[Suggestion] Add Leaderboard for Rupees and Tokens

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by RandomZh, Dec 14, 2016.

  1. Suggestion:
    Add Leaderboard for Rupees and Tokens.
    Of course all rupee numbers and token numbers are anonymous by default.
    Add a command to show your name.
  2. -1 both of these are currencies that fluctuate a lot, so having a top of these wouldnt make sense in my opinion
    Gawadrolt, Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  3. I was on another server that did have that for rupees or whatever they called it and they ended up getting rid of it. I think they felt that too many players became obsessed with getting the baltop spot that it took away from the player experience. Of course I was ok with having it, as I was always baltop.
    Equinox_Boss, ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  4. Suggestion: add the subject of the suggestion in the title, instead of only the suggestion tag.
    Also, I'm not for this. I second tuqueque's comments, plus I'm afraid it'll discourage people from buying items or keeping items.
    And I don't see a pro of it either, if you want to compare you can ask people or start a thread.
    Equinox_Boss and ShelLuser like this.
  5. How would it not make sense? Obviously can't express people's whole net worth but there are people on EMC with rupee balances you can't imagine, lol. Would be interesting to have a leaderboard and guess who is who / see how much wealth there is out there.

    I can see this adding to the player experience more than anything. Lots of people want to be the best of the best, and it would give a reason for a lot more economical exchanges to pass other's and represent wealth.

    MoeMacZap, Zrugite, Tigerstar and 4 others like this.
  6. How much you got samsimx? You can be the first to share.
  7. I personally wouldn't be okay with this if the names showed, but also what's the point without names showing? You don't know who's at the top, you just know the amount. Then threads will pop up like "Guess who has the highest rupee count".
  8. I like that idea - have a leaderboard of the highest amounts, without the names! :)
    Vortixin, padde73, Gawadrolt and 2 others like this.
  9. I see some unworthy problems comming from it :

    - It would cause huge flows of junk messages to the baltop players (trying to sell crap to them bc they are rich).
    - Lots of hacks reports from jealous players.
    - Revelation of ''secret'' alts, the banking accounts of some people would be revealed.
    - The lack of generosity from baltop players will probably occur an important uproar in some point.
    - more I'm not thinking of atm...

    I don't mind, but mobilizing staff efforts on this tweak is not worth it in my opinion.

    Nickblockmaster and Equinox_Boss like this.
  10. +1

    I've suggested a leaderboard for tokens before so obviously I'm in favor of this one.

    But a little context is required: not so much for myself. Quite frankly I don't care at all about leaderboards. At one time I noticed that I was in the top 100 of the EXP board and that was basically the last time I paid attention to that.

    However I do think that there are plenty of players who like the competitiveness a bit. And lets be honest: we all have the same opportunities to gain this stuff. We can all vote, go out into the waste & fight mobs, etc. And yes, even though I don't care too much about leaderboards I will go on the record saying that I'm quite happy with my 245k tokens :)
    Sgt_Pepper4 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  11. I would be interested to see this but there would have to be an option to have your name shown or not
  12. Perhaps it could be a top 10 thing. Like the Halloween event but with out names. Highest on each smp and over all.

    /Tscore /Rscore
    Sgt_Pepper4 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  13. The argument about names: just read the OP, he even says that there would be a command so you can opt in / out out of having your name shown.

    It's one of those ideas where you either hate it or love it. Some don't care to see other's amounts, and that's fine. Some would be discouraged to know how wealthy people are, some would get motivation from it.

    I personally have no problem sharing my amount, and for the record, this amount would not even be on top ten of leaderboard to my knowledge.

  14. I would like to see higher than the top 10 as it would be nice to see who is near me in rupees if i didn't make it into the top 10
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  15. Perhaps then on top of the top 10....It could also include the top 5 ahead of you and the top 5 below you.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  16. -1

    Even if the amount would not be on there, you get the players who come and try to do stuff for you just coz of the funds.

    Then there is the fact that not everyone wants to be listed on there as the funds will go up and down, depending on what they are doing. Say building a Diamond Build or making a Massive Mall. Their funds will be all over.

    I think this will kinda defeat the whole purpose of the Privacy of everyone's balance on EMC. The leaderboards are fine as is, No need to make ones that will break the Privacy of players income/balance.
    The_Mancub, Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  17. Well true, of course is interesting. Maybe in the monthly news letter it could say: The top balances are... 1: XXXXXX 2: XXXXX 3:XXXXXX with no name of the holder

    But just a constant leaderboard is not interesting.
    Equinox_Boss and samsimx like this.
  18. The issue, Is EMC is not revolving around who has the most funds, It has no relevance to the server....
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  19. So you're saying rupees have no relevance on EMC? So if we took them out of the game EMC would be fine?
    Equinox_Boss and Tuqueque like this.
  20. EMC advertises it self as an economy server... At least, that is why I joined...
    RaiinNL, Vortixin, Zrugite and 2 others like this.