[FORUM GAME] New Nations

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Warlord678, Feb 28, 2019.

  1. How about we have our version of the Korean war?
    SEU has rebuilt much of its arsenal (SEU now has 50-60 bombs to work with), honestly and Nuclear War would be mutual suicide, it's about time for a NICE PROXY WAR!
  2. I'm not doing it. have fun!
  3. Well, SEU's whole "thing" is proxy wars.
    In any case, SEU has new toys to work with. Their MiG-15 is working great.
    SEU has 4 major Military Aircraft firms, all specializing in different things. They are state-run, (the SEU Government owns at least 51% of their shares), and they are reasonably cheap. The SEU state does not interfere most of the time, only giving oversight at the first and final stages of design. It is of note that they operate relatively independently, and in fact compete with each other often.
    Mikoyan-Gurevich: Specializes in Air Superiority Fighters and Multirole Fighters. Adept at pumping out massive amounts of aircraft. Very efficient and favorite of the SEU Air Force.
    Tupolev: Specializes in Bombers. Has massive infrastructure to handle their massive orders, mostly gigantic bombers. Inefficient and disliked by the SEU Air Force, and only kept around because they are just that good.
    Sukhoi: Does... a lot of things. Air Superiority Fighters, Multirole Fighters, Ground attack Aircraft and Carrier-Based Fighters. By far the largest and most powerful of the four "bigs", favorite of the SEU Navy Air arm.
    Ilyushin: Most independent of the four "bigs", is a significant civilian aircraft manufacturer. Dabbles in both Bombers and Ground Attack Aircraft. Loved by the Civilians and could feasibly break off from SEU Government control.
    In any case, SEU is starting to fund insurgents in the New Abyssnian Empire. SEU knows that the Caliphate is distracted and takes the opportunity with both hands. However... this is less than successful. SEU is very good at inciting rebellion, but NAE is rather good at supressing them.
  4. SEU is getting more and more successful.
    Eritrean Christian Rebels preach rising up against their Ethiopian Overlords. The greater resources of the Socialist Eurasian Union has proved useful, as the SEU slowly proceeds to extremize the Eritreans. SEU has honed the art of the proxy war, and now they put it to full use against an equally adept foe. The NAE and SEU are equally matched, but the SEU's sheer resources are starting to win out. It's only a matter of time before Eritrea erupts in war. SEU plans to assist the Eritreans win the war with their brand new toys; Su-4s. As Sukhoi is the sole SEU carrier-based fighter manufacturer, all future SEU Carrier Fighters will be Sukhoi. The Su-4 is exceptionally heavy, hence the Catapult technology.
    (This ends as a disaster for Rhee Syng-Man and Iosif Stalin ends up retaking the PL seat, who promptly dies. And thus begins the short-lived Maoist era, after which none other than Kim Koo takes over, rules for 3-4 years, dies, and is replaced by Deng Xiaoping; none other than the greatest leader SEU has seen. This is SEU's Vietnam. They learn. They rise and become strong again.)
  5. The Caliphate quells uprising in Eritrea. They have the area sea locked heavily, the SEU sends equipment, but it barely works. Ships are being searched, and all SEU ships designated to cause the rebellion are sacked of their equipment, with some AK-47's being taken into Saudi hands.

    Eritrea is making very little impact, they may have the power of the voice, but their power of resource is very weak, the SEU is having the worst time in trying to supply them.
  6. The Saudi Caliphate has capitalized on their military budget and has reorganized it. The entire army is refreshed, training programs are improving and equipment is vast.

