The problems of Krysyy, Aikar and how EMC is run.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by _REMOVED_87055, Oct 27, 2019.

  1. What did Burki do?

    He said it was good for you to say but I still have not seen a reason?
    4thOfJurhy, Burki and Kryarias like this.
  2. 'You have broken the number one rule of staff and have violated my trust'.

    Violation of trust and breaching confidentiality is no minor issue. It's why it's ginormous and in dark orange text as one of the first things you see in the staff guide.
    Kryarias and 607 like this.
  3. And how may I ask did he breach confidentiality?
    Kryarias likes this.
  4. By definition sharing something that was meant for staff alone with a non-staff member.
    Kryarias likes this.
  5. m8 you're going to get the thread locked-- ask in a PM or somthing, sheesh
  6. "when all she does"? Excuse me? Does it surprise you to consider that all the great things Krysyy might be doing and saying behind the scenes don't get leaked?

    I think belac might wonder how Burki violated your trust, but I imagine that it is likely to concern confidential information, and as such you can't disclose the concrete issue(s).
  7. I am completely neutral in this situation.

    As a member of a community team, I haven't seen anything to suggest that things are askew in regards to management and development concerns.

    THAT BEING SAID, I have no reason to believe that any of the claims made in this thread are false, including the ones made by Krysyy, Builder and ex-staff/team members alike.

    I haven't had any "positive" interactions with Krysyy/Aikar, but I also haven't had any "negative" interactions with either one. In fact, the few times that I've PMed Aikar for bugs/glitches, he's been quite professional.

    I have nothing further to say on this topic, but I will gladly watch the already-in-progress drama.
  8. lol
  9. If ti gets locked that just shows how much they don't want us discussing this
    Kryarias likes this.
  10. The only person that requested a lock on this thread was the OP as a temporary hold while they were on a plane. That request was denied because staff do not feel locking this thread is an appropriate course of action and the OP will simply need to read more posts when they get around to responding.
    4thOfJurhy and Kryarias like this.
  11. Seriously you need to stop posting because nothing you are saying it true. Some of what you are posting is things you think are happening. In actuallity you have no way of knowing since you are not staff, not a dev, not Krysyy and not Aikar.

    As to why staff shouldn't comment on this stuff. That's easy. They are allowed to have their opinion for sure. The issue can arrise when, as staff, you say something that is your opinion but because your are staff, some people will take it as a staff opinion. I had no issue with this way of doing things when I was part of the team and have no issue with it not part of the team.

    In sports, there is a saying that winning fixes everything. Right now we are losing. Why are we losing? Because we are stuck on 1.12.2. Many people are annoyed that we cannot play the new versions (myself included) but this is not EMC's fault as mentioned already. What do you expect the dev team to do when they can't even get a stable game going with a few people in game. Now try that with 100's. I wish that we could close the server, back it all up and run it for a day with all these issues. Maybe then people can see why it's not being released until it's ready.

    This is not to say that some people may have issues with certain staff or above. Who knows. Not my business and not my experience so I have nothing valid to add to anyone disputes. My experiences with staff/admins has always been a good one. While staff, that didn't change. I was trained personally by Krysyy and that was nothing short of respectful and hosest. And believe me I messed up a time or 2 and has handled accordingly. Replace Krysyy and I guarantee you they next person will be looked at the same way eventually as you cannot please every user every time.

    It just seems like when everytime someone has an issue with someone else, they think airing it out publicly will magically fix something. You have an issue with someone, you discuss it with them. Doing it in public usually only picks up more upset people looking to stir the pot.

    Anyways, that's my opinion. Agree with it or don't. That's your options.
  12. no-- you pushing on something that has been summarized will make the situation worse
  13. Hey belac, you've made 13 posts within an hour, in this thread alone. Maybe join me in taking a break? :)
    (and as to your actual post: Indeed, 'they' don't want us discussing information that was so confidential that someone got demoted for sharing it with someone whom it wasn't to be shared with!)
  14. Yeah I will be taking a break. I apologize to all of those who thik this got out of hand that was never my goal I have apologized to kryssy for it personally and hope to discuss this civily when I come back
    607, Kryarias and TheBeansyKiraboo like this.
  15. What you're saying is not making sense.

    You do not need to be so technical and find the socio-political meaning behind a minecraft server
  16. Whoa,
    my main concern is the lack of action on promised improvements. What happened to the bedrock bridges being replaced and the wild re-beautification? Those were proposed by Krysyy over a year ago in a thread.

    I do agree that venting about players should NOT be happening in staff chat. That can cause a bias against certain players for other staff who have never interacted with the player before.

    You wouldn't see people in a true work environment trashing customers. They'd be fired for that.
  17. #StormForPrez2024
  18. I am tired.

    Some of you seem to be under the impression that everyone who stands with the staff team is a mindless follower with no opinion of their own. Do you think we all agree on everything? Do you think I believe every action we have ever taken is the right one? Of course not. That’s the reason the staff have discussions to begin with.

