The Pun Thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by emfs_ad, Mar 15, 2015.

  1. I have a beef with you. I think I got a raw deal.
    AnonReturns, Gawadrolt and Ultimamaxx like this.
  2. Did you hear about the man who dropped his milk? He tried to catch it, but he was too lait.
  3. French speakers will get it. <3
  4. Yeah. That kind of spoiled it for me though.
  5. He laid out his plans that hatched into an eggcellent idea but the porker failed to follow through... So sue we.
    Mayoman100 likes this.
  6. So I was doing my school work and I just had to do this XD
    Also for my exit ticket I had to write one thing the teacher would want me to remember (probably about what we read) but I put "my name" XD
    (Couldnt get a pic teacher was watching XD)
  7. It's hard to see...
    607 likes this.
  8. I lost it at "I can't strand it" xD

    Props to you my good sir!
    607 likes this.
  9. image.jpg

    One I sent through snapchat :p (add me at conner_kavan33)
  10. This thread is still very relevant, so I shall post the best pun I have ever seen... on imgur.
  11. Broke a vase the other day, made a loud crashing sound.

    Mayoman100 likes this.
  12. So my teacher asked me to make a summary for a Tale of Two Cities. I spent a while figuring out how to best do it. So I tried various formats, chronological, importance of events, chronological events separated by characters... then I finally decided to write a single quote from the book to summarize. Long story short, I did it.
    607 and Traynfreek like this.
  13. Do you know why Peter Pan flies all the time?
    He Neverlands. :D

    *awkward silence*

  14. This pun is original (at least I think it is)

    What do you call a roll shaped like a drum?
    Drum-Roll please!
    Mayoman100 likes this.
  15. -_-
    Chespinlover77 likes this.
  16. Teacher: "OK kids! Whoever answers my next question will get to go home early!"
    One kid throws his backpack out the window.
    Teacher: "Who did that!?!"
    Kid: "Me! I'm going home now."

    Seems legit.
    Chespinlover77 likes this.
  17. \

    What is an alpaca?

    A furry llama.

    xD cracks me up all the time
  18. may i axe you a question my knifest friend?