    The Caliphate Soldier:
    F3 Sahkra.
    A new model of the Caliphate's weaponry, it is an assault weapon and is famed throughout the entire Caliphate. At best, it is an all around great weapon. Its reliability is great, able to withstand sand, rocks, water, and even mud. It is made at a cheap cost, but not as cheap as the AK. It still has advanced ballistics and upgraded mechanisms, which prevent a lot of debris from clouding the weapon up. Cleaning the weapon does happen, but not as often, only as often as when it gets really dirty. After a major fight in the sand dunes, it'll need cleaning, but it will still work without cleaning, just not as well. It's not the most accurate, but it is more accurate than the AK, and it's bullets are much better. In a versus scenario, the thing the AK does better is accessibility, as the AK can be mass produced at an extreme rate, be easy to use and repair, while the F3 is better in mostly all respects, except manufacturing is a little more expensive, not everyone can use it, and it isn't as reliable, but it still is reliable, just not as easy to use and accessible as the AK.
    The Caliphate doesn't need AK's anyway, the Caliphate has a professionally trained army, not an army of untrained farmers.

    The Caliphate is a developing army, and they realize they need to adapt. No other nation does desert combat better than the Caliphate, literally no one ever will. Though, the Caliphate has indeed pushed for the motives of training in many different climates. Due to their training programs accepted by the Togo-Benin-Ghana countries, they have opened up to accessible humid/jungle/wooded combat. They have even pushed for training operations in Canada, where Canada dubiously accepts, as now Canada has a pro-caliphate Prime Minister. Maybe not pro wahhab, but it's on the business side of things.
    Over all, Caliphate soldiers are expected to participate in training programs which involve the wide variety of land masses, from not only the sand dunes in the Sahara, to the mountains in the east and the forests in Turkey, but also small programs in Canada and West Africa.

    The M4 Saladin is being given to many Caliphate allies in exchange for the Caliphate growing program of the M4A3E8 Saladin. Though, new programs have been sought after for a new Main Battle Tank. OOC: Centurion type tank

    Ships are being upgraded with better firing, navigational and defense systems. The Caliphate has also developed catapult technology for their aircraft carriers.

    Submarine technology is the fastest growing sector of the Caliphate's navy, with nuclear power submarines on the horizon. With greater submarines at the best quality, the Caliphate is reaching great superiority in their seas. The Deniz Class is going to be replaced by the Derin Class

    New planes planned:
    A-44 Attack Aircraft. The predecessor to the A-40 from the Abdur company, made by Abdur. It has many more abilities, able to fly much faster, higher, and with better maneuverability. The weapon systems have also changed, introducing improved firing systems.

    (AI-4 is relatively the same to the MiG-15, albeit a few differences. The B-17 was replaced by the B-52 during the war as a high altitude strategic bomber)

    Minor additions:
    Transportation aircraft: CF-40
  7. The SEU has promptly responded by utilizing underworld channels to utilize the rebels.
    In addition, the Socialists have decided to send the Eritrean Rebels large amounts of "building materials" under legitimate shipping. Now, any idiot could make an AK-47. And SEU is sending them Chemicals and Metals, as well as step-by-step instructions on how to build ammo and weapons.
    This is the AK-47's virtue. Anyone can build it, anyone can use it. And boy oh boy, when a powerful faction gets their hands on one of these things...
    The SEU knows it will be suicide to try and break the blockade, not because they can't, but because they can. They are very much capable of doing this. The Caliphate might panic and decide nuking the SEU is a good idea, and SEU has little desire to be nuked.
  8. The Soviet Union has assessed the effectiveness of their guns for shore bombardment purposes.
    203mm Naval Gun: A-. While able to rip apart more light fortifications with ease due to their 10 rounds a minute fire, unable to do much to heavier fortifications. This makes it problematic against. SNE, who are masters of the static defense.
    280mm Naval Gun: A-. While it has excellent armor piercing capability and is able to effortlessly rip apart heavy fortifications, its light shell weight is problematic for sheer destruction.
    406mm Naval Gun: B. It is... simply not a good shell for shore bombardment.
    457mm Naval Gun, Ultraheavy Shells: A+. Able to do everything at once, and despite the lower range has excellent armor piercing and destructive capacity with HE shells.
  9. The Saud and Abyssinia leaders have reacted to the Socialists attempts by locking the Abyssinia ports from Socialist or suspicious cargo vessels for a goal of 90 days, to reorganize and to destroy the rebellion force.

