[FORUM GAME] New Nations

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Warlord678, Feb 28, 2019.

  1. Even the Balkans have been carved up between an Italian puppet state and a USSR member.
    It's over.
    The Soviet Union is very happy; they can now begin a glorious era of peace.
    In any case, because they are not spending money on wars, the USSR led by the SEU Economic Powerhouse has experienced a second economic boom. This is smaller than the first boom, because it's the rest of the Soviet Union experiencing massive economic recovery and growth. SEU has done most of its growing, it's a steady 3.6% now.
    In other news, Stalin has been forced out by a coalition of Eastern leaders. A rising star, known by his name and heritage as a relative of the Joseon Dynasty:
    Rhee Syng-Man. He was second in line for succession by the Korean revolutionary movement, 3rd in power and he's back. A Socialist at heart and a true successor of the Founder. While the Founder was 25 years his junior and offered him top spot (the 2nd in power went on to become one of the SEU Marshals), Rhee sensed the Founder did not want power and declined.
    That was a very good bet. The Founder has endorsed Rhee, calling him a good man and his teacher and mentor. Now, the Founder is practically a living god in SEU's eyes. So his word means a lot. And people have tried to kill him; no one can even find him. He went back to living in a Choga somewhere. He's alive, but no one knows where he is. And that's a good thing, a lot of people want him dead and he knows it. He maintains 0 public presence.
  2. In the Sunayyad Caliphate, the war is over. A cleanup is to be done, soldiers clean up the bodies of their dead comrades and bury them. The Line of Despair in Pakistan is one of the worst sites seen since WW1. Pakistan is split, they need to redeem themselves and since then have focused on improving their industrialization and rebuilding their country.
    Sunayyad cities are being rebuilt after being destroyed by India. Cities and villages in the Persian Gulf and in Oman were destroyed, some blocks of cities are even rubble now, no sign of a liveable home. The people are incredibly angry at India, but they still work to rebuild what was lost.

    A month of reorganization and cleanup will commence, the military is 4 million strong, is dropping down to only an active army of 1 million, and a reservation of 3 million. After the month of reorganization is finished, all Muslim soldiers will participate in a month of Fida, (redemption). Many have experienced great injuries and are being hospitalized and put on leave, but they are honoured. The month of Fida is a month of prayer and forgiveness, where soldiers recuperate themselves and pray to Allah for blessings and new life.

    Tensions are boiling heavily in Arabia. The House of Saud is incredibly angry, as over a decade ago they were kicked out of their position in power. Now, they rally people through Wahhabism, a cultic sect of Islam, an ultraconservative version which oppresses people. Wahhabism has gained a large amount of followers, many whom believe that Islam which follows the direct instruction of the Quran must be taken seriously. Since then, in Wahhabist villages and cities in Arabia, women have been forced to wear Burqa's and hijabs, something which is entirely optional in the Sunayyad Caliphate.

    Zionism is growing, a large Jewish population in the regions of Palestine are demanding the revival of Israel. Many Arabs in the region are worried, as they fear that their entire population will be forced to leave to fill the space for the Israelites. The Caliph has directly told the Zionist leaders that he will never allow them to become their own Independent Nation, and that they should call for becoming their own Province instead.

    The Sunayyad Caliphate is a boiling pot right now, waiting to explode. For however this civil war and year of revolutionaries last, the Caliphate will never be the same, it will go through many negative phases but in the end come out positive.
  3. The Federation makes an Announcement stating that all the despair and death and blood all over the world is why they don't fight very often stating that they are a mostly peaceful nation

    In other news the Federation has emposed a term limit for senators and representatives saying that some of them are to old to be fit for office the new limit if 5 terms or 20 years
  4. OOC: can someone give me a summary of the entire game since page 18? also what year is it, and can someone create a map? I've got a lot more free-time now so I'm hoping to join back in and be semi-active
  5. That's a lot of pages... Lets just say WW2 started and ended a few posts ago.

    First, Italy invaded Libya to get a better oil supply. The Caliphate eventually won.
    Second, the SEU and Caliphate fought in the Atlantic over commerce reasons. SEU gave up.
    Third, Italy invades the Balkans, and it's a weird mesh of The Caliphate vs the SEU vs TBF vs Italy. It was a mess
    The SNE invaded Iberia (spain/portugal) which the Federation had given to the Caliphate. The SNE pushed in, and then the SEU initiated a revolt against the Caliphate in Spain because the Caliphate killed the pope. Eventually, the SNE and Caliphate split Iberia in half.
    The SEU started to bomb the SNE and destroy them, but eventually signed a peace deal and left
    The Caliphate then got into a massive ww1 styled war with India and eventually dropped a nuke on them.

