[Forum Game] New Nations

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by SoulPunisher, Aug 6, 2018.

  1. The Empire's economic slowing has had adverse effects on its military. Much of the Empire's vast Submarine fleet is recalled, to be mothballed until further notice. 2 of the 8 Supercarriers are recalled, leaving just 1 in action.
    The President that lifts the HMXK economy out of the dumps will do so through illegal, unconstitutional actions and martial law. But despite everything, it will rise again. Their actions will cause problems for years to come as Presidents wave around threats of forcible nationalization, but it will ultimately be what is needed.
    Africa is... you get the drill. Downwards spiral.
  2. More refugees have shown up, this time in Saudi Arabia. They are demanding shelter and most important a source of food. The Saudis promptly kick them out, but they are given food first and directions to Turkey, then the European Commonwealth. Turkey gives them more food, than promptly gives them directions to Italy and the EC. However, now the Turkish are tired of giving refugees food. In addition, the food the Saudis give them are becoming more and more paltry, and don't forget these guys are on the verge of starving to death seeing as they are in a war zone where the land is literally being rendered unfit for human survival. Wherever the engines of War roll, the lands turn into something resembling another planet, or as some describe it, "hell". About 2% of Burundi's land has been rendered unfit for human survival for the next 10-20 years due to the sheer amount of rubble, chemicals (not chemical weapons), trash, explosive powder, unexploded ordnance, weapons, and corpses, and 8% has been rendered uninhabitable for the next 5-10 years due to the same reasons. This means 3-20% of the population of Burundi (17 thousand people to 260 thousand) cannot sustain themselves within the country.
    Expect more refugees, Alt. Expect a lot more.
    The Empire, meanwhile, is busy burying its dead.
    As our Empire grows and matures, Nuclear Defense becomes important. This is an overview of the Missile Defenses of the Empire, and how it is stationed in cities and what it is designed for.
    Our ABMs are not designed to fend off an attack from Countries with large Nuclear Arsenals, such as the United North. This would be a waste of resources and time, as well as being highly destabilizing to the doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction. So, it is fitting that our ABMS are made to fend off attacks from states such as the FRNS, or France.
    The Empire's ABMs are estimated to have a 35% success rate against the advanced missiles of the TUN, but it is unlikely to matter as the system will likely be overloaded with too many Missiles and would be defeated eventually by force of numbers. Against the low-tech missiles of the FRNS, it is likely to have a far greater success rate of 53%. This, however is for each missile. 2 kill vehicles raise the kill rate to an estimated 95%, and 3 will raise it to 99.7%. In "priority cities" (Defined as cities with a population over 5 million), there are 200 interceptor missiles located to defend the cities from harm. In "secondary cities" (Defined as cities with a population of 1 million) there are 50 interceptor missiles to defend the cities from harm. In major industrial zones, there is also extensive protection. While it may not guarantee total protection, it will most certainly take out most warheads headed for it. In priority Military/Nuclear targets, the level of protection varies. Silos have no ABM systems, and are instead heavily "hardened" against an attack to withstand the stress without harm to the operators and to allow it to launch the Missiles with no problems. In major military targets, 30 interceptors are placed each. In the Presidential home, there are 20, as the Mountain it is buried under serves as a Natural Defense, and it is additionally hardened on its own. Only a concentrated strike of several hundred Nuclear Weapons or several weapons with yields above 50 Megatons.
  4. As the Plague barrels through the Empire, public health becomes a major concern. The death toll has reached 15,000, the President is no medical professional, but he has handled it decently. The low lethality of the Plague when given even basic medical attention, now named "The Lethargy Disease", is not a good thing, as more than 100 times the number of dead has been infected. The infected is estimated to be around 1.5 million, around various cities. The plague is becoming less and less lethal, instead taking advantage of its host slowly and diabolically. The host is struct with a lethargy and tiredness.
    The Empire has issued 2 additional weeks of sick leave to all workers in the country, (enforced with an AK-47 to unwilling business owners) and additionally issued a moratorium on work while a worker is lethargic, as it is a prime symptom of the Lethargy Disease. Also enforced with an AK-47.
    The Nuclear Weapons of our nation are of utmost importance. As such, we shall review the number and size of our Nuclear Arsenal. Delivery Systems and Nuclear Weapons shall be reviewed together.