    Ships are searched very well, top and bottom, and during the 90 day ban any ships from the SEU or socialist origin are sent back. The NAE is very picky on this, and they choose to go through general processes to exterminate smuggling.
    They are also taking this very seriously, as both Masif Corp and Specialized Abyssinian troops band in large numbers to kill the rebels. The task is simple, take no crap from anyone, snuff them out, search their houses and places of operations, arrest them and all their affiliates, and if their crimes are great enough, they get executed.
    "Rebel Sniffers," the code name for a specialized force in the Abyssinian empire which excels at cutting deep into the heart of rebellions are very serious.
    The leader of the Abyssinian Empire quite specifically said that Eritrea should stay in the Empire, unless they wish to die a slow death in the vastness of the international world.
    As is such, the rebellions are quickly dying, the SEU cannot possibly supply the rebels very well.

    The SEU trying to aid them is not only a long journey, but also one with little reward.

    Considering they had India and their socialist buddies to help them, it could work out better, but in the end when they reach the big black X, they reach a problem
    A blockade, and port checkpoints which are not shy to search your entire ship until they find what they're looking for. Even with building supplies, there will be suspicion with Chemical and Metals, but of course since the SEU verified it as authentic, it's harder to prove to be for rebels. But the "Rebel Sniffers" are so extra that they most likely will want double the backup and 30% of the time will ask you to leave if they feel like you're supplying rebel causes.

    Caliphate ships are superior in the Arabian Sea, pulling over suspicious ships and searching them like dogs.

    The only way the SEU is going to win this proxy war is by using real force, but that would leave the Caliphate to dropping a bomb on Moscow. And be assured, the House of Saud WILL DEFINITELY drop a bomb on Moscow if the SEU decides to attack them.
  10. India and SEU are not "buddies". Anything but.
    They've had 2 wars and constant border skirmishes.
  11. Sydney-Class Destroyer:
    35 knots full speed
    9,200 km operating range
    6 127mm 38-Caliber Guns
    17 40mm Bofors AA guns
    12 533mm torpedo tubes
    1 Depth Charge rack
    8 Depth Charge Launchers
    5,325 tons displacement full load
    The SEU has created a new workhorse Destroyer, based on the principles that their Destroyers should be superior to all other enemy Destroyers. Capable at both Antisubmarine and Antiaircraft Warfare, it takes "Destroy" to a whole new level. SEU believes in operational range over sheer speed, and it shows. It can be easily churned out, and SEU made sure to make that a priority. While it isn't budget by any means, it is rather cheap for a ship its size. There are certain drawbacks such as suboptimal maneuverability and relatively slow speed, but it works fine. After all, if SEU can't churn out 1 a week it ain't a Destroyer.
    82 will be built.
    SEU is also refitting most of their Heavy Cruisers with their Radar. As SEU has very good radar, they will serve both as anti-Destroyer workhorses and pursuit vessels.
    wafflecoffee likes this.
  12. Mamluk-Class Destroyer:
    (Changed name from Derin to Mamluk)
    3,500 displacement
    36.5 knots of speed
    8,850 km operating range
    5 single Turk 5-inch guns
    14 40mm Arabic AA guns
    10 21 inch torpedo tubes
    2 Depth Charge rack
    6 Depth Charge Launchers

    Meant for a pure long distance killer, it's nothing short of a monster. Although not adequate to the Syndey-Class destroyer, it's still faster and packs a massive punch. The Caliphate made sure it was the best at anti-submarine and Anti-Aircraft warfare, and it is one of the best. It is fit with up to date navigational and firing systems, a long with radar. It is meant to do what a destroyer is meant to do; destroy.
    90 are meant to be built.

