ACTION AGAINST YUGOSLAVIA AND UKRAINE FOR GENOCIDE OF SYRIANSFor a period of several months, the so-called Peacekeepers of the OEO that were assigned to the war-torn region of Syria committed Genocide against the people of Syria.We who sign this believe that this is unimaginably horrific and evil. The total death toll estimates range from 100,000 to 1,000,000.We who sign this believe that the State of Yugoslavia and Ukraine should pay reparations and compensation for the hundreds of thousands that have lost their lives.We who sign this believe that the people responsible for these despicable actions be punished for them, with punishments worse than death.We who sign this are prepared to take a stand and to achieve these goals, with force if we must.SIGNEES: Republic of Iraq, Islamic Republic of Iran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, State of Palestine, State of Israel, Kurdish Republic, HMKX Empire, Free Syrian Army, Syrian Arab Republic, Republic of Kazakhstan, State of Guinea, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of Libya, Republic of South Africa, Kingdom of Morocco, State of Madagascar, Republic of Vietnam, Republic of Myanmar, Republic of Turkey, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Egypt, Republic of Finland, Republic of Panama, Republic of Mexico.
The entirety of NPAT also signs the petition... Countries: Oregon, California, Florida, (The United South: Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,) Cuba, Algeria, Kenya, Republic of Nigeria/Chad, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Pakistan, Malaysia, Afghanistan, Romania, Greece. As well as the Sovereign United North American Federal Republic
HMKX has started a donation drive to pay 37.5 Billion Dollars, with HMKX drawing out of its surplus to do so. The rest will be paid by Yugoslavia. 37.5 Billion Dollars. Failure to pay by the Syrian War's end will result in "what HMKX does to companies that don't pay their fines.", which is a euphemism for looting the entire country and taking tenfold. OOC: The Syrians demanded bigger, a lot bigger. HMKX and Iran barely whittled it down to a size that wouldn't permanently crush the Yugoslavian Economy. Even then, it's really big and would probably result in a massive depression in the Yugoslav economy. 75 Billion Dollars, 750,000 Dead, 100,000 for each person. OOC: HMKX FOREIGN RELATIONS, PART TWO! Now featuring your Anime New Nations High School! HMKX to Saudi Arabia: knock it off with the sharia law please HMKX to Palestine: finally youve stopped stabbing other countries wait no stop Palestine to HMKX: TEE HEE HEE HMKX to UNAFR: nice reforms where did you get em HMKX to UFOS: Dear God, you've finally stopped being weird. HMKX to FRNS: If it weren't for UNAFR, I'd have torn you to pieces, to hell with the teachers. You are a sadistic monster that applies death to innocent people. Even when I do bad things, I do them for a damn good reason. HMKX to UWE: youre not too bad HMKX to Israel: i cant say youre a good person but you sure are hardy HMKX to DRC and Libya: will you get along or what HMKX to Guinea: so why did abyssnia beat you up and then spontaneously never show up to school again HMKX to Iraq: good work Iraq to HMKX: Thanks bro. HMKX to Yugoslavia: What is wrong with you?
The FRNS and European Commonwealth has signed the petition. Within Yugoslavia, state governments have started to rebel, the thinly held together nation having begun to crack under the deprivation of EC membership and economic decapitation. A referendum held in Slovenia and Croatia show clear majorities to leave, but the Yugoslavian government doesn't regard them as legal. Meanwhile, the Muslim majorities in Bosnian Bosnia and Kosovo have begun to riot. Rumour has it that Yugoslavia is now quietly performing a genocide against their Muslim minority. Meanwhile EC Armed Forces have begun to gather along the border. Unlike the FRNS, the Commonwealth is not toothless. They have plans to invade if Yugoslavia if they do not co-operate further. The EC's demand is simple: regard Slovenia's and Croatia's referendums as legal and allow them to secede, stop the genocide of Bosnians and Albanians. The invasion/their response will be ready in 2 posts.
OOC: I'm going to rip off Warlord's idea New Anime Highschool in NEW NATIONS! UNAFR to HMKX: God, we sort of maybe not like you but we hate that you're always right UNAFR to UFOS: Seriously, what the hell are you doing? UNAFR to FRNS: SERIOUSLY, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? UNAFR to UWE: You're like a little brother UNAFR to Algeria: Everyone thinks NPATAR is a joke, just join so we can flaunt our power! UNAFR to Afghanistan: Where tf are these terrorists coming from? We bombed 20 of them an hour ago! UNAFR to Israel: We know everyone hates you, but we're proud you're the smallest country that no one can invade UNAFR to Pakistan: We don't know how Osama Bin Laden got past your borders, but ok... Nigeria to UNAFR: Cmon dad, please give us some tanks and airplanes so we can destroy the DRC! NPAT to Cameroon: Keep trying little one... keep trying. UNAFR to Ivory Coast: Seriously dude, we protect you and all you do is ignore us and try to make more money! UNAFR to USA: After your President left like 20 years ago, it would be nice to own all of you... *light bulb appears* Philippines to UNAFR: Come one, invite us into NPAT already! Oh yeah, the Philippines trade with the UNAFR and overall relations have improved to the point where the Philippines is now an NPAT member and will shortly be joining NPATAR.
