[FORUM GAME] New Nations

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Warlord678, Feb 28, 2019.

  1. I really like that coloured graph. Where did you get it from?
    wafflecoffee likes this.
  2. Otus_NigRum likes this.
  3. The UBR is starting to get very close with Denmark. Trade between Denmark and the UBR is steadily increasing.
    There have been many rumors about the LSPY introducing legislature that would change the structure of the government, however these are just rumors. These have neither been confirmed nor denied by the LSPY or any of its members.
  4. The Federation offers a trade deal with the UBR giving them 100 tons of food per year in exchange for 100 million dollars a year for food and ceasing any and all hostilities between countries
  5. The UBR is very confused, as there aren't any hostilities between the two countries we are aware of. We decline the offer, however we wish to form closer trade ties with the Federation.

    ooc: btw, if anyone needs a parliament diagram made, I can make it for you, just shoot me a PM
  6. The SEU has began to extend their many tentacles to the House of Saud, because the House of Saud is behaving... erratically. The Caliph should be dead by now.
    SEU is basically poking the House of Saud, seeing if it is even alive.
  7. Leon Odenberg, MP from Umeå, Sweden, for the LSPY, has introduced a new resolution backed by the entire LSPY with support from the Democratic Party and about half of the Independents. It is expected to make the number of legislative members in the LSPY and the Democratic Party increase. It would also increase the number of minor parties. The entire government of the UBR will change.
    The Governmental Restructuring Act
    Voting for a member of the National Assembly will take place triennially. One month prior to voting, every political party will create an ordered list of 150 members who may become a Member of the National Assembly (MNA). This list must be given to the Election Commission by the registered leader of the party. The number of seats allocated to a party will go down to that number; e.g., if a party is allocated 7 seats, numbers 1-7 on the list will become MNAs. The entirety of the country is treated as one at-large district for voting. People may vote for their primary preferred party, secondary preferred party, and tertiary preferred party. If their primary preferred party does not meet the threshold of 3% of the popular vote, their official vote passes on to their secondary party, and if they don't meet the 3% popular vote threshold, it passes on to their tertiary pick. If the tertiary pick does not meet the threshold, then their vote wil not be counted. Political parties can be formed by any person as long as they have an established base of at least 500 people.
    The National Assembly/Legislative Area
    The National Assembly is the successor to the Parliament. It is a unicameral chamber consisting of 125 members. Any political party above 3% of the popular vote will have their percentages multiplied by 1.25 and rounded to the nearest whole number. For example, winning 6.75% of the popular vote for a party will give them 5 seats, rounded from 5.4. A smaller version of the National Assembly, the Country Assembly (with 75 members) is present in each of the 6 consituent countries of the United Baltic Republic. They are elected in the same fashion, except percentages are multiplied by 0.75. All laws must originate in the National Assembly, Country Assembly, or other assembly approved by the local Country Assembly.
    The National Leadership/Executive Area
    The National Leadership consists of the Prime Minister's office and the Nine Ministries of the UBR, as follows:
    • Ministry of Fishing, the Baltic Sea, and Waterways
    • Ministry of Agriculture, Health, Care, and Food
    • Ministry of Law Enforcement and Justice
    • Ministry of the Environment
    • Ministry of Children, Education and Research
    • Ministry of Finances
    • Ministry of Labour and Jobs
    • Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
    • Ministry of Transport, Communications, and Entertainment
    The Prime Minister is appointed by the National Assembly. The Prime Minister appoints Ministers for each of the Ministries, but they must approved by the National Assembly.
    The Judicial Area
    The Judicial Area consists of 4 levels; from order of most power to least, the Supreme Court, Country Court, Court of Appeal, and the Regional Courts. They are independent from the National Assembly or the National Leadership. Judges should not make decisions based on political opinions, but rather on what they interpret the law to be. Judges are appointed to higher courts based on seniority and approval from the Bar Association and, in the case of the Supreme Court, the Minister of Law Enforcement and Justice.
    An election for the National Assembly will take place at the end of March (post 1010). After that, elections will take place triennially (next, post 1130).
  8. SEU couldn't care less about what UBR is doing with its government.
    In any case, SEU invites UBR's leaders for a state dinner and improved trading relations.
  9. The Federation is starting research on a new type of Aircraft Carrier it will be modeled after our spies reports on the New SEU Supercarrier
  10. SEU simply laughs. Stealing plans does not give one the experience needed to build a Supercarrier; the first was a absolute disaster for SEU, and it will be a disaster for the Federation. In any case, SEU has finished modifications for the first and built a second. They work much better now, even if it's not perfect due to lingering design flaws.
  11. SEU's form of Government is... interesting.
    While there is one party, the SEU Socialist Party (the only party permitted to exist by law), there are many factions within this party that are varying. They send foward different candidates and hold legitimate elections. The Congress (People's Congress) is unicameral and is dominated by the only legally allowed party, in theory. Of course, there are always factions.
    The People's Leader is Ultrapowerful, having the authority to dissolve the Congress if needed. However, the PL can do this once every 2 terms and they are forbidden from doing it after 12 years of total length. In addition, their term is 2 years and there are no term limits, though the People's Congress can impeach the leader and is encouraged to do so if needed. Rhee Syng-Man ousted Iosif Stalin as such. PLs are forbidden from messing with the Constitution and Congress, on pain of death.
    The Judicial Branch is rather weak, with the PL absorbing most of their power.
    The SEU Military is rather powerful and capable of influencing the Judicial Branch, but the Judicial Branch is weak and rather useless anyway.
  12. The UBR accepts. Improved trade is never a bad thing, right?

