mod?
        Apr 10, 2018
    15. Rex1o
      1. Alukiann
        Apr 9, 2018
    16. We3_MPO
      The Chinese government has started ranking its citizens with a creepy "social credit" system. I hate corrupt authoritarian governments. If only China, Russia, and the numerous other authoritarian regimes would work towards more democratic political systems... :/
      1. FadedMartian0 likes this.
      2. PeculiarPotato
        communism works when it's executed properly.
        Apr 9, 2018
      3. D_ceased
        Of course it does.
        Apr 10, 2018
      4. D_ceased
        Wouldn't expect any other response honestly
        Apr 10, 2018
    17. We3_MPO
    18. We3_MPO
      "A divided house cannot stand." -Abraham Lincoln, historic President of the U.S.
      1. FadedMartian0 likes this.
      2. 607
        That's a quote from Jesus, actually. ;) He said it when people accused him of getting his powers to drive out demons from Satan himself.
        Apr 8, 2018
      3. FadedMartian
        How about this its from both Abe, the man himself, as well as Jesus (the Hispanic name)
        Apr 9, 2018
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    The Minecraft Paradise Outpost on SMP6 has lots to offer! Thread: emc.gs/t/63120/

    If you need to handle a protected block of mine, please PM me on the forums. I've re-enabled email notifications for private convos so I can handle your requests.

    I am We3_10AC, just FYI.


    MPO Founder
    Hello, fellow EMC players. The below info shows everything you need to know about me.

    I am a founder of the Minecraft Paradise Outpost on SMP6. That is where I spend most of my time on EMC. We mainly specialize in building, but we also try to make our transportation systems better than you'd find most other places and have farms to obtain various items. We have a very organized democracy. If you would like to join, please PM me. Make sure you check often for an application, but keep in mind that it may be a while and that you're not guaranteed to get accepted. We do have every biome from before 1.13. Unfortunately, we only have one Mushroom Island, and only one Ice Spikes that is completely within our boundaries, but we do have more Ice Spikes partially in our boundaries, and we have two each of even Badlands and Jungle.

    I have various hobbies in real life, as well. They include riding around, drawing, partying, studying maps, studying the weather, playing outside (if it's not hot or too cold), hanging out with my friends, and of course, gaming. I even live on a 160+ acre farm where we have four-wheeling trails and several creeks. The property owners, my parents, and I enjoy what we have, and we always try to think about what we can do to improve even more. :cool:

    I have a Jack Russell Terrier that has been with us since July 2012. She's still going strong, even after all these years! :eek:

    I do play other games, too. They include, but aren't limited to, Cities:Skylines, Banished, Transport Fever 2 and American Truck Simulator. The only multiplayer server on a game I currently play on is EMC, because most others seem like they're not interesting, too small, or not good servers for my kind of person. :oops:

    I am also a minority in two ways. First, I am on the autism spectrum. I was diagnosed when I was only two, and am very lucky compared to most autistic people. I would like to tell you all, as someone living with it, that it can be hard, but isn't always extreme. If you would like to know more about Autism, there is a documentary called Autism in Love. I recommend it, because the words are from four people living with Autism and their families. Coincidentally, April 2nd is both my mother's birthday and Autism Awareness Day. Secondly, I also am part of the LGBT+ community because I am gay. I haven't had a boyfriend yet as of May 2024, but am trying to find one. Fortunately, my mom, friends, grandmothers, closest cousins and aunts/uncles are supportive, and I wish everyone was this lucky. I support equality for all (including animal rights), too. I believe that every human has value as long as they do what they enjoy without being mean to others, and that animals and even plants are very valuable (and in the case of animals, I believe should be equal) forms of life too.

    I do also study climate and the weather, and I was fortunate to be born into the subtropical climate of the southeastern USA. I was born in Middle Tennessee and have lived there all my life. My favorite season is Summer because I hate the cold and love storms and bright sunlight, plus I prefer green trees over dead-looking or autumn-colored ones and like flowers. My least favorite is Winter for the reasons stated before, combined with my seasonal anxiety in November, December and January. I prefer autumn over spring due to the warmer, more stable weather and continued green/barren landscape, although I'd still choose late spring over late autumn for the same reasons as summer and winter. I even have a thread about the seasons.

    Do you like to draw and/or look at drawings? I do have a thread where I post some of my digital drawings, and as stated above, I do like to draw; but it's mostly (not entirely, of course) summer/spring stuff because I like colorful stuff and green stuff, and value life in general. The link is: https://empireminecraft.com/threads/we3s-art-thread.75122/

    I hope you found this interesting. If you would like to talk to me, you may PM me, but as always, please do not be rude.


    Some of my favorite quotes:

    "If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals." -Sirius Black (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)

    "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering." -Yoda (Star Wars)