    Tigris-Class Heavy Cruiser:
    20,500 Displacement
    33 knots of speed
    6 x twin 5-inch Turk Guns
    4 x triple 8-inch Turk Guns
    12 x quadruple 40 mm Arabic AA Guns
    24 x single 20 mm Arabic AA Guns
    2 21-inch Torpedo Tubes

    It's a great cruiser, and a massive one. Fast, heavily armed, and with mediocre armor, choosing the Caliphate method of outgunning everyone else. It is quite expensive, but for its abilities it is quite cheap, it's an excellent anti-destroyer and pursuit vessel and superb at defending cargo convoys. Any Commerce Raiders from the SEU will barely stand a chance, as it not only defends trade convoys very well, but is also a great asset to Fleet aircraft carriers.
    With brand new firing mechanisms and naval radar from the Caliphate, the Tigris is the most technological ship in the navy, having excellent radar, navigational and firing systems.
    8 are being built.
  13. It has come to the attention of the UBR that some people aren't being allowed to vote in regional elections due to discriminatory laws being passed in regional legislatures. The unanimously-passed National Assembly Resolution 53 declares that nobody may discriminate based on race, gender, orientation, or other distinguishing quality for things such as but not limited to voting, interviews, healthcare, or services.
  14. The Saudi Caliphate has little attention for the UBR, after all, they are a socialist state and are a military vassel of the SEU and USSR. If the UBR wants a relationship, Ibn Saud will consider, but other than that, no.
  15. Wahhabism as written by the famous Wahhabi philosopher and scholar of Islamic teachings and ex mayor of Mecca,
    Mohammed Al-Ibn Wahhab

    "Islam during and post recession of the Ottoman Empire has seen such watered down policies to the point of the need for a cleansing. Islam must follow all the teachings of the Quran literally, and people shall be equal, no personal characteristics, no birthdays, no celebrations, and no shrines or graves. We exalt the grave of the 1st Caliph of the Sunayyad Caliphate, as it is not an Islamic one. Women should submit fully to their husbands, and their husbands should be the dominant partner, and as a husband, they should rule over them and enforce them. A widowed woman should be dominated by another male of the family, like her son, brother or uncle. Women should modest themselves under Allah and wear the Burqa and Hijab, and they should never take it off lest they be cursed. Homosexuality is a grave sin, and all whom practice it shall be hung and tossed off a building. Anyone who does not follow the teachings of Wahhabism is a blasphemy to Islam, and they shall be punished, and infidels should be killed."

    Ibn Saud knows that enforcing these writings to the core would literally break the Caliphate, so instead of killing infidels he imposes greater taxes on non-muslims unless they convert to Islam.
    He imposes a new law, one in which women must wear a hijab or burqa, unless they want to be arrested.
    All who oppose the House of Saud are designated to be killed, and those who blasphemy Islam are killed.

    Of course, the amount of backlash is immense, and many communities outright oppose it. The entire Saudi Caliphate is under social hatred, although their society is weakening, they economy is massive, and their logistic might grows very fast.
    Ibn Saud hasn't enforced Sharia Law and Wahhabism at a fast rate to avoid an entire failure of a nation, but he has slowly introduced it and expects it to be the dominant ideology within 5 years. What he doesn't realize is that it won't happen.

    The Ashqar Rebels ask the Socialists for aid against the Saudi, they need lots of AK 47's, ammo, and supplies, but they don't want any other involvement because they know the SEU would literally destroy the entire Caliphate.

    South Nubia is being protected by the Nile Coalition, they strongly oppose the infidel laws and want to protect the Christian majority in the region. Do they want Independence? No, they wan't Wahhabism gone.

    So far, the only Wahhabists who are actually killing people are reminents of the Majmue Jihadists, those of which seek to terrorism.

    The most affected region is Arabia, with both Zionism and Wahhabism battling each other. The Zionists attempted a military offensive against the Saudi Caliphate, but failed. North Africa and Shia Persia as well as Turkey aren't that affected, but the Hejz and Nejd region of Arabia are heavily affected, as well as Mesopotamia who is a weeping region.

    Ibn Saud changes the capital from Baghdad to Mecca.