    The results of the newest election are in! With a new election system comes new parties.

    Red - LSPY: 48 seats, 37.75% of the Popular Vote
    Pink - The LSPY's Farmer's Union: 8 seats, 5.5% of the Popular Vote
    Orange - The LSPY's Democracy Now: 4 seats, 3.5% of the Popular Vote
    Green - Liberals: 5 seats, 4% of the Popular Vote
    Blue - Christian Democrats: 19 seats, 14.25% of the Popular Vote
    Teal - National Conservatives: 12 seats, 10.5% of the Popular Vote
    Gray - Moderate Party: 8 seats, 8.75% of the Popular Vote
    Yellow - Liberal Conservatives: 6 seats, 4.75% of the Popular Vote
    Black - Baltic Nationalists: 11 seats, 8% of the Popular Vote
    Purple - Russian Party: 4 seats, 3% of the Popular Vote

    The new Prime Minister is Höpöttää Kahvi, who formed a coalition government consisting of the LSPY, the two parties operating under the LSPY name that are independent (Farmer's Union, Democracy Now), the Liberals, and the Baltic Nationalists.
    Otus_NigRum and Warlord678 like this.
    SEU has 28 Dokrip-Class Destroyers for sale.
    SEU has 4 Belarussia-Class Fleet Carriers for sale.
    SEU has 10 Beijing-Class Fleet Carriers for sale.
    SEU has countless SVT-40 Rifles and Nagant M1895 Revolvers for Sale, for use by Police Forces.
    SEU has 3,000 T-34 Tanks for sale.
    AK-47 prototypes have proven to be successful, and SEU is selling limited numbers of them to USSR member states.
    SEU has MiG-15s, a formidable jet fighter for sale in limited numbers.
    Thousands of Il-2, a legendary ground attack Aircraft.
  14. Are all of these only for members of the soviet union?
  15. The Federation knows that it will be a disaster but it will be progress towards greatness which is our goal
  16. With the UBR re-emerging, the SNE wants to start up trade with them, like The Federation kind of did. Mainly follow what the SEU did.This could really benefit both nations.
    Also, the SNE offers an alliance to the UBR.
    They promise help in the UBR's time of need, and hope the UBR returns that favor. Resources,ships, and/or protection will be provided if needed.

    In other news not regarding the UBR..

    Churchill passes a new gun control act to arm citizens in case of any harm but only for those trusted. Citizens must be of 21 or older and have no violent criminal record. If so, they aren't allowed to own a gun.
    If the person has an illness which could make them harm anyone else if they had a gun, isn't allowed one. All for the safety of the citizens. Lastly, no citizen shall own a fully automatic weapon unless they server in any brach of the military. Citizens selling guns, must have background just like the people buying them. Then they must get a permit. Selling fully automatic weapons (to only those that qualify) require a different permit. Anyone caught selling without a permit will be sentenced to 5 years in prison and/or $700 fine. Anyone owning a gun illegally will suffer 8+ years in prison and/or a $1000 fine and are required to relinquish their gun.
  18. The SEU uses its latest toy and shows it off. Their Supercarrier proceeds to utilize its state-of-the-art tech to blow Indonesian attacks out of the sky; they are increasingly isolated as SEU tightens the noose around a hostile Nation.
    SEU is slowly choking out Indonesia, and has plans to break its power.
  19. The Soviet Union is doing very well, and is starting to grow independent of their two biggest nations and their aid and now is starting to work as independent economic powers. SEU likes this, because they don't have to send stupid money anymore to the USSR. This whole USSR thing has hurt the SEU more than it has helped, but far-seeing Chinese and Russian politicians know that seeding the garden will produce great rewards for the SEU.
    SEU takes advantage of this and launches a full assault on the House of Saud, redirecting most of their underworld resources and money to attack their holdings. Rhee Syng-Man is more hostile towards the traditionalist House of Saud (egged on in part by the Founder), as he holds a disdain for the House of Saud for their deeply unrevolutionary stance. In addition, the Caliph has been relatively good to SEU, and SEU has decided that they don't want to see him go anytime soon.
    SEU is now weeding potential threats in other nations by starting revolts and revolutions. The rebels are armed with leftover SEU weaponry from WW2, as well as the new SEU issue rifle in limited numbers; the AK-47. It is scarily effective, for reasons that I have explained long ago. This is just part of a much longer game that SEU is playing to gain control.
    For obvious reasons, the House of Saud cannot stand up to the resources of a nation. However, they could be able to coopt the resources of the Sunayyad Caliphate if they initiated their plan quickly and assassinated the Caliph, thereby granting them immunity.
  20. Delete what everything about attacking the House of Saud. Now. Why can't you just give me time? I haven't been feeling New Nations lately and I have many things to do. Hold on man, geez.