I just feel that there should be a SENCEABLE place for people to talk about this and to spread awareness of what to do and what governments are saying Also what WHO are saying. (World health organisation) Now i know this is a minecraft server but this is a community. So yea Here is some links to information by the WHO BUSTING MITHS https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public/myth-busters TRAVELLING https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/travel-advice Q & A https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-coronaviruses The main way we can help stop the spread is by washing our hands. (im from uk) the HNS say that you should wash your hands with soap and for 2 versus of happy birthday. I just want to say this thread is to inform not to scare. Please feel free to post updates of this.
The thing for me is that the corona virus is only a 2% deadly virus and its not affecting much. I think paranoia is making the virus worse. But that's how I think of this.
I thought I'd respond I'd first like to elaborate that 2% with this handy graph, which shows the chances of someone dying more accuratly: But, indeed, this averages out to 2%. Most people on EMC are between 14 and 25, which indeed means you do not really have to worry about it yourself. That is not to say that you won't get ill if you get it, it is simply to state that It's not that bad for most people here. Thing is 2% is still quite a lot higher than the normal flu, 100 times higher in fact. Aditionally, quite oftenly, the seasonal flu can be predicted, meaning there usually are vaccines for it before it starts breaking out, meaning we can vaccinate the most vunreble. This is not the case here. Moreover, this is a virus that is quite difficult to keep in check, meaning there is a great chance that that 2% is going to be 2% of the entire population, which still is quite a lot. 14% of the elderly is roughly 1 in 7, that roughly half of our age group is going to loose a grandparent because of this outbreak if everyone gets infected before there are medecine/vaccenes, it seems clear that that is somethingwe should try to prevent. In other words: 2% is one in 50, you probably know more than 50 people. If everyone gets infected before there is a vaccine and/or medicine, there is a significant chance one or two of the friends of your parents will die because of this outbreak. Most of the things people plan to do to stop getting infected probably won't stop the virus from spreading, but it will delay it. This delay is valueble time to try to find a vaccine and/or cure to the illness, which will save a lot of the elderly and sick, and quite some healthy people too. So, no, you probably should not be worried for yourself, and, indeed, some of the panic is exagerating the impact it might have, but that is not to say that we should not try to slow the spreading down. It seems obvious that some messures should be taken to prevent people dying. The advice most health experts give, in the Netherlands anyway, seems fitting for what needs to be done.
You shouldn't have posted this in Community Discussion... before I finally posted my thread, I did check if someone hadn't posted one already, in the mean time. Both in the Controversial section and in Miscellaneous. Community Discussion is for discussions specifically about the EMC community.
Sorry for placing it in the wrong place i didnt see anyone else post anything and i didnt see the Controversial part of the fourm I also put this in here because it is a discussion about advice and how to help people.
Ah, that was made opt-in, I think. You should ask Krysyy for access if you'd like to be able to see those threads (you only have to do this once).
Yep, thats me in the most at risk, over 50, multipal health conditions and compromised immune system, so just don't breath in my direction As this type of virus is short lived and intolorant to hot weather it will hopefully be restricted in its progression as we head towards summer. lets hope for a long hot summer
This could also go in the wrong direction. The spanish flu, for example, went slower during summer, only to truly break out in the next fall, as it got stronger during the time it was kept back (evolution: only the ones srong enough to go through the summer remained) This was, as you may alredey know, the most deadly outbreak in world history. It killed roughly the same amout of people as the black death in 14th century Europe, and the only thing that comes close is the HIV/AIDS pandemic in the 1980's. I'm not saying it is time to panic, I am trying to get across how complicated thease issues are, and how dangerous it can be to generalise thease types of issues.
As long as this doesn't get into things like blaming politics, etc it can stay in the Misc section, where I have now moved it to.
