[Coming Soon] EMC Upgrading To Normal Mode

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Is "Dystopia" A pvp server? Cause that's what it sounds like! Im getting excited!
    battmeghs likes this.
  2. Dystopia would be the opposite of Utopia. Ex: always night, Hard mode, etc.
    bonzd67, battmeghs and 607 like this.
  3. oh... I was wrong :p Sounds cool though!!! Will there be a pvp arena in this new "Dystopia" it sounds like the place to have one anyways!
  4. Since utopia is for diamond and gold... Dystopia should be for iron and normal.
  5. ... No. Diamond and Gold got it as a supporter perk. If only Iron a regular members could use the Dysotopia world, it would cancel that perk out.
  6. That's the point... Iron supporters get three things. Hide, rupees, and supporter chat. Nothing else. At least give them utopian wild or something like that. With dystopia at least they would be getting something.
  7. Iron doesnt need anything else. They cant all be equal.
    AlexChance likes this.
  8. They can be closer.
  9. I honestly think they need to be farther apart.
  10. i would love to play on a dystopia server excpessialy if mobs wander thru the residences
  11. Always night seems like a little much, how about shorter days and longer nights?
    penfoldex likes this.
  12. If there was a dystopia server, I don't think we would have res's on it lol
  13. The original Dystopia suggestion thread is here. Pleaseeee don't bump it. :)
    penfoldex, mba2012 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  14. Lol watch bonzd go in and bump it.
  15. It seems I'm in the minority here, but I'm not looking forward to doors breaking and spider poison. Oh well, I'll try to keep an open mind and adjust.
    AlexChance likes this.
  16. Hey this seems great
    RainbowChin likes this.
  17. Because it is :)
  18. Hey, if the Wastelands and Wild are implemented, which difficulty will be each one?
  19. Normal, I imagine, once this change comes into place.
  20. i want SO BAD.
    yankees518 and jkjkjk182 like this.