    Also, the Caliphate annexed both Afghanistan and Morocco. Morocco was basically because the Caliphate railway goes right to Morocco and the Caliphate basically had free passage everywhere in Morocco, it wouldn't make sense to not have Morocco because the Caliphate basically owned their land in their own ways, but Morocco has pretty independent ruling and they are still happy.

    Map: (Warlord post this on front page, tell me if something's wrong):


    On page 48 there's a dominion map, basically showing which dominions have influence over what, etc. It's important as well. Just FYI on the map it looks like the SEU owns the UBR which isn't true, it's just to show who's socialist and who isn't
  6. It's about time the Sunayyad Caliph expired...
    In any case, the SEU has completed its first "Supercarrier".
    It is an utter laughingstock. The catapults malfunction. It shows that a 45,000+ ton Aircraft Carrier might not be practical. The crew complain endlessly about the ship being absolute crap. It is mechanically problematic and the elevator layout is a nightmare to work with. There are constant fires on board, and people keep getting sick for whatever reason.
    And it was supposed to be a laughingstock.
    SEU has learned all it needs to know to create the ideal Supercarrier. No one else knows how to build one. Just as soon as it is built and launched, it goes back in the shipyard.
    Kuznetsov-Class Aircraft Carrier:
    63,141 tons standard load
    86,992 tons full load
    After the SEU pulled out of the drawer a hypothetical design, codenamed Beijing, they built one. Unfortunately for the SEU, it was a bad design, especially when trying to jury-rig new tech onto it. So back in the drawing room it went. The designers came out with Kuznetsov.
    A much improved design and layout. It is jammed with the same new technologies that the older design has, but its layout is improved and optimized for these new technologies. Truly revolutionary, SEU is building 3 as well as converting the older design Aircraft Carrier, since the hull form of the two are identical and there are many similarities.
    The MiG-15 has been introduced. It is truly excellent, and they have also created the (fictional) MiG-14, a Naval Fighter. Both are good jets and can be produced in massive quantities. SEU will have a long partnership with MiG. Sukhoi, not one to lose out has created their own fighter-bomber. It is not that good, and SEU has sent it back to work on it more.
    There is a rather large difference between the Soviet Union and SEU. The Soviet Union is far less well organized than SEU and each nation kind of does their own thing on anything that isn't economic.
  7. Allow me to explain:
    The Soviet Union/Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was once the Union of Socialist State-Republics. Then India and a few other nations went off to play on its own. And then SEU changed the name to the Soviet Union, for whatever reason. And so now you have the Southern Socialist Union, Islamic Socialist Union, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
    Complicated, I know.
  8. What's the Islamic Socialist Union?
  9. Indonesia and Malaysia.
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  10. The SEU has intercepted reports that the house of Saud plans to assassinate the Sunayyad Caliph. SEU doesn't care what happens to the Sunayyad Caliph; so they don't bother to inform him, but they take steps to exterminate several anti-SEU House of Saud members and makes sure to pander to both sides, making sure that whichever side comes out on top is friendly to SEU. SEU is trying to play both sides here; however they dislike the House of Saud and plans to eventually confront them in an international manner and to perhaps bring them down. SEU is not very good at espionage, this was really just blind luck.
    The Soviet Union has been informed of this.
    In any case, SEU wants to sell UBR Nuclear Weapons.
    The SEU Weapons company Kalashnikov Concern has designed a weapon called the AK-47. Why it is called 47 is a mystery, as the year is 1945. SEU doesn't care; it is a miracle.
    It is like a shotgun, machine gun, and bolt-action rifle all rolled into one, reliable, cheap-as-hell package. Field tests indicate that it is a promising weapon. With automatic and semiautomatic firing modes and tearing through sandbags and light fortifications, and with its 7.62mm caliber and new cartridge able to make up for the bad ballistic properties for human flesh, SEU has enthusiastically adopted this rifle. SEU loves it, it is perfect for their doctrine and adds a new element, reliability.
    It has problems. Its ammunition is too heavy. It is so cheap and simple that any adult that is not grievously stupid could make one, and any child could use one. SEU shudders to think what Japan could have done with this rifle. But they didn't. It is unergonomic. It is hard to repair. And most of all, it is not very accurate.
    But it does the job, and cheaply. It is perfect for fighting off determined Caliphate troops, and does the job against any opponent.
  11. hoo boy
    how do I do this
    Italy invades Libya. Long and grueling war. Caliphate wins.
    SEU tries to choke out the Sunayyad Caliphate by raiding commerce. SEU is very bad at this, gets the pride of their Navy sunk, and gives up. Simultaneously, SEU and SNE fight over Sweden. SEU would have won, but Grigory Kulik manages to lose the entire country and SNE gains it. Kulik is fired.
    SNE invades Iberia, backed by a SEU which promises to aid them materially. It goes badly, the Caliphate is fanatical and SEU is the only nation that knows how to fight fanatical foes, and they don't want to help then outside of war materiel exports. Iberia is split in half, then SEU stabs SNE in the back and nearly destroys them but SEU decides that finishing them off is not worth it and gives up halfway.
    The Caliphate has a war with India, and then the Caliphate drops Nuclear Bombs on India.
    Overarching theme: Resources.
  12. Since the war is over (ik I'm late) The SNE makes Winston Churchill the new leader.
    He was always against fascism but never told the public. He now gets rid of the fascism in the SNE and brings it back to what it was suppose to be. A socialist monarchy. They have a king/Queen but The king/Queen aren't necessarily in charge of the SNE. they have some of the same powers of the leaders. But the king/Queen are the commander in chief of the SNE unlike the president (I'm making this like modern day UK)

