Was helping LBoss out with a fun project on Utopia (no spoilers, we've only been working for... I think almost a year now on this project ) and well, we have a dress code So when Aya showed up she got kicked from the res. (awwww ) for not meeting said dress code. So today Merek asked me for some help on Utopai, I went over while I had totally forgotten about the silliness earlier this weekend. lol Not looking freaky at all there Can only imagine what Merek might have been thinking
This is not on the Empire but still a random screenshot..... Aya's pet as you've never seen her before Like? You can easily get her for yourself with a custom function.... Code: give @p minecraft:spawn_egg 1 0 {EntityTag:{id:"minecraft:llama",Tame:1,Temper:1,ChestedHorse:1,Variant:1,Strength:5,DecorItem:{id:"minecraft:carpet",Damage:6,Count:1,tag:{display:{Name:"§aAya's cloth",Lore:["§3§ob/c Llamas are cool! ^.^","§6§lSpecial Server Stuff","§b§l§oUnbreakable"]},ench:[{id:71,lvl:1}],Unbreakable:1,HideFlags:4}},Items:[{id:"minecraft:skull",Damage:3,Count:1b,Slot:9b,tag:{SkullOwner:{Name:AyanamiKun,Id:"d213de92-2600-4969-99e6-71fee310d96f"},display:{Name:"§a§lAyanamiKun's head",Lore:["§5§lStaff head","§6§lSpecial Server Stuff","§4§oCursed!"]},ench:[{id:10,lvl:1}],HideFlags:1}}]},display:{Name:"§d§l§oLlamayamiKun",Lore:["§a§oAyanamiKun's pet","§6§lSpecial Server Stuff"]},ench:[{id:34,lvl:5}],HideFlags:1} Copy/paste will work but you will need to put this into a function. So, from world save: data/functions/<yourdir>/stuff After that: /function yourdir:stuff. Where 'stuff' is a text file (containing the above) called: stuff.mcfunction. Minecraft has never been so customizable as it is today.
I am pritty sure it's a ShellContraption™. A machine specially developed to destroy the Empire Minecraft servers to make them, and the comunity, a possesion of a person who is called Peter but calls himself ShellLuser. (Now I think about it, you've got both the same age (I beleve to remember) and the same name as my dad...)
You sure? Well, then I'd better take it apart right away because that scenario sounds like a lot of effort to me. I'm already getting tired when even thinking about it Uh oh
Wow, I didn't think they were already called resource packs in 2013. Anyway; then it must be descendent of the same. As I'm sure I recognise those textures from either GeruDoku or DokuCraft!
I spent about an hour working on this. It's just a little piece that was based on this here which was based on this piece done by Bosoc.