APRIL FOOLS! EMC and 1.9 combat, what will happen!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by BigDavie, Apr 1, 2016.

  1. Well, I might start selling white feathers on my res now.
  2. What the... Trump destroyed my signature!!!
    Shadow_Dcord and Kytula like this.
  3. April fools? or....wait and see i guess
  4. Then she would be exploting the powers of staff to not get killed
  5. If this new feature is added I'm gonna give them away for free. No player should be forced to pay money ig or IRL just to not get killed :/
  6. Before I even finished reading this I had taken into consideration about the date, and with that in mind I immediately passed it off as an April Fools joke.

    But if this was really going to happen, I have a few things I need to say:
  7. EULA? pfff
    Eviltoade likes this.
  8. I see it as more of a way of making fun of/disrespecting Trump, which I will not tolerate one bit.
    gladranger7 likes this.
  9. gladranger7 likes this.
  10. Why not?
    Yeah, but there are many servers not compliant to it, and Mojang doesn't seem to do much about it, which is probably why testman made that reaction.
  11. You could create the feather promo for pvp arenas, it could be funny if it can block for like 3 sec with item at hand and kill the guy anyway while he does chicken sound and says he is running cowardly or something :p

    You got me before I saw it was april fool lol.
  12. Oh can we kill people with traps? Or is that still a no go?
  13. And if they are holding the cowardly feather their gamer tag should be in yellow too so the whole town can see what a sniveling little crybaby they are. Sorry, I just can't help myself.
    jossytheninja likes this.
  14. What? It's just Trump's best impersonation of a really pissed off gerbil.
  15. yeah cause the ad that I bought was NO PVP! so yeah coward for playing as a group not as a single pro
  16. It should be clear why I don't like it... Hating on me for supporting someone that also sees the flaws in the government would be plain disrespectful.

    It still doesn't make it okay for a server to break the terms of the EULA. That would be like saying that if one person kills someone, that someone else can also kill someone.

    I'm going to end this here, we don't need a full-blown debate on presidential candidates or EULA compliance on the forums. If you wish to continue, please do me a favour and leave me out.
    Sparticals likes this.
  17. This is exactly why I called the feather a cruel and unusual punishment
  18. umm...you all know what day this is ... right?
    Think y'all just been punked
  19. Instead of a clucking noise. Which is really a good idea. Could it say "I'm a weeni" over and over again. Or maybe "Please don't hurt me" over and over again. Sorry, I really didn't mean that. I swear.