    I am here because I love this server. I grew up here, and we are a community. For those of you claiming this is “respectful discussion” or “just talking,” you also call the staff team a “circus,” you paint the management as blind to the issues at hand. If that is your definition of “respectful discussion,” then I fully and respectfully disagree with your definition of respect.

    Respect is not passively sitting by and smirkingly smiling at the new gossip in short posts and status messages. Discussion is not actively passing around petitions and calling for a new community manager. These things are no more than enjoying the crackling of a fire that you see as cozy but is little more than arson.

    If you don’t like an institution, you repair it; you add an annex here, tear down a wing there. Maybe you raze the whole thing and build it anew. But burning it, without thought or care? Filling the air with your grievances until we all choke on the smoke, yourselves included?

    Members of our community are lashing out without even knowing whom they strike at. Burki, for instance, it was me who brought up the Share Your Scares event for a reboot because I thought it was a fun thing to do. Krysyy and I discussed it, she posted, players submitted. My apologies for our alleged lack of ambition. You cannot attack just the head without attacking the whole body.

    For those of you not on the staff team, we work through things in just that way: as a team. There is an immense amount of discussion that goes on behind the scenes, and a lot of thought goes into not just the big things that you all see, but also the minute details. Many seem to have chosen Krysyy and Aikar to be your scapegoats, but at the end of the day, no amount of “I hold no ill will against the others” changes that we are all in this together. If you are going to throw stones, be honest about who you’re aiming for.

    SS work with Krysyy to select staff and, by default, vet Developers. Don’t just slap lack of Devs on the Admins; it was far more than that.

    SS and often the entire Mod team debate potential changes to policy that could affect the community as a whole. These were not unilateral decisions.

    And, above all, the way we choose to carry out these decisions and the factors that we have in mind in making them are all based on what we feel is best for the community. Our interactions with you all/with each other and hearing what you want have direct impacts in even the most basic decisions—e.g., how we punish new players flying.

    EMC has problems. It always has, and always will. However, so little of this thread has focused on the concrete things people actually feel are wrong (and more importantly the steps you would take to improve them) and more so on some vague concept of an error in the culture of EMC, one which you believe your admins to be the sole source of. This is simply impossible. We all share a part in this community, and we are all responsible for the good and the bad, non-staff members included. Whether you realize it or not, your opinions do alter the course of things here on EMC. If you genuinely believe that a staff member’s discussion of their personal life behind closed doors is the sole cause for uproar, you have strayed somewhere in your line of reasoning. Discussions about potential staff members, team members, and how to deal with interpersonal issues between players are held professionally in order to come to some outcome, whether that’s the denial of a staff position or a staff member interceding properly ingame. Contrary to what has been painted in this thread, staff chat is not a mindless mess of player-bashing, and some of those speaking out in this thread would do well to consider why the perspectives of their sources are the way we are. As for the speaking about personal, non-EMC-related issues, I have gone to so many players here on EMC when I needed help or just a listening ear in my personal life; I would never deny any person from doing the same, and that is simply a necessity of the human existence that in no way impacts our work here beyond bringing us closer together.

    We as a staff team work very, very hard to do our best for this community, and we are always reevaluating ourselves. If you see EMC as having a culture problem, please recognize that regardless of whether that is true, that is a two-way street that applies as much to you as it does to staff. For instance, some have expressed frustration with staff being treated “above” other players; this is something that we as a team continually try to beat out of our staff members, emphasizing that we ARE just players like you guys. We are doing our best to rectify that issue from our end; if the issue exists, recognize the part of the relationship that falls on your shoulders. We all want the same thing.

    I am sorry I have not been more active. Life is hard, and I am sure that I have come up short. It is something for me to work on. I love you all, and dealing with this this morning has been many hours of pain for me. I grew up here, after all, and I and many others, staff and non-staff alike, have spent countless hours just trying to do our best for this place.

    I know that you are speaking like this because you feel the same, and just want to right the wrongs, speak out against the issues, and cause a change for the better. I know, I do. But this sort of piecemeal tearing apart of specific people and relishing the drama created leads to nothing more than division.

    You all have a right to a voice. If we want to make a change, let’s make it... But not like this.
    Tuqueque, BreezyMan, padde73 and 32 others like this.
  19. The wild re beautification thing was a failure as far as I could see. Although I do not know the entire context and if action was actually done, I knew MysticalSenpai or whatever spent hours upon hours fixing south frontier on SMP2. Needless to say she got little recognition and left about a year or less ago.

    If EMC wants to look serious to new players maybe it would be good to have frontiers that dont look like apocolyptical movie scenes.
  20. Damn, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    I personally love anarchy (or communism, depending on which time of the day).

    As for fixing up the frontier, not sure why its so hard to fix it up once in a while
    Ariesis and Otus_NigRum like this.