APRIL FOOLS! EMC and 1.9 combat, what will happen!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by BigDavie, Apr 1, 2016.

  1. Yes, I know what day it is. I only made my opinions clear about various things if they actually came true, which they most likely won't.
  2. It still doesn't make it okay for a server to break the terms of the EULA. That would be like saying that if one person kills someone, that someone else can also kill someone.

    I'm going to end this here, we don't need a full-blown debate on presidential candidates or EULA compliance on the forums. If you wish to continue, please do me a favour and leave me out.[/quote]
    What sorta like how the death penalty works lethal injections or firing squad guillotine ect that people have used to kill killers but behind that is executioners so in a way depending on state andcountry or point of view maybe
  3. Too bad if we go down you go with us no hypocrisy
  4. im still scared XD
  5. Shadow_Dcord likes this.
  6. You should be. These guys are brutal. They will be just waiting for you to step off that last step. THEN BAM! You won't even see it coming. They will be on you so fast. But I can take care of you. No one will mess with me. But. of course I can't do it for free you understand. But it's a lot better than the alternative. You just give it some thought.
  7. None the less if this does happen I think my guild may need to return. If you don't know about my guild it was not from EMC.
  8. Okay, thank you, that's fine with me, I'd rather go to bed too :)
  9. Shhh
  10. but staff, I want my opinion to be heard as long as possible if you care for EMC, and for your sake.

    1. First EMC has tried always to be fair to all players, so they added the fair pvp arena. It wouldn't make sense to make the wild/waste a pvp area since it would be unfair.

    2.Second, It was obvious that true EMC members, the one which consider themselves to other as family, were going to react like this. SO it would had been at least considerate first to: add a poll if we want this changes. In EMC community has always been first than the business, as the business is based on them. Secondly, BigDavie should have waited for our Community Manager, Krysyy to have married, her most happy moment in here life, and then after a few days introduced this idea. Now, after krysyy marrying, when she first connect, she WILL see CHAOS. Not our fault as it was obvious that many of us were going to react with hate. This is nonsense!

    3. It is rude to call people a chicken, and making a chicken noise if player A has a feather, and Player B is attacking him is nonsense. Is like when the aspects that quartz members have in the supporter page were bulleted using sad faces. IT IS RUDE.

    4. EMC has always bee trying to stay away from a faction server. Making this would made so
    Empires are a synonym to Factions, Outpost to bases, and for EMC to be Pay2Win, which is against EULA. Yes, true factions server earn more money in a short period of time than economy based, BUT you can't change your opinion after 5 years, now you are in it and you need to keep it floating. If starlis inc want to launch smp10 which would be pvp based, due so, but not to all its server.

    5. EMC has always been family friendly, this includes its values! This thread being exposed like this to the public is a middle finger to EMC members, and the meaning of EMC itself. EMC has been family friendly with care and love(at least smp8) now this is going to get reckless, friendships broken, smp's against each other. This is just a CIVIL WAR.

    I would write more, but i would get carried away to long, I have lunch time right now... and probably it would exceed the character maximum, so just think. what would you prefer: to take care of your community or get lots of money with those new enchants. this is a moral question, not your preference.

    Not true, as a staff you need to keep safe EMC players, and by exploring your powers of being invisible and killing players would earn you a demotion if EMC values and EMC rules remain the same

    Edit: i know is April 1st, but i do not believe it was part of it: my post explaining:
    I did not... I actually read every single post in this thread and yesterday before going sleep I put a reminder of april fools on my phone, where i check EMC always. When this morning i entered EMC i saw this thread. i thought it was going to be a funny thread or something, but came out this sorrowful changes. and i thought what a great april fools joke! but then i started reading comments and i saw this:
    It is real... Yeah i found it strange krysyy not giving the news but she was on her wedding, and that making people reading this thread and immediately leaving, isn't a good april fool prank, its a self- backstab... so yeah maybe i got fooled, then i recognize it was funny, but not to the evidence that is in this thread. Also the April fools prank is the suddenly darkening of the forums and that "trump was here" those are funny not backstabbing... you just need to think a little that if this was a april fools prank, they would want to hurt the EMC members, and loosing customers... On the other hand Mojang april fools update i really cool! and hiding the signature

    EDIT: oh wait, you aren't supercell, you didn't ruined clash of clans for 3 months!, i was just silly :p by mistaking you as them
  11. Sorry to say this... but you just got April Fooled :p
  12. I agree with you entirely. They should allow TNT too.
    MissFable likes this.
  13. pssstttt tuqueque, what day is today? (April 1st...) Take nothing seriously on April 1st, EVER!
  14. I wouldn't say take NOTHING seriously, I would just say use extreme discretion when determining if something is real or just an April Fools joke.
    607 likes this.
  15. The amount of people who don't see the correlation between the day and the absurdness of the OP is beyond ridiculous.
    Nah, just don't take anything seriously when the Yanks wake up.
    607, Patr1cV, MissFable and 1 other person like this.
  16. Its quite funny to read though.
    607, Sparticals, JerryCameToo and 4 others like this.
  17. So they make a thread saying all of this for what? To make people argue?! This was a very uncalled for thread. It has made many people want to quit playing EMC. Again, a sick, twisted joke.
  18. The Family stands by EMC decision to add pvp and would like to add that if spoilers must be given they should be sent via the website mail, just like we do when your late with your protection payment.
  19. Cluck, cluck, sorry what did you say, cluck, cluck, I can't hear you over my feather.
  20. Also, why are the staff deleting posts? This could refer to the "staff hiding and deleting threads", thread. Just an addition comment if I may say.
    SoulPunisher likes this.