SMP8 Public Wild Utilities

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by khixan, Jun 16, 2015.


SMP8 wants ???

XP Grinders 145 vote(s) 46.0%
Iron Farm 63 vote(s) 20.0%
Gold Farm 52 vote(s) 16.5%
Guardian Farm 39 vote(s) 12.4%
Other (leave in comments) 16 vote(s) 5.1%
  1. Well done Faded, thank you!
    FadedMartian and Tuqueque like this.
  2. while doing some sightseeing I noticed that there is no ender chest around near the public farm (not that shell & me could find), so I placed one here:

    i hope this is ok, if not then i'll remove it ofc!


    some1 forgot buildmode while replanting ^.^ so I placed an extra warning sign to remind ppl to turn buildmode OFF. I'm sure that should be ok but still wanted to share what I did ^.^


    I also noticed a ton of swords and other junk lying on the floor @ pigmentus and i know that lying items can also create lag. So I added a warning asking ppl to /dispose of their excess items instead of leaving them lying on the floor.
  3. There should be 2 or 3 ender chests out there already. I have no idea where they've run off to if you didn't see any. Thanks!

    The sign is a good idea. I forget that too a lot with crops.
    Tuqueque and AyanamiKun like this.
  4. I realize this was posted a month ago, so you may have already done this by now, but I have a design that I use for getting rid of garbage in my other farms that works like a charm. You're welcome to use it if you like.

    Alternatively, you could put up a sign telling people to use /trash. Not that anyone will read it. :p
    Tuqueque, khixan and FadedMartian like this.
  5. we have signs at another farm and it appears as if either no one cares or simply put chooses to ignore the multiple signs... lol

    as for the design you utilize, id love to see the design if you wouldn't mind! please PM with the details when you get the chance!
    Tuqueque and khixan like this.
  6. I also have a ton of chests I could set up on an empty residence of mine and set up a free buying sign
    Tuqueque and FadedMartian like this.
  7. Glad to hear, all donations are much appreciated! If you feel so inclined, please PM me the location, and I will pick up asap
    Tuqueque likes this.
  8. I mean as in like, there will be a sign where people can sell poppies to me for free. So that there is a place for people to put their poppies. (I'd just /trash them periodically)
    Tuqueque likes this.
  9. ah, no worries. the poppies will eventually have a mass storage system at FE(II) of which will be available to anyone at that point.. its also ok if people want to drop them off at your residence of course as well.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  10. The Pwu seems to be a big succes, I'm happy to be a member!
    Tuqueque, khixan and FadedMartian like this.
  11. I agree benny! PWU would not succeed without kind, helpful members of the community like yourself!
    Tuqueque, BennyLikesCake and khixan like this.
  12. Cross posted from Discord PWU Announcements -

    Folks, I want to take a moment to talk about stress and anxiety and PWU. Being part of PWU is a volunteer gig that should be 90% a fun hobby. You enjoy EMC, and you enjoy group community activities, and you want to participate in some manner in those things. That's it. There is nothing here that should be stressing you out, or causing you drama. If you have things in real life that need your attention, GO DO THOSE THINGS.

    We will be here when you feel like returning, and if you don't return, that's fine too! You participated, you maybe learned something, and hopefully had a great time while you were at it. There is nothing here that HAS to be done. There is NO RUSH. If you need a break, go take a break. I took nearly 8 months off recently. PWU did not fall apart, and the world did not end. Your time is your own. Spend it wisely and as joyfully as possible. I love you all. So take breaks, take vacations, and just lemme know what you need to do. It's all good <3
    ChumMiner, ScrObot, Tuqueque and 3 others like this.
  13. thank ya! I didn't help as much as some people
    Tuqueque, khixan and FadedMartian like this.
  14. Cross posted from Discord -

    Here's what left TO DO for design of Peps old area:
    1. Feedback. This works, this doesn't, suggestions, edits.
    2. Garden area around tree - Tbird (may be done directly on EMC)
    3. Interiors - Tbird gets first dibs. She's welcome to delegate if she doesn't want to do them all herself, and these may wind up being done directly on EMC instead of a part of schema from creative.
    4. Head farming area which Sadie was working on, and now Corrupted and I are messing about with per Sadie's request.
    5. Large high up nether portal for some random pig splats (a few random pieces of gold). The pigs should splat near the front of the build (near where it hooks into cake path out at wild north).
    6. Landscaping. Bushes, trees, and most important lighting. Harp has started this with a fountain area.
    7. Fishing area (west side).
    I am nixing the apartment idea for this area. Don't think it's needed at this location a few steps from spawn. Think the apartments will be far more useful farther out. Don't put them anywhere near Pigmentus or Fe(II) please though I think Faded and Flores already have that all figured out.

    I am probably going to be busy today and this weekend. You are welcome to continue working on the design without me. The biggest things are the landscaping (trees, bushes and most importantly LIGHTING) for the area, and the fishing dock/s. I am thinking the fishing spot goes on the west end since it has the most room.

    I may also move the head farming area to the other side and combine it with an elytra launch. Thinking atm, not doing till I noodle that further and line up the schema out there to see precisely where the road is going to link up. Be aware things may get pushed around by a few blocks to line up roads, old rail, etc.

    I'm hoping to have the schema ready by end of next weekend 4/28. I know we do not normally use schematica for PWU builds, but we're going to this time around, mostly due to that world tree. If you want to help build, you are going to need schematica for this one, sorry all. We normally avoid using that because not everyone has it or is used to it, but there's no doing this without it (that dang tree is gonna be a headache even with it). Hopefully it will be worth it when it's done, and it's been a real pleasure working on designs with everyone :)

    Have fun all! Thank you! <3
  15. I mean, S4M was done in part by schema *waves* but yeah, it was designed on the fly xD
    Love the build so far. This is going to be fun.
  16. Can confirm. I, with the wonderful help of Sadie have plopped a dirt base layer for the apartments, yet I have not quite squared out the far North part of it. I chose to the east of Bone Machine, with the idea in mind to not get too close to Pigmentus or Fe(II).

    Hopefully this area is good, if not, please let me know!
    Tuqueque, ShelLuser and khixan like this.
  17. With the wonderful help of Sadie.. *dies of laughter* how humbling, I went back to guildorn and youtubed for a bits... xD Thanks, though... I'm moreso waiting on Where the heck do the apartments go? (on that plot)
  18. Ok, so I’m beginning to be active again and have a couple in projects in mind including updating FeII and other stuff. Yesterday I also added new elevators to the nether hub! Let me know what you think! (Only upward elevators, its faster to jump down from second floor)
    If you have design suggestions or ideas PM m!
    KatydidBuild and khixan like this.
  19. If you need any help digging for fighting off mobs so you can build let me know.
    Tuqueque and khixan like this.