[EMC Discussion] Fill In The Blank (Diamond Supporter)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. We're looking for some good ideas from the community to spark our minds on things. We like doing this now and then as they can sometimes come up with some fun things that we can implement either now or down the line. So, we want you to pick one of the following scenarios that fits best for you and fill in the blank.

    • As a continual diamond supporter, I would like to see _________________ added as a diamond supporter perk.
    • As a continual iron or gold supporter, I would like to see _________________ added as a diamond supporter perk to encourage me to upgrade to diamond.
    • As a free member, I would like to see _________________ added as a diamond supporter perk to encourage me to upgrade to diamond.
    Note that this isn't excluding our attention towards iron or gold memberships and have plans to continue to improve both of those as well, so we ask that you please keep the discussion of this thread to the topic. Thank you.

    For newer members that are not familiar with our supporter packages, please refer to the following link: http://empireminecraft.com/upgrade/
  2. Thank you IcC. Maybe some people will not make so many suggestions of this now!
  3. Second, now to read the thread :p
    Tuqueque, five_star and Silken_thread like this.
  4. Nothing.
    Fine as it is.
    607 and Kephras like this.
    • As a free member, I would like to see Free locking of chests added as a diamond supporter perk to encourage me to upgrade to diamond.
  5. As a continual diamond supporter, I would like to see rupee bonus perks added as a diamond supporter perk, and other supporter ranks, similar to voting bonuses.
    • As a free member, I would like to see _________________ added as a diamond supporter perk to encourage me to upgrade to diamond.
    Yeah, that's right. I left it blank. Diamond supporter is perfect the way it is and if I were to be in a situation IRL were I could buy it I certainly would.
    Olaf_C and 607 like this.
  6. As a continual diamond supporter, I would like to see when you lock chests it's less rupees to lock a chest when you are a diamond added as a diamond supporter perk.
    Olaf_C, cadgamer101 and 607 like this.
  7. As a continual diamond supporter, I would like to see __multipliers for rupee bonuses based on length of your supportership_ added as a diamond supporter perk. (a reason to continually support and not get it for one month for extra reses and then bail)

    As a continual supporter, I would like to see _a "list" or ranking of longest continued supporters with how long they have supported continuously.
  8. This could be exploited ... someone could just make an entire -non-penetrable wall or region blocking off people using locked chests, etc.
    • As a free member, I would like to see the ability to play on a ( possibly new server ) snapshot server hosted by EMC added as a diamond supporter perk to encourage me to upgrade to diamond.

  9. image.jpg
    maxthegreat2 likes this.
  10. I do agree with you but if such a thing were to happen I think that the same actions would be taken just like 72Volts Lava Walls.
    • As a continual diamond supporter, I would like to see more flying options added as a diamond supporter perk.
  11. ^ That is beautiful ;_;
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx, smile3 and ob1bob69 like this.
  12. I can tell you one thing, if they add free locking of chests, you will see my lock my exp grinder in a chest box for sure.
    607 and Lukas3226 like this.
  13. As a free membership player I would like all free players to hide on live map
  14. Perhaps you misread. They want to encourage us to upgrade, not stay unsupporter.
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx, 607, Kells18 and 2 others like this.
  15. It is fair, because the reason those who don't support get to play for free is because of their supportership. :)
  16. I find it quite fair. Although I do want want access to TNT...
    Bu11dawg likes this.