  16. The SEU is well aware that they are unable to control the UBR, lest they alienate a good chunk of the Soviet Union.
    SEU does nothing; they are within their rights to do so.
  17. Ibn Saud begins the disposal of the rebellion, using the same tactics against Eritrea rebels on the rebels in the Caliphate. Riots and protests are met with brutal force, and in one instance a Baghdad riot turned into a bloody battle of nearly 23 rioters dead, most of which incited little violence.
    Rebellion outposts are then snuffed out and destroyed, and leaders of the causes are hung in the streets. Ashqar Ayyad is the most wanted man, with his bounty rising from 5 million to nearly 25 million dollars (in 2018 USD)

    The oil industry is expanding incredibly fast, with emirates like Kuwait, Qatar, and the Arab Emirates in the Persian Gulf becoming the richest parts of the Caliphate. Oil is being sold all over the world at rates faster than any other export.

    The Musafakhi parliament is getting restless against Ibn Saud, they are displeased with his Monarch decisions and his in-cooperation with the regional leaders. Although he is being told by his advisers to acknowledge them, he uses them as an "advisory" and less of a "democracy." As is such, he has ordered the assassination of the Palestinian leader due to his poor abilities battling Zionists and replacing them with new puppet leaders.

    With the entire Islamic congregation, Ibn Saud's role as a Caliph is lacking. Although he is a great business man and is expanding industrialization, his religious role is laughable, as all he has done is instigated the corruptness of Wahhabism and disregarded most things, basically splitting the Islamic brotherhood in half, and making the Islamic Clergy a different entity from the Caliph.

    His business though is quite remarkable, and he has opened up a vast network of trade agreements and has capitalized on oil, making him a penny-less king to a king with millions of dollars, and making the Caliphate a grand one, except it focuses on work, work, work, and less of human growth, a lot like Communist Russia.

    Ibn Saud: Caliph of the economy and industrialization
    1st Sunayyad Caliph: Caliph of religious growth and teachings
    Ashqar Ayyad: Leader of the people
  18. Ibn Sauds works on the revival of the military, and has planned on making a military which can be deployed anywhere in the Caliph.

    This is the method of the West and East military, although both are united, they work on their own areas, but are highly capable of combining at any moment. The split is at the Suez Canal, and surprisingly they are still united even though they have approached the roles of being a vast hand stretched over their regions. They are much more united than the SEU and USSR.
  19. The SEU has decided to create a "pocket battleship".
    They will not have Battleship-Caliber Guns.
    They are not Battleships.
    Instead, they will be more akin to "ultimate expression of the Heavy Cruiser".
    SEU has hauled 32 280mm guns out of storage.
    Taejong-Class Heavy Cruiser
    19,211 tons displacement full load.
    4×2 280mm 55-Caliber Guns
    4×2 127mm 38-Caliber Dual-Purpose Guns
    8 533mm Torpedo Tubes
    4×15 40mm Bofors AA Guns
    6 Depth Charge Launchers
    30 knots maximum speed
    15,000 km operational range
    This Heavy Cruiser is its ultimate expression. SEU considers it a "Super Cruiser". Its design is... peculiar. Mounting 2 Quadruple Turrets, and a significant secondary armament. With its long range and all-Diesel fuel, it makes for a good commerce raider. In addition, it is reasonably fast and able to fight any Heavy Cruiser on equal terms, as its armor is sufficient to resist 203mm shells. Their older commerce raider Battleships are simply too vulnerable to air attack.
  20. Ashqar Ayyad has been intercepted by Socialist Agents.
    SEU does not turn him over to him. They know India wants to get their hands on him, the Caliphate wants to get their hands on him.
    Instead, SEU provides weapons and money. They back the rebellion.
    SEU provides funds, AK-47s, Il-2s, Grenades, Marakov 9×19mm chambered pistols, and information. SEU provides food, water, and medical aid.
    SEU slowly undermines the Caliphate's efforts.
    Otus_NigRum likes this.