PSA: Infinite Villagers are gone in 1.8

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Aikar, May 3, 2015.

  1. well i mean i paid someone to make me 2 infinite villagers for glowstone and exp bottles for when the update comes and now they are useless. and i havent even used them once lol
  2. So, you are DELETING the valuable trades (books, enchants, etc) that we have worked hard and found over months to years, because you think that is fair and balanced ?

    I am not talking about "infinite" villagers, but just regular villagers with a good trade, are you ruining them also ?

    Can you at least only ruin the paper villagers, or "infinite" villagers if you feel that you must ?

    /report Staff planning to grief my valuable villagers

    If for some strange reason, this is actually the plan, to DELETE all villager trades, then there should at least be good notice, because many people will lose far more than they would from a /Waste reset.
    Can this thread be pinned to the main page, and added to the Warning in the 1.8 update thread ?
    An in-game Warning is also warranted.

    Please change thread title
    from "PSA: Infinite Villagers are gone in 1.8"
    to "WARNING: Staff has decided to Delete all your Villager trades, soon (to be "Fair")"

    Please find a way to Not ruin "Non-infinite" villager trades.

    EDIT: Aikar and Staff found a resolution, Thank you !
  3. I guess I have to go trade with that villager I dont even like trading with. Not gonna waste 40DC of paper.... must trade now!
  4. Well all those hours of face-desking while I was making infinite villagers are to waste now. :eek:
  5. Is it a bug? Mojang could have added in a mass villager killing script to 1.8, but they didn't; you did.

    Life isn't fair... It's not fair that I can't have an Original Dragon Egg. It's not fair that some guy on smp9 has a snow golem and I can't. You are going out of your way to wreck some people's days just so some day far in the future some noob doesn't get jealous about one of our villagers.
    You'd best find everyone with a misnamed birthday cake, an iron golem farm, or one of those stone slabs that doesn't stack with the rest and destroy those too. All obsidian generated before 1.8 should be destroyed. It isn't fair that some obsidian was easier to get than other obsidian. If you got your packed ice before 1.8 you should get double too. You know, to be fair.

    But it's not false.. you're going out of your way to break them... it is an EMC change...\
    You keep saying things are completely wrong, but 1.7 villagers DO transfer to 1.8 smoothly. If they do not, it is because you are custom coding to destroy them...
    cadgamer101 and SkareCboi like this.
  6. Bye fishmeal. This is not that big of a deal. You found a way to generate revenue easily, thats great. When 1.8 comes you will have to find another way. Sorry bruh. I'm going to end up spending way more when 1.8 comes because of a few changes too. I will also be able to make a wither skeleton farm so I don't think I'm just gonna blame my woes on Aikar. Aikar, how dare you not let 1.7 anvils come to 1.8! Come on dude. The game has changed DRASTICALLY from its beginning and it is going to continue to. You can't get so hung up over the changes, its not going to prevent them from happening. Infinite villagers was never the intent with implementing villagers in the first place.
    Aphaea and 607 like this.
  7. Dang.... New trade mechanics. I had it pretty nice for a while and now I know why the cane farms are all empty. At least I have a few more days to max out my special trades with my existing emerald stash.
  8. Not only is the title misleading, the first several paragraphs of the post are almost incoherent...

    This destructive code you have supposedly implemented targets pretty much only your dedicated and long-standing members. I'm not the only one for whom this is the straw that broke the camels back.
    Focus on fixing your bugs, protecting land in the wilderness (promised to EMC members over 2 years ago), and actually making Dragon Tombs. If you want to "fix" your server and your economy destruction is not the way to do it.
    The community has loads of constructive ideas for rebalancing things, but targeting and destroying our villagers is not it...
  9. It's not a 1.8 change, that's the point.

    Wither farms were never intended either, bruh.

    Edit: It did prevent them from happening. :D
    ChickenDice likes this.
  10. Just keep in mind guys, infinite villagers were never intended to exist in the first place.
  11. I can see all the sugarcane towers being destroyed now haha I love it less lag for the server :D
  12. LOL
    Neither are: Unbreaking X, Fortune VI, Unbreakable, Final, rupees, animal spawn eggs in survival, iron golem farms, dispensed animal eggs, redstone torch towers, villager breeders, monster farms, block update detectors, switchable railway tracks, obsidian farms, staircases hiding buttons, xp farms, voter's rewards, smooth stone generators, eggify, visible horse stats, Cupid Bows, Pots of Gold, Haunted Candy, creepers exploding...

    All Mojang saw in this game without outside inspiration from mod authors and players was basically trees, pigs, and dirt. Most of Minecraft is community and mod author inspired. Most of the functionality was accidents. The point is that EMC is a self-proclaimed "play your way," "french vanilla," server, but at the moment they are custom coding a malicious and destructive script to make sure that some people don't play their way.
    Instead of apologizing, the opening post tries to make it seem as though we've all been mistaken about how 1.8 works. That's not the case. This isn't about minecraft updating. This is specific to EMC. Most other servers updated to 1.8 months ago, and their villagers are fine.

    Why is this announcement coming months after Bukkit updated, but only hours/days before EMC finally does? Many, many players have spent those months preparing for the changes in 1.8 by creating the very villagers being reset by this code. It's pretty widely known by staff that everyone has been doing this (as sort of noted in Aikar's post).
    kevmeup, GloriousKoch and ChickenDice like this.
  13. Im fine if my infinite villager goes poof... but those ench book trades and armor trades I have spent hours getting... those should still stay, they are intended.
  14. Well, based on what I'm reading here it would appear that villagers do not retain. I suppose there's one way to find out. I did some googling but most of the threads and posts I come across deal with villager breeding and not so much trading.

    Still, although I can understand your concerns, I also wouldn't be happy after I spend a lot of resources on getting such a villager (I tried 2 - 3 times, cost me more than I got out of it), there's also one thing you're overlooking in my opinion. The fact that we can reset villagers as we please. Grab your stick, Harry Potter that villager ("eggify") and respawn it again.

    It takes up a little more time, but this process has gained me a lot of emeralds too. Within 20 - 30min. I could easily burn through a SC of sugarcane. So although I really understand the concerns its not as if Aikar is now completely taking away our options to get easy emeralds.

    If would also be restricting eggifying on the other hand... Then things could get a little more bothersome. But that's not the case.
  15. Aw...
    Well, I guess I gotta squeeze all the trades out of them that I can now!
  16. I wish there was a way to keep the villagers we already have. Kind of takes away the fun of the update for a lot of people.
    dresden72 and cadgamer101 like this.
  17. Sounds like an exploit to me.
  18. I did some more googleing about all this and I'd like to point your attention to this thread on the Minecraft forum ( Especially the part about retaining 1.7 villagers which caused weird issues for some. It could be false rumors but when I read that thread I can't help wonder if resetting all villagers isn't the safest thing to do either way.