I have to agree with you here; Pi Day would be 3/14/16 because it's Pi Day we're talking about, so we would round up in this case. You can't just say that because the 5th digit is a '5' when written with more significant digits, that it should always be a '5'. If we're talking about the day, and writing it as m/dd/yy, then we would only be looking at 5 significant digits, in which case the number would be written as 3.1416. Today at 9:00 will be Pi Hour, 9:27 will be Pi Minute, 9:26:54 will be Pi Second, and then you can go into fractions of seconds, etc., somewhere between 9:26:53 and 9:26:54. Pi Day, though, will be a year from today, or 3/14/1593 (which we've obviously missed), depending on how you format your dates.
Your welcome tomijo95 I don't really collect or do anything with promo's and seen your post you will enjoy your mail when you get it.
Yikes. Coming from my skiing trip by car, going to be close! Really want this surprised promo Thanks krysyy for planning!
This is not the ultimate pi day, nor will next year's be due to rounding. It would have to be the year 15926. Which will be a while from now... "Happy Ultimate Pi Day Which We Can Expect in Our Lifetimes" would be more suiting, I guess. Regardless, free pie. Who am I to complain?
Code: import math def add(val): val += 2 return val def decimal(val): return int(val) def piprgm(): # says how much "x starts off as" x = 1.0 # says how to start the process uf = 4 / x print 'sucess! Just wait...' i = 0 while i <= 10000000: i += 1 x=add(x) unfin = uf - 4 / x x=add(x) fin = unfin + 4 / x if float(i) / 250000.0 == decimal(float(i) / 250000.0): print "=============================================" print 'Number of iterations: ' + str(i) print 'Current Value: ' + str(fin) print 'Distance away from pi: ' + str(fin - math.pi) print "=============================================" #print '===' #print fin #print int(fin) uf = fin print "=============================================" print fin piprgm() There is a program in Python I just wrote if you want to do your own (super inefficient) pi calculating. Sorry for the sloppy code
Granted, people will probably sell them for like 31,492r to be like "Hey! It's on sale for 10000 times pi! Come buy it!"
We can arrange that, but you have to persuade staff to let cents into the economy. Best of luck with that
Ya Pi!!!!! 3.14!!! It's funny up until my sophomore year i didn't get what they ment by multiply Pi. I'm like what??? I can't wait to check my mail when I get back.
Exactly. I actually have a pi contest @ my school. I know 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459 by memory