PLEASE Stop With The Grammar Nazism.

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by ItsMeAubey, Feb 13, 2014.


Should there be an anti grammar-nazi rule?

Yes 11 vote(s) 18.3%
No 49 vote(s) 81.7%
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  1. Posting these to lighten things up a bit:


  2. I suppose that would be justified. I don't believe a post can solely be about someone's poor spelling, I'd consider that off-topic, and I don't believe it is fair to insult someone if their spelling or grammar is poor. We have an effective team of moderators who will likely agree and manage situations in a way under rules similar to what I'm describing, but there's no need for all the uproar. It is, after all, only grammar.
  3. Grammar is important.
    607 likes this.
  4. i curekted it 4 u m8
    5weety and FDNY21 like this.
  5. Socialist Grammer for everyone! It's want Grammer Nazi's want right or am I reading this wrong?

    Anyways people will correct Grammer mistakes if they see them. Some are over the top and some are ninjas very polite & quite about it. At end of the day you wouldn't lose any sleep over it but if you do stop sweating the small and go with the flow man. Also in this kind of thread be civil with each other. I don't want step in.
    cddm95ace likes this.
  6. Yes, because people are going to learn if their mistakes aren't corrected.
    Grammar Nazis do exist, but they're an invention of the 90's, born when the internet was released to the public. It's a name given to people who discriminate those with poorer grammar. Personally, I don't find it offensive.

    I don't understand most of this sentence... I'm assuming you think correcting people should be breaking a rule, and that's just...wrong.
  7. Such cringe... I'm definitely saying that there should not be an anti-grammar Nazi rule simply because often times the mistakes can change the meaning of the sentence (see "Let's eat, gramma!" compared to "Let's eat gramma!" and "I would prefer to be badly injured than dead" compared to "I would prefer to be badly injured then dead.") and if a mistake like that is made and it is apparent which meaning is there to one person, they should say something to make sure so somebody doesn't get the wrong meaning from the mistake at a later point. Being a "grammar Nazi" is only apparent among those who give less than even a second thought as to what they are typing. I do not call myself a grammar Nazi. You probably will because you fit into the category of Nazi of grammar Nazis. (Another example of the importance of grammar is "Nazi party" compared to "Party Nazi" meaning word order is just as important in grammar as everything else.) Simple mistakes, however, where it is something that does not impact the meaning such as "runing" instead of "running" where there is no other English word that it could be mistaken for, really doesn't need to be corrected.
    Pab10S and 607 like this.
  8. Grammar Nazis want good grammar. Actual Nazis are ideologically against socialism and communism, yet in reality many historical fascist states including Nazi Germany have had highly planned economies which resemble those under communist systems, though the main difference is that communism argued for a planned economy on the basis of equality for all workers, and fascism argued for a planned economy on the basis of preserving the nation state and furthering national interests.

  9. Someone is overthinking at my comment I posted not going to say you but we all know who.
  10. Is
    I know I may have read into it a bit, I just like showing off my knowledge of the political sciences :p
    607 likes this.
  11. "Grammar Nazis" are just people who want grammar and spelling to be correct. Correct grammar and spelling shows high education and intelligence. It actually can be viewed as helpful when people point out grammar mistakes. It is just how you take the correction that matters. They just corrected you. That doesn't mean they are "Grammar Nazis." I would only call them a "Grammar Nazi" if they ran on and on about how bad your grammar is. Just don't make a big deal about it and everyone can live in peace. :)
  12. Someone's knowledge can't be define over the internet because there are many search engines out there nowadays. One can simple look up a key topic at hand and become knowledgable about it for short period of time.
    5weety likes this.
  13. I am sorry if people are offended when they are corrected. To be honest, I am extremely happy when I am corrected. Just because I think I do speak proper English, and when I make mistakes(I most likely still do)I would very much appreciate it if people pointed me at my mistakes :)
  14. That is exactly the point I am trying to make 607. We should embrace the fact we are corrected. It shows we can grow and learn to type better English. Plus, if we all typed perfect English, then there wouldn't be any "grammar nazis" to correct us. :p
    607 likes this.
  15. I suppose you're right. Still, for me, it's a good exercise in applying my knowledge.
    607 likes this.
  16. Still people should make and suggest the correction's to a player in a private convo. Doing so publicly can be degrading and 75% of the people that do it, intend for that result.

    I for one know my spelling and grammar and punctuation are horrible, but i do my best.
    Luckygreenbird and cddm95ace like this.
  17. pretty much every post ive made has a spelling mistake or grammatical error :) does that grind your gears 607? wanna box m8?
    generalfelino015 likes this.
  18. people should go read some of my post, that'll grind some gears.
    Olaf_C and Dwight5273 like this.
  19. I'm just gonna say that quite a lot of us on here have OCD, see those ANNOYING RED LINES under OCD there, they drive me crazy much like a lot of other things. Putting me aside, bad grammar annoys a lot of us, and some of us just can't help correcting it. Also, psychiatrists suck, and I speak from personal experience.

    Knowing my luck, there are probably thousands of spelling/grammar mistakes here but you know how it goes.
    Just thought I'd get my words out.

    Jake_bagby likes this.
  20. Well, to be honest I have great difficulty taking your posts seriously sometimes. About 5% of the time I actually do not even understand them.
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