[Coming Soon] EMC Upgrading To Normal Mode

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. I have been itching for a challenge! 'Bout time things require more effort to get! :) woohoo!
  2. it would help the unlucky people and the people that are afraid to mine and would make iron,coal,emeralds,gold,and diamonds cheaper and heck yea it will help me
  3. You didnt answer how it would help you. And cheaper isnt better.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  4. Look, I suck a mining; I don't get much time to do it in the first place, and usually when I find a few diamonds, I find lava up my arse shortly thereafter. Still, I am finding those diamonds in HEAVILY mined out areas, so finding them in the 98% of the wilderness that is still untouched between levels 10-16 is fairly common. Resetting the whole wild would be like tearing down a whole skyscraper and rebuilding it just to add another aerial to the top. There are a lot of people who don't want to lose ALL of the time they've put into the constructions in the wilderness. Many of us LIVE out there, you know. ;D
  5. 50r for a diamond?
    It's not so hard to find a shop with diamonds for 32 r
  6. Well put Philovanrood! Many of us do live partially or entirely in the wild! I personally head to the wild often enough, as to where I built a surface road hundreds of blocks long crossing all the biomes you need. Over the last 3 months it has become a very well traveled road by many. It would be a shame to see that and the countless other structures out there disappear, just to appease a few lazy miners.

    As for the actual update: I think daytime, road travel will become much more popular! So please guys, refrain from griefing even the smallest roads out there.

    Side note: Too bad so much time and effort is being put into flying supporters or wild mobs, instead of the Dragon Tomb update EVERYONE is waiting for.....just saying :p
  7. When I saw this
    And I was like... YEAH!!!
    EDIT: That's screwed up :confused:
    mba2012, penfoldex and jkjkjk182 like this.
  8. *Kills a spider*
    *Spider drops a dragon egg*
    *Puts dragon egg far away underground in res*
    *Calls it Jimmy
    B4DMAN5IMON and Equinox_Boss like this.
  9. I dont think thats how it works... :p
  10. it is unless you hunt for them or live in a server that sells 32r for a diamond
  11. Lol, I can barely survive easy mode, now normal?!?
    607 likes this.
  12. I thought We've Been on Hard I don't Check it very often
  13. You cant check it...
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  14. Oh its my sister who Changes the Mode :p
    607 likes this.
  15. Changing the mode on your client won't affect multiplayer servers, it's only for single player. It still shows up for some reason though in the options.
  16. ok
  17. I agree to make the wild harder. Me and Toastofwar10 fought a wither in the smp2 wild and it was no challenge:(
  18. 50r for a diamond?
    I'll pay 505r for 10!
    Please fill my chests! :)
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  19. I'm sorry, all my good shops are out of stock or under construction.
    I think I can get you some soon.
  20. good news, vault should be done.. were in testing phase now... So I can begin working on this :D

    FYI This is sort of part of the path to the dragon tombs anyways -- as we want the wild to be on normal for the dragon fight...

    so dont view it as a distraction, and this will give people some spice to enjoy until the updates to follow.