PLEASE Stop With The Grammar Nazism.

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by ItsMeAubey, Feb 13, 2014.


Should there be an anti grammar-nazi rule?

Yes 11 vote(s) 18.3%
No 49 vote(s) 81.7%
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  1. Let me get this straight.

    Instead of confronting grammar nazis in PM about fixing peoples grammar by using PM, you make a thread to tell grammar nazis to confront people not in the thread but in PM?
  2. Sometimes Bite's posts take the complexity of the English language to a whole different level. :rolleyes:
    Guys, imagine if 607 was saying:
    "English idioms are easy? Make that the cat wise. Bite's posts take the blood from under my nails."
    That's what some of your posts must feel like reading for 607.
  3. banana
  4. Point in case. To a whole different level. >.<
  5. Syntax is one thing. But more important is, imho, ...semantics. Some people might feel offended by the über excess use of the term nazi in this thread. I propose 'grammar nerd', 'language addict' or 'word fascist' instead...
    technologygeek likes this.
  6. Indeed Banana
    SkidzGaming likes this.
  7. no no, potato.
    SkidzGaming likes this.
  8. How about i nab an a?
  9. only if you ban an a
    5weety and Gadget_AD like this.
  10. A wise man once said

    If you say plz instead of please because it is shorter, then I will say no instead of yes because it is shorter.
    ChickenButler and 607 like this.
  11. I'm not even sure where to begin. I may inadvertently reiterate previous assertions and comments, but firstly, I would like to firmly state that nobody is perfect. It doesn't seem as if everyone understands this, given the sheer insolence and insubordination I have witnessed here. Hence, it should not be illegal to remedy someone's literary fallacies, for (as several others have mentioned) one cannot learn if one is not taught...

    Secondly, and this may be slightly pejorative/pervasive, but the use of the term "nazi" to refer to such remediation is sometimes contentious. However, I am aware that society has coined "Grammar Nazi", and I find it astounding that people can compare correcting a mere typographical error to a society disparaged by the entire world. This is partially hypocritical, as I myself have used the phrase on multiple occasions, but I used it in a joking manner.

    Anyway, I just felt that my opinion should be heard, and I sincerely hope that people will think about the words they say and their impacts on others.
    cddm95ace, Pab10S and mba2012 like this.
  12. I'm a bit late to the party, but still.

    If people these days could be bothered to spend even five seconds proof reading their posts, or just pay attention to what they are writing while they write it, there wouldn't be any grammar Nazis. I personally can't stand incorrect grammar, even in a form as casual as a post on a forum. The effort it takes to write with correct grammar is so little, you probably wouldn't notice you're making the effort.

    Now, of course there will be some typos, especially when you're rushed, or you have a terrible keyboard. But not even making an effort to use correct grammar just isn't acceptable in my opinion. The English language is probably one of the most complex languages anyone could learn, so a mistake every now and then is acceptable, especially from those who aren't native speakers. But people who speak and write English everyday as their first language, shouldn't have an excuse for a lack of grammar and spelling.

    Well, that's my thoughts.
  13. Here is my attempt at correcting your grammar, spelling and puntuation errors.

    "I become extremely frustrated when reading the comments in response to an original post. What really irks me is when the first post is an individual correcting the grammar and spelling of the author. I have recently taken an unhealthy interest in this matter, to the point of making this atrocious statement for all to read and comment on. I even included a poll, although I do not understand the term I am utilizing to describe those who post such comments. Those who correct others are aware of their actions and I am eager to gain recognition for stating this obvious fact to others.

    I feel that those who contemplate the unintended and potentially detrimental consequences of poor grammar and spelling should abandon this community. Forever. I am blatantly ignoring the fact that my own postings at this point are giving the distinct impression that I intend to be extremely hostile in defense of my personal views.
    I feel that anyone who makes a conscious effort to correct others mistakes shall be exiled, without consideration of their personal intentions or affiliation with the author."
    Haerhitman, boozle628, Olaf_C and 5 others like this.
  14. Didn't you change a lot of things that were technically correct now? :confused:
    Twitch1 likes this.
  15. I voted yes to the poll question "Should there be an anti grammar-nazi rule?" because, "real Nazi's".

    The Nazi party was not a beacon of proper and appropriate practice. Nazi's are prevalently remembered for blatantly butchering and destroying a group of individuals based on their non-standard opinions on how the world should operate.

    The proper use of the term "Grammar Nazi" would be reserved for those who blatantly butcher and destroy the practice of appropriate communication through spoken and written language.
    boozle628, Olaf_C, Pab10S and 5 others like this.
  16. How else would I remain in the vein of over-the-top postings if not by exaggerating my response? :D
    NetherWorld666 and Palmsugar like this.
  17. That is a really interesting way of looking at it.
    Twitch1 and 607 like this.
  18. <3
    When Twitch said 'correcting' he meant correcting the words in the original post to show the real thoughts behind the post that Tech was trying to express (now clarified by Twitch for everyone).
  19. So there should be a rule against grammar nazis, but not against "grammar nazis".
    Well, that's what we get when people think up there own words for things
  20. His response was not to my "vote" but rather to my explanation of "Grammar Nazi's" versus the "Nazi Party."
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