If I can come up with a subject/whatever to write about (unlikely >.<), I'd love to write for this. Problem: coming up with a subject. Anyone some ideas?
Mine was basically a letter (in poetry form) to my fifteen year old self who was still worried about where I'd go after secondary school, how much that version of myself would hate me, changes in physical appearance, where my mental state is at now, how I know how it feels to be loved, blahblahblah. Feel free to copy or take inspiration from that
How well do EMC's teachers react to a request for an extension of the hand-in time? (I'm both joking and terribly serious... - I'd love to finish my piece for this, but I also really should go to bed on time... >.<) I should write a poem to myself to tell myself that I should have started on this earlier
Understandable. I guess I'll be responsible for once and just go to bed. Good luck to all others who weren't troubled by a lack of inspiration and then not enough time due to homework when they finally had some.