aww yis I remember someone making a suggestion thread about these features awhile ago, so glad you got it to work out.
I am still hopping for the ability (even with use of a plugin maybe) where you have a book in a chest and people can take the book out read it but not leave with the book. Maybe have it on a timer or something so it goes back into the chest in some way. That way you don't have to have a bazillion signs in one spot to convey info.
Or the ability to have a book in a chest or item frame and you can [Preview] the book the same way they just made chests capable. How's that?
Cake! You deserve lots of cake, lets get cake, can we get cake? If you let me eat cake i won't nibble your noses for like 3 hours, i will be distracted by cake. Plus you all get some cake too, am i obsessed with cake maybe........ Just adding my random part to every conversation