Several Yugoslavian officials and Army officers have vanished from their posts. Most of them were kidnapped by HMKX agents, but some just straight-up vanished with zero evidence. The ones that were kidnapped are in Syrian hands. They are being tried for War Crimes. The ones that vanished are also being tried, with one exception. HMKX claims that a Yugoslavian Colonel was being transported when the convoy suffered a mountain slide and the Colonel escaped. He was responsible for much of the Genocide. 3 days later, the Colonel returned. However, he was withering and rotting from the outside in, and suffering. It seems he was subjected to a new kind of Poison or disease. Also, the man lost his mind completely. He kept shouting about "meeting God", "Black Skull", and "So many eyes". Whatever happened in these past 3 days was enough to make him that way, or whatever HMKX did to him. HMKX is considering euthanization, but he stubbornly refuses to die.
The European Commonwealth has finished assembling their forces. Much strength has been regained since the War For Europe (what the HMKX-EC War is called within European borders), and it's all stationed in Italy, Greece, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria. The Yugoslav response has not been given in the timeframe given by the Commonwealth. Intelligence reports indicate that several Bosnian and Kosovar villages have been massacred, and that extermination camps exist within Serbian Bosnia/Srpska and Kosovo. Ignoring the Commonwealth is an effective refusal of the demands previously given, and they will not allow for this to go on any longer. The European Commonwealth has declared war on Yugoslavia. The European Navy patrols the Adriatic Sea, sinking Yugoslavian ships. The European Air Force was quick to gain aerial superiority over the Yugoslav Air Force, and has begun bombing strategic targets - military factories only. The European Navy has launched a marine invasion from the Adriatic Sea, storming the border of Bosnia. The European Army is invading Bosnia and Montenegro through Croatia, Southern Macedonia through Greece and Bulgaria, and Serbia through Bulgaria, Romania, and Croatia. At the current rate, they will be defeated within three posts. The goals of this war are as follows. The independence of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, and Kosovo. The creation of an independent and democratic Serbia, overseen by European Commonwealth officials. Serbian joint-ownership with Bosnia of Republika Srpska. Croatian and Serbian inheritance of the reparations to Syria. The surrender of all military assets to the European Commonwealth. Furthermore, the FRNS and EC have requested the WEO to launch an independent inquiry into the Yugoslavian officials and officers who mysteriously disappeared, as well as one into the colonel the HMKX 'lost in a mountain slide' and showed up three days later, sicker than any mere disease would make a person.
OEO has begun investigation, and has found that there is is literally no evidence. Not even a trace of anything, just an eerie lack of evidence. They just... vanished. HMKX finally succeeded in euthanizing the Colonel. His suffering had been growing exponentially and even HMKX deemed this unethical. What they found in his body has been expunged, and all records burned. What little remains suggests that this disease would compromise informational containment of [REDACTED].
The FRNS and European Commonwealth think that the lack of evidence into the Colonel's death, and the burning of his remains by the HMKX, is incredibly suspicious. Comments made among the political class and the press indicate that the two believe the HMKX may be developing some kind of biological weapon, although with no evidence they cannot make any concrete decisions yet.
HMKX bluntly points out they were the first nation to swear off Biological Weaponry. Meanwhile, the SOG is desperately attempting to cover up Divine Intervention as an accident. Knowledge of [REDACTED] cannot be spread to the public. The Masquerade must stay. The HMKX health authorities have banned acess to certain parts of China, to prevent the spread of the Plague. Of course, there is no plague, and the disease is Supernatural. Yi Sun-Shin has been dragged out of retirement to help Syria rebuild.
That's OOC commentary. No one can know what really happened. HMKX's story is true. What happened to him for 3 days is a secret I will keep to myself. HMKX calls the War the War of Containment, to contain a hostile Europe and a European Commonwealth. HMKX's GDP is rising very fast, because of all the Public Works and projects going on. They might actually reach the 2/3 of UNAFR GDP Per Capita goal by the end of the Year.
The war is what the EC calls the war for Europe. HMKX percieves it as such. If EC horrifies or disgusts HMKX any more, there might be a "War for Vengeance", in which HMKX takes the fight to London itself regardless of the losses.
UFOS has explicitly stated that if this happens UFOS and HMKX will cease to be allies UFOS has also evacuated ALL non-essential personel from it's base in HMKX and has armed guards watching the base in UFOS at all times
Don't worry too much, EC hasn't disgusted HMKX too much. Not yet at least. And if it happened, HMKX would want to undertake the fight alone.
Ohh whoops I misinterpreted that completely. Anyway... Yugoslavia has been dealt with. Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia (Montenegro and Macedonia still included), and Kosovo are all now independent. Democratic governments are in place. The war was won with minimal civilian casualties of 963, most of them working in military factories that were bombed. Yugoslav military assets are in the hands of the Commonwealth Armed Forces, and their own armed forces have been absorbed too. The evidence has been collected and the EC will punish all involved in any form of genocide, whether it be for the Syrians or the Bosniaks and Albanians, by trying them in The Hague. Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, and Kosovo are all readmitted into the Commonwealth, flooding their markets with much-needed food, leisure items, and more. The Commonwealth is also funding the rebuilding of these nations.