Ok. Beside just information about the Corona Virus how has the worldwide outbreak of it actually affected your day to day life in general (routine). Personally at this time, starting yesterday, is teleworking. Last week they worked on setting up ssh tunneling into our dev and test network and we use Remote Desktop to connect to our development machines at work and continue s normal. Currently we have a phone text message group setup we initially used on Monday and we had a conference call setup for this morning and scheduled a few scrum sorta meetings during the next couple of weeks. People are looking into the possibility of using Microsoft Teams, Skype, Slack, Discord, etc. to be able to have a more fluent way of communicating during the day. After these two weeks the situation will be evaluated at that time and decided if we continue to telework or come back to the office but their are rumors that it is already floating around that we will be teleworking for up to the next 6 weeks. At home it's basically business as usual now. Went out shopping this past Saturday to 3 different stores to get everything on our list. (normally just one store will do it.) We got enough that we don't have to go out for a while for anything but we didn't go out hoarding anything. Bowling leagues have been canceled for the next few weeks. I know that cause one of my sons works up there. Schools here near where I am at are closed for spring break till the 12th of April now and I heard in Erie county up in NY where I am originally from are closed till the 20th of April. So... Has anything changed for you during this viral outbreak? Inquiring minds want to know.
I feel like some worthy news worth sharing is this: https://www.washingtonpost.com/us-policy/2020/03/17/trump-coronavirus-stimulus-package/ My personal view on this is that it is great. My job is going to be calling off alot of people in the coming weeks (I think), and considering everyone working there except maybe the managers live paycheck to paycheck with little to no savings, this cash payment could be a huge assistance. Just felt the need to share this information in case you guys haven't seen it yet.
I do feel that the overreaction is going to cause further problems down the line economically speaking. For example the travel ban that certain politicians placed on entering and exiting certain countries (staying out of political references much as I can) will mess up many production lines and trade. For example, let's say there is a company who manufactures in the US but creates parts in Europe. Now they're taking losses from not being able to manufacture as usual. And [redacted]'s intent on calling Covid-19 a "foreign virus" are preposterous. Viral diseases don't recognize manmade borders. It is from Earth, and shouldn't be referred to as something foreign because that creates stereotypes and unneeded potential racism. Also, going back to economics, on a local scale, producers are going to suffer as they won't be selling as much. People are going to be buying from stores, especially restaurants, less frequently especially if shelter in places are ordered. Overall I think that South Korea did a wonderful job in lowering their numbers. They took ~15,000 tests a day on people. If one was found positive, they compiled a list of places that person had been for a certain amount of time. Once found, that data was entered into an app and people could download it and avoid places infected people had been overall lowering their amount of new cases. Just my thoughts though
If you would like to discuss politics, note that there is also a thread about this topic in the Controversial section. Yes! I am spending a lot of time with family, and no time at home. It's strange. It's also hard to be motivated for homework when there are no classes, I've noticed, or to even figure out what I'm supposed to do, as it's hard (but when Microsoft Teams is running well it should become easier) to get assistance.
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJRbJuI_csVDDJXtC8wm5UcVKV_CNP84j Yall watch this guy. He's a doctor and gives the info straight from the WHO and CDC.
As you might've noticed, Minecraft now gives out tips too! Here's the complete list of splashes that can be displayed currently: Wash your hands! Soap and water! Support local businesses! Stay home and play games! Stay safe! Stay strong! Cough or sneeze into your elbow! Don’t touch your face! Support elderly relatives and friends! Prepare, but don’t hoard! Gamers unite – separately in your own homes! Save the world – stay inside! Shop for your elders! Hang out with your friends online!
I've gotten a few of those recently but didn't know if it was related to this or just random chance that I was getting one of the hundreds of splashes that just so happened to coincidentally be timely relevant
At this point Texas is now closing all eating establishments and bars, with that being said. I think the best thing you can do is to stay home if you can, don't panic, and wash wash your hands. This is very serious at this point. We have 4 confirmed cases the county next to me and we are a relatively small area. It is spreading. We need to contain this. I am glad that this thread was made to spread awareness. But understand it is a serious issue. There are tons of youtube videos of people from Italy and China and what they are going through at this moment where it is worse. We don't want that to happen here. Remember everything being done is to try and contain the virus before it spreads further and causes mass chaos and panic. Love you guys. Also during this time be kind to your fellow humans we all deserve love <3