That moment when....

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by WayneKramer, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. the moment when u think u can jump that lava filled ravine with your speed 130 horse
    ShelLuser likes this.
  2. ive done tha many times... i quit buying expensive horses....
  3. When you see people lose so many horses that they stop buying expensive ones but you have had the same 130 speed horse for over nine months and use it almost every day(that you play)
    Wither_Addict and ShelLuser like this.
  4. That moment when....You realize a realization of realization that you forgot you realized once before.
    Gawadrolt and cowland123 like this.
  5. Moment when u get weird blocks ^.^

    TomvanWijnen and 607 like this.
  6. And that ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when a unicorn cries.
  7. That moment when... It's someone's IRL birthday and they give random players gifts instead of receiving/asking for them.
    Qkazooo, 607 and AyanamiKun like this.
  8. moment when Momentus invades! :eek:

  9. That moment when you only need to get online for one minute to do some work but end up getting on EMC and play for like 3 hours and getting none of your work you initially needed to do done...

    This happens to me way too often lol
  10. That moment when I finally got that trainset I always wanted! :D

    Ok, it is in-game and yes: all train carts look pretty alike but that doesn't stop me from having some fun here :cool:

    btw, maybe a useful tip: if you pick up auction amounts like these in the way I do (using /vault) then it helps to write it down if you place stuff in a page where it normally doesn't belong (like /vault nether). Because that was the one place I didn't look, because it didn't make any sense if I had put the rails in there. And so I managed to misplace one DC of rails earlier today :D
    607 and AncientTower like this.
  11. Moment u got the power supply 4 that trainkit:

    lol! :D
    Jelle68, ANubIsWe3 and 607 like this.
  12. That moment when you brush your teeth then realize you are really hungry.
    ShelLuser, Jelle68, 607 and 4 others like this.
  13. This is why I'm still awake
    I want that diamond texture
    607 and JustCallMe_Bunni like this.
  14. moment after digging out lots of dirt :confused:

    u go down 2 new room and then...

    so much work, lol! now got 5 or 6dcs of dirt! :eek:
  15. #waytootired :(

    Moment when the company you do systems administration / phone support for starts using a new system, but due to a fluke incident all their externals get ("would have been") told about it 2 days too late :confused:

    And the introduction did not go as smoothly as planned :rolleyes:

    That other moment at the end of a horrid and way too tiresome day when you get a surprise commendation because you were one of the few externals who didn't keep telling people "that system isn't being used yet" but escalated.

    Meh... small mining session then time for bed.
    AncientTower likes this.
  16. What are you building ?

    The first thing I thought of when I saw these picture is that it the Ghostbusters ghost storage room. Even though it looks nothing like it. Except for the fact that there are stairs on the left of a rectangular room.

  17. 640 days should be enough for everybody!

    In case you don't get it: this refers to a statement once made by Bill Gates about 640kb worth of computer memory ;)

    In case you're wondering what I'm smelting: this chunk of clay :)
    JustCallMe_Bunni likes this.
  18. Use TNT if its the whole res
  19. that moment when skeleton trap! :eek:

    was scary, u walk to skeleton horse and then u see lightning and get this ^.^

    is not much fun b/c after u killed them ur reward is blocked:

    I want my skellie horsie! :(
    lottie1664, JesusPower2 and 607 like this.