New Features! Signs & More - 1/30/15

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Jan 30, 2015.

  1. 2 Questions here:

    1) Will /dispose work while out in the wastes/frontier, or does it only work in town, like /vault ?
    2) Will PREVIEW work in the wastes/frontier? Right now i'm seeing it as a way to lock your chest for zero rupees, as opposed to the use of LOCKED.
  2. Nice! Like this update! :)
  3. Biggest small update so far. Friggin love it :D
  4. 1, /dispose will work in the wild/waste
    2. Can only be placed on residences. Not 100% sure of flags needed but I would be surprised if it is not the same needed to place shop signs. Also doesn't prevent those with container flag from opening the chest.
    [restrict] signs can also only be placed on residences.
  5. /dispose = awesome ! (No more need for those laggy redstone disposal machines)
    Thank you all for adding these features and bug fixes.
  6. Liking this update a lot! Keep up the good work guys :D
    cadgamer101 and bloodra1n like this.
  7. Wow, thanks so much, devs! This may just be one of my favorite mini-updates ever, specifically this:
    I can see this as being really useful for some players, myself included. :)
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.
  8. In case you guys want / need a demonstration on how you can use some of the new features then you might like this quick guide I wrote. Consider it my way of saying thank you for those awesome new features.
  9. I do not entirely agree on the map feature, thank you for the other features too!
  10. Great update! Lost of things came in!
  11. Will definitely have to add the chat alert for Anon when I log on ^_^ I really like the preview chests too, know exactly where I'm gonna add one c:

    Thanks for an awesome mini update!
    607 likes this.
  12. And you said it would be until after February 1st chickeneer =P
    Nice surprise to see on the forums this morning.

    Thanks for the speediness as always!
    607 and hashhog3000 like this.
  13. We should have it setup so anytime someone uses /dispose it goes into a chest on my res. Everything is useful to somebody :D
  14. Cool! these got added :D
    two days to late :p. well, I think I will support soon again anyways =D.
    Patr1cV likes this.
  15. Aikar the savior with all the tasty updates ^.^
  16. This is actually one of my favorite EMC updates. There's a lot of stuff in there that helps make the Empire more customization and player-friendly. Great job Prof. Aikar and Dr. Chicken, you've really outdone yourselves this time.
    AlexChance and ShelLuser like this.
  17. /dispose
    the end to all our chests-filled-with-dirt problems! :):D
  18. Great job, awesome new features! Question... If we set all our flags to default, will an access sign work on a lever or pressure plate to allow only one person to use just that lever and not the rest? Or would that require more code writing?
  19. Yes, currently you can place an access sign one block above that lever, and their name on lines 2,3, or 4. To give them access JUST to that lever (regardless of their flag permissions)

    Does not apply to pressure plates though, fyi.