Rainbow Banner? (CLOSED)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Hoops_McCann, Jun 26, 2015.

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  1. I will say this, though:

    Based on the other comments you posted after learning about the reason behind the rainbow banner, I highly doubt you did this "just out of curiosity."
    huckleberry24 likes this.
  2. I love this banner!
  3. To be honest, I thought the rainbow banner was due to a promotion towards RainbowChin. Then I saw Jack's thread about his giveaway and assume Krysyy was getting carried away =P
    Was entirely unaware of the Supreme Court ruling until my parents came home from their anniversary dinner, and he was talking about it being a historic day with the ruling and President Obama's speech to what happened in Charleston.
  4. Evidently you completely missed the part where I said I do not disagree with the Supreme Court's decision and you decided to leap to a snap judgment about my character. Great minds talk about ideas, average minds talk about events, small minds talk about people. You want to talk to me about 'bigotry and ignorance'?

    This is exactly the kind of reaction I was afraid of.
    Parkerjv9 likes this.
  5. Aye, it is... as long as you know that terms and conditions apply and the NSA likes to monitor you and everyone who enters the country... and even the people who don't :p

    England and Wales legalised gay marriage (the only good thing that ever came out of the Tory-Liberal Democrat coalition) waay back in January 2013. Ireland, an extremely hardcore Catholic (a religion that basically tells you to kill homosexuals in the Bible) country, voted to have gay marriage legalised a few months ago. The US have now legalised it - despite the massive protests that have been done about it. I honestly never thought I'd see any of these countries legalise gay marriage in my lifetime - and now that America has done it, many other countries may do it too. If our site owners are happy for the legalisation of gay marriage, then let them celebrate it how they are.

    Would you rather have EMC preach racism and homophobia, or a more accepting world/the way forward, to the children who play here?
    AnonReturns and yankees518 like this.
  6. I'd rather have EMC not preach anything at all. But I guess that's just me.
    Dragonhawk32, Kephras and slash14459 like this.
  7. Okay, second attempt, replacing that word with a very similar one:

    Would you rather have EMC support racism and homophobia, or a more accepting world/the way forward, to the children who play here?

    Now, without finding something you don't like with the word choice, go ahead and respond.
    Dramanya and crystaldragon13 like this.
  8. Wow......
    I am struggling with emc over this
    Dragonhawk32 likes this.
  9. So not displaying a rainbow banner = supporting racism and homophobia? That's as gross a logical non-sequitur as I've seen in a very long time.
  10. Thank you.
    yankees518 likes this.
  11. Preach was the wrong word, but it was the only word I can think of. My point still stands: if you have a platform where you can communicate with the next generation and use it to raise a small sense of political awareness and a bit of 'make the world a more accepting place, and help people be nice to eachother for once', then go do it. I would rather not have them sleepwalk through life thinking none of this matters, or worse: thinking its OK to discriminate against someone because of their skin colour or sexual orientation.

    If it wasn't for EMC and its members interested in politics, I don't think I ever would have come to care about politics the way I do now. I recall making a post some three years ago basically stating 'I will never vote, because it doesn't matter and doesn't effect me'. With the way my country's voting system is set up, no: my vote probably doesn't matter. Do the 50-70 year old rich people from Eton filling up the seats in Parliament governing the country who want to make life worse for people like me, because they have never experienced how horrible it feels to live in the place I do and live the way I do, matter and affect my life? Of course it does. Again: if it wasn't for EMC and people like 72volt 'advertising' the importance of politics to me, I would have been a bigger idiot than I am now.

    Erm, no. That's not what I said. Re-read it.

    To be fair, I was meant to add something along the lines of 'or nothing at all' and something relating to why they shouldn't - which I also covered in this post. However, the sentence from what I wrote you've just quoted still makes sense to me, with or without the whole 'middle-ground' part.
    Edit: Whoops. I apologise. It's 2AM.
  12. This angers me. A lot.

    I am not against gay people. I believe it is COMPLETELY wrong. But if you want to be gay, Go ahead. But EMC publicizing it like this is going to anger quite a few people more then it has angered me. I believe they should take it down.
    Dragonhawk32, tomijo95 and BrenJone like this.
  13. Alright everyone,

    While I understand the issues that some people may have with the banner, EMC is a private server and Aikar wishes to show his support for the decision. It's his constitutional right to do so. That doesn't change how the game is played, the fact that the community is amazing, or any of our features on EMC. It is a harrmless visial way of showing his support and not meant to offend or to preach anything. If it bothers you, just ignore it and the forums for a day or so. It will be gone soon enough and the world and EMC will keep spinning =)

    Please do not let a person wanting to celebrate be turned into something negative. It's not meant that way at all. That being said, this thread is taking a bad turn. This is your warning to remember to keep things civil.
  14. Aaand you've just made two completely contradicting statements...

    wat? ._.
    You say it like they have a choice.

    pls explain
  15. With all due respect, while I'm sure there are some fantastic people you have interacted with here, as have myself, this is not the platform where you should be basing your foundational views on social, economic, or political matters. This is an internet game. There are tremendous resources out there in the real world which you can tap into and I highly encourage you to do so.

    I'm going to step away from this thread now. I'm 44 years old and I get exposed to real world socio-economic concerns every single day out of obligation to my family and business. EMC has always been a welcome respite for me from all that. That's my two cents and I stand by it.

    Thanks to staff and others for taking the time to respond.
  16. Can the EMC logo be normal again? The rainbow in the logo is a bit redundant.
    SoulPunisher and slash14459 like this.
  17. No. EMC is a community. The forums welcome any and all discussion that is not against the rules or terms & conditions. We all were initially attracted to these forums by a single game, but that does not mean that we are bound to be solely focused on that game.
  18. I'm not saying I based it off what I saw, or did, on EMC. I'm saying the people I interacted with and the threads I participated in encouraged me to go find my political beliefs and research the whole subject, which I did - and I'm glad I did.

    Also, this is a forum, not an internet game. While we're here because of Minecraft, I see the forums as a place where we're not restricted to just playing a game. We're here to talk about... pretty much everything we want, as long as it sticks within the rule boundaries and such.
    yankees518 and PenguinDJ like this.
  19. I think some people need to realize: the banner is what you make of it. For some it may symbolize a pretty loaded subject, but to others it's just a purrty colored banner.
  20. I thought that 'pretty coloured banner' thing when I first saw it. It wasn't until I skyped nfell with 'wtf have EMC done to the site header' and he was like, 'America legalised gay marriage or something' that I realised what it meant :p

    Before the pretty colours thing, I also thought I'd done something to my screen or my eyes and panicked. It took me a second to realise it was just the site >.>
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
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