Minecraft 1.12

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by Unoski, Feb 8, 2017.

  1. The following may be worthy for a separate thread:

    Even with only a single snapshot so far, there are very strong indicators that Minecraft 1.12 is a dedicated update to building and aesthetics.

    But, with all of these new blocks already shown so far and likely more on the way, 1.12 is making me stop building until it arrives. This problem isn't anything new for me; I had a similar feeling waiting for 1.7 and 1.8 too. I have tried to distract myself by gathering resources to prepare for MC updates to come to EMC, but the effectiveness doesn't last for long and I return to a bored state.


    The 1.9 and 1.11 updates were slightly different, but the result was practically the same: a resistance to build prior to launch. Instead of waiting for new blocks, I was waiting on quality-of-life-improving features: Dual-Wielding, Mending, Elytra, Shulker Box.


    JDHallows, PetezzaDawg, 607 and 2 others like this.
  2. thrice devs have talked about cars in MC #worried
    JDHallows and NuclearBobomb like this.
  3. If this happens, drive a car into mob arena.
  4. Well, the extra attention for creativity ('Creative'?) makes sense I think. Last updates focused more on survival and adventure ("Exploration update") so it seems fair to also focus on creativity a bit more. And quite frankly I really enjoy the terracotta so far.

    I can well understand that some players may not like it because it's so different from the rest. While that maybe so it's also a very cool addition for those of us who aren't that creative and it gives us an easier way out to still build something, well, more decorative I guess.

    For example... I'm really not that great with design and all (creative design, redstone designs on the other hand...). But I really think I made a decently ominous looking altar here:

    Of course my resource pack also helped a bit ;)

    This is a combination of terracotta, coal, bone, concrete and black clay blocks.

    And I think Mojang put much more thought into those terracotta designs than most give them credit for. I mean, it seriously surprised me to see how well certain designs seemed to "fit" each other and allowed you to extend on existing patterns a bit.

    This doesn't happen all the time, and maybe I'm simply biased because I came up with this design, but even so... I think this isn't all too bad either:

    It's a continuance of the design I shared earlier.

    Look very carefully: above and below the two blue terracotta blocks are two cyan blocks. But those are completely different from the light-gray blocks (the main pattern) in the middle. Despite that they easily blend in. I think you don't even notice them at a first glimpse. And I think that is an impressive design on the part of Mojang.

    I'm not much of a builder, so I can't fully relate, but I can somewhat understand. The last update really had me anxious for the observer blocks. To such extend that I even upgraded my redstone world to the snapshot version. And this is very out of place for me: I always keep my redstone world at the same version which I play on because I use it a lot for testing and redstone designs.

    But yeah, I plan on not doing that anymore. I'm not going to solely focus on what is to come but try to enjoy what we currently have. Its going to be awesome, but for me it doesn't take away the need to mine, or to nag at EMC for those blasted nether hounds ;)
  5. If anybody is wondering, "where are the other 1.12 snapshots?", the answer is that the developers have been really busy over the past month: tons of meetings, Game Developer's Conference, and rewriting old systems.
    Remember the droughts during 1.8 and 1.9 development? It's the same deal with 1.12, for now.


    Dinnerbone has returned to developing MC and he has been rewriting critical code, like inventory and chunk loading mechanics. He is currently working on something very technical.

    For over a year now, Grum has been working on allowing the game to have a whole lot more block types, beyond the current limit of 256. This limit was essentially reached as of the first 1.12 snapshot.
    I myself played a major role to inform the Minecraft community about this issue, and Grum is still working on solving the present block ID limit.