    The SNE gets to work on a nuclear program, like the SEU and The Caliphate, under instruction of Churchill. They must get a nuclear arsenal or they will be screwed over in the next wars. The best scientist join and they are predicted to make the smallest amount of progress at the end of this year. (Just figuring out how they work, but not how to build one safely)
  13. The UBR's military and defense is so devolved due to being thrown around in WW2 that we would like to enter a military union with SEU where any military/defense items we make will be shared with you and vice versa, while simultaneously slowly moving away from the USSR and eventually leaving, giving the UBR much more autonomy when it comes to day-to-day operations. We will still have very close ties, however, and we will still be semi-socialist.
  14. The Soviet Union is an economic Union for all intents and purposes. It is far less organized than the real USSR, and SEU can't even get a unified military working.
    Sure. SEU provides them with some Pu-239 to get started and some explosive lenses.
    wafflecoffee likes this.
  15. OOC: Don't kill the house of Saud Warlord, I've legit planned everything out for a revolutionary war, there's going to be an epic takeover of the Saudi Caliphate, if SEU intervenes its just going to mess things up, so don't even bother trying anything like invading or directly trying to take the Saud down.
  16. SEU will be wayyy too busy to attack the House of Saud.
    They're fighting Indonesia. There's still an undeclared war and Indonesia is going to make a break for Austrlalia sooner or later.
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  17. ooc: what year is it?
  18. 1945
    wafflecoffee likes this.
  19. A specific party started not too long ago in Finland led by Höpöttää Kahvi called the Libertarian Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue Ympäristöstä, or in English, the Libertarian Social Democratic Party for the Environment, has been gaining a lot of traction. About 2/3 of the Finnish delegation for Parliament is from the LSPY, as well as 1/4 of the Estonian delegation, and 1/5 of the Swedish delegation. The party’s views are very progressive and extremely strange, but they have been gaining support. They are in support of a somewhat devolved government that still has some socialist views. They are also in very strong support of legislation preserving natural areas and trying to get natural, renewable sources of energy. They are very opposed to any authoritarian establishments and large corporations. The party also follows parts of the ideas of what is now called “democratic confederalism”. Here is a quote from the Wikipedia page for it.
  20. Current Parliament
    Swedish Delegation
    LSPY: 6 seats, Moderate Party: 13 seats, Democratic Party: 3 seats, Christian Party: 2 seats, Independents: 4 seats.
    Total 28 seats.
    Finnish Delegation
    LSPY: 11 seats, Moderate Party: 1 seat, Christian Party: 3 seats, Independents: 1 seat.
    Total 16 seats.
    Estonian Delegation
    LSPY: 1 seat, Moderate Party: 1 seat, Independents: 2 seats.
    Total 4 seats.
    Latvian Delegation
    Moderate Party: 6 seats, Democratic Party: 2 seats.
    Total 8 seats.
    Lithuanian Delegation
    LSPY: 1 seat, Moderate Party: 5 seats, Christian Party: 1 seat, Independents: 3 seats.
    Total 10 seats.
    Polish Delegation
    LSPY: 7 seats, Moderate Party: 33 seats, Democratic Party: 20 seats, Christian Party: 14 seats, Independents: 25 seats.
    Total 99 seats.
    All delegations:
    LSPY: 26 seats, Moderate Party: 59 seats, Democratic Party: 25 seats, Christian Party: 20 seats, Independents: 35 seats.
    Total 165 seats.

    Red = LSPY, Green = Moderate, Blue = Democratic, Yellow = Christian, Gray = Independents.
    Current Government: Coalition between the Moderate, Democratic, and Christian Parties
    keep in mind most of these are just arbitrary numbers that I made up.
    Otus_NigRum likes this.