    Ex: https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/5rozby/grum_on_twitter_34_unused_block_ids_left/


    Personally, I believe this limitation is why Mojang hasn't added more stairs, slabs, walls, etc. in the more recent updates (1.9-1.11). They've instead added other blocks, like the Bone Block, Magma Block, Shulker Boxes, and the Observer, to get more out of the available block IDs. The opportunity cost for a block with unique textures and properties has been the same as or less expensive than adding decorative variants to pre-existing blocks.
    JDHallows, 607 and ShelLuser like this.
  6. I know a lot of people have been upset with the new update/blocks. I, myself, don't really like the terracotta, but... They are good for certain things. I am SUPER excited for the Concrete, and Concrete powder. They have lot's of good possibilities, I ask the EMC Community to not get upset and say 'Minecraft is ruined' ... If you don't like the blocks, don't use them. Get a texture pack that just cancels them out. I don't care what you do, just don't get mad at other people if they like them.

    Aight, I'm done with my little spiel here... Can't wait for 1.12!
    JDHallows likes this.
  7. -

    Concrete is a wonderful addition -- very clean and solid bold colors; although, I do agree with some people that it's bothersome/frustrating to not have stairs and slabs for them, but as I've described above, there's a reason for why they're not available, at least for right now.

    On the other hand, we shouldn't jump to conclusions about terracotta blocks right away. Some of the textures will change.
    As a concept, terracotta isn't to be thought of as a standard building block, like concrete and hardened clay. These blocks have a lot of detail to them and thus most of the time, their ideal use is for accents -- decoration.

    Consider an architectural idea I call detail density: it's easy to add good accents in a modern build style, because the canvas lacks detail; most of the build is made of very smooth textures.
    JDHallows, TuckerAmbr and 607 like this.
  8. We've been waiting on those for years now. No big deal.
  9. I see what your saying... but who cares if it is more explosive than other blocks? No one has easy access to your res, and the TNT flag unless you give it to them. And the only other area is the waste/wild, and in the wild if you buildmode it, it doesn't matter...

    Hows it going? What are your favorite new blocks?
    JDHallows likes this.
  10. Mojang had meetings all week long, after GDC:



    Even though I understand what the MC developers have been going through, after a while without a concrete update, I find it really difficult to not be somewhat agitated towards the Minecraft community. I think it's in-part because I project the negativity other people have towards these sorts of situations. But, the reality is that I don't find many people online upset as much as I am for an un-pre-explained drought right after when snapshots were starting up again.

    As I'm writing this, I still feel some anger for my projected great dissatisfaction the community has had for the past month, which might be an idiotic reason to be angry in the first place! (Maybe I should go assault some mobs or dungeons now).

    JDHallows likes this.
  11. Coloured beds? Ok, now I have to give up playing Minecraft. it's too much :p

    (I liked the red bed :p)

    And no: I won't quit, I love this game :)
    JDHallows, NuclearBobomb and 607 like this.
  12. I don't know about you. But I'm tired sleeping on the same sheets. They need to be washed. :D
  13. Really? Well, we'll see, but I think I'll always prefer the red beds. :p
    JDHallows and AhsokaTower like this.

  14. ( From MC Forums: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum...2805185-waiting-for-the-next-1-12-snapshot-pc )

    Ever since the start of this year, I've gotten highly interested with Minecraft 1.12. This is the update for me and many other passionate builders
    (the following thoughts are coming from a MC builder with 4-5 years of experience).
    I greatly appreciate what the developers have done and are doing with this update.


    But, I'm extremely bothered by that — while there is a snapshot, this is the only one:
    ( http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/17w06a ).
    Based on what Mr. Jeb said here:
    and past development trends, more snapshots with more additions, features, and changes are expected after the first one for a major update. Except, this is not the case with 1.12.

    At the time of me writing, it has been 5 weeks since the first 1.12 snapshot. After waiting a week or two in February, I’ve started to get anxious, impatient, infuriated, and sometimes — very sad. In-attempt of expressing fairness, at least two of those weeks had limited development time due to a flood of meetings and the annual GDC (Game Developer’s Conference). And in the time of developing, they’ve been working on some highly technical pieces, like removing the current block id limit so they can add more blocks. What are some of the most requested blocks for Minecraft? More slabs and stairs.

    With this update, 1.12, and its name: the “World of Color Update”, Mojang has set an ideal theme to satisfy some of the most wanted building features for the game. And they’ve made some success already, and the community can only encourage them to do more (in-general). The opinions are strong — applying the good minds of the community will be very rewarding, but not responding to them can destroy avid players’ lives. If the developers do not add a bunch of stair and slab blocks in this update, we’re going to clobber and smash them down to the lava and bedrock, maybe even into The Void. This tension grows from rumors that hardened clay, granite, diorite, andesite, concrete, etc. stairs and slabs will not happen, even after solving the issue with limited block ids. That’s a show of how much people care about Minecraft.

    So, what’s my problem? I play Minecraft mostly on a multiplayer server. And on there, I like to build a lot and conduct large-scale projects. Whenever new building blocks are announced for an upcoming update to the game, I think about how I could incorporate the blocks into my builds. I have gotten better at ignoring them and carrying on my work without them; I wasn’t excited about 1.10. But now with the number of blocks incoming, I feel guilty to not have them for whatever I’m building. And some of the textures are going to change in future snapshots: wool and cyan terracotta. I’ve felt that if I experiment with the new blocks and wool colors, I will not have an accurate depiction of how my builds will look in the final release. I haven’t been inclined to mess around with the blocks in Creative. But, I’ll try again now.


    What I think this time comes to at the end of the day, is that this development of 1.12 is leaving me cliff-hanging and wondering what are the developers doing to building in Minecraft, my greatest passion about it. I want to know all the blocks they’ll be adding in this update and be able to try them all out and/or judge if I want to use any of those new blocks as the primary building material of a large building project.
    Am I alone in having these personal issues with Minecraft 1.12 — The World of Color Update? Does anyone have any help/advice for me and other builders?


    — ForeverMaster
    Playing Minecraft since Beta 1.3 (2011).

    MC Forums Link: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum...2805185-waiting-for-the-next-1-12-snapshot-pc
    JDHallows, NuclearBobomb and Tuqueque like this.
  15. You have unrealistic expectations. I know that you understand that changing how the block IDs work is not an easy task. But I am unsure about if you understand how changing how block IDs work isn't a contained task. By doing that, (I believe) they also need to completely revamp the ID systems in general. This includes non-block items, states, etc. That is not an easy task. Then they have to change how these IDs are processed. I am sure that many places within their code, they have functions that rely on how the old ID system worked. These problems are not easy to diagnose. Given that Minecraft is roughly six years old (from release, not alpha), unless their documentation is absolutely stellar, they are going to have to relearn what a lot of the base code does and how it works. That is an extremely tedious process.

    Then, there is the reality that they are a business, and one that is owned by someone else. They need to prove consumers that they have a product that is still worth buying, and they need to prove to their owners that their business plan is viable for the foreseeable future. This means steady updates that keep people attached to the game. If they did everything everyone wanted in one update, then people would get burnt out in the time it would take the devs to find/implement new ideas. Steadily releasing a few features versus putting out mammoth updates is a viable business strategy.

    And finally, your attachment to the game is not normal, and is not healthy. It is ok to be annoyed and frustrated by a games development (such as when GTA V was released and the online didn't work for weeks), but if it is affecting your life in the ways you listed, then you have an addiction that you need to address. You should enjoy the game (not just playing, but however you like, such as following the development process), but in the case that when you are not enjoying the game your life is significantly impacted, that is not ok.
    JDHallows, 607, Jelle68 and 2 others like this.
  16. It was also mentioned by Jeb that between 1.12 and 1.13 versions all textures would be revamped... And there are rumors on new soundtracks and noises
    JDHallows likes this.
  17. As a builder, I really quite like those new beds since the old one didn't fit well in most colour palets (I had even made a special colour palet just so that the bed fit in), but this gives me (us?) A little more freedom in how you want a functional/small bedroon to look. I'll just thank Jeb for that :)
    JDHallows, ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  18. Coloured beds?! Now this is something that I, along with loads of other players, have been waiting for <3
    (I also just really hate the colour red xD)