    Nuclear Warhead: Pointkiller
    This weapon has a variable-yield technology that allows for yields from 0.1kts to 150kts. This is the primary weapon in HMKX's arsenal, with 6,000 in the arsenal serving as the Empire's primary means of precise delivery of mass destruction.
    Nuclear Warhead: Horseman of the Apocalypse
    This weapons is a fixed-yield Nuclear Weapon at 100kts of destructive power, intended to destroy large sections of cities. There are 500 in the arsenal, as they have mostly been phased out.
    Nuclear Warhead: Destruction
    This weapons is a 300kt yield warhead that was designed to be put on a Nuclear Missile. It is designed to destroy major cities and population centers. 1,100 in current Arsenal.
    Nuclear Warhead: End of an Era
    This weapon has its name due to the fact if it is ever used, it will be the end of an Era. This weapon has the most fortunate benefit of being low-radiation, and is the primary Anti-Large City weapon in the Arsenal with 1 Megaton of destructive power. 500 in current inventory.
    Nuclear Weapon: Elijah
    This weapon has a yield of [LEVEL 6 CLASSIFIED] 67 [CLASSIFIED INFORMATION ENDS HERE] Megatons in order to serve, not as a legitimate weapon but as a device of terror.
    Nuclear Missile:Doomsayer I, II, III
    The Doomsayer model of Missile can mount 1-3 Nuclear Warhead, allowing for its swift and easy delivery. It is not built to destroy everything, as it is meant to destroy targets with extreme precision. As such, it has a fairly short effective range, trading range for accuracy. 6,800km effective range.
    Nuclear Missile: War Never Changes
    With 9,200km of effective range, it is quite powerful, if less accurate. This is its purpose, as it is meant to destroy as much as possible. It can carry 2-8 Warheads in a single Missile.
  6. UFOS is in a state of disarray today as a unknown terrorist group has bombed the capital city they use underground C-4 bombs to attack the goverment sector 250 people were killed and over 2000 were injured among thos killed were the President and his vp all of the senior cabinet members and the visiting HMKX representative
  7. The Empire, in no real condition to send aid has sent token aid and urged other allies to help rebuild and recover. It is a mystery how someone was even able to do this undetected.
    Africa's fighting and refugees continue. The Blood stains the soil red.
    It's a meat grinder out there. The New Abyssinians, DRC, most Warlords and Guinea agree to a temporary ceasefire (so they can get back to butchering each other later, they are getting buried in shell casings), but the damage is done. There are mountains of shell casings, and the surface of much of Burundi (Rwanda got off relatively easy) resembles that of the moon.
  8. The Empire's education system heavily denounces Winston Churchill and the British as being a cruel Empire. This is likely due to India being a member of the British Raj.
    The Empire's history books are if biased, not revisionist. Ancient History of all countries is taught from China to Mongolia, taking care to portray Eastern Asia and Russia as an area that had a small bump on the way to greatness.
    HMKX's WW1 History consists of a narrative that paints Germany as a victim of incompetent allies and a foolish Kaiser, and the British as a powerful Nation that was somehow unable to defeat Germany, despite having a powerful Empire that stretched the Seven Seas. France is also denounced, but praised as an example of good in the more modern times. That "Colonialism" thing? Yeah, they've put that behind them.
    HMKX's WW2 History portrays Japan as a cruel nation that was very evil. This is one of the reasons why Japan split with HMKX. It also paints Britain as only surviving because it was on an island, and having the immensely powerful then-USA and USSR on their side. It also ridicules HMS Hood and Britain's performance in WW2 in general. Seriously, who has a vast overseas Empire and still somehow fail to defeat a puny little German country? What is all that conquering for? So they can oppress others for no reason?
    Their history books say this about each Combine.
    TUN: Ultimately, the same as we were, just a different place, and a different people.
    UFOS: They do weird things, but they have been good to us, and they are not evil.
    USA: They're alright. Just another country on the country list.
    Swissilla: Why did you vanish anyway? Seriously, why then?
    FRNS: Dude, the British Empire died 40 years ago. MOVE THE HELL ON.
  9. The Empire has instituted a policy of "You break it, you pay for it".
    For example, let us say a company named "Nenor" (wink, wink) decided to do evil in the name of profit. Gasp! It's almost as if they're built for profit! They artificially manipulate electricity in the Moscow region!
    They caused 18 Billion Dollars in Damage.
    They have to pay up 18 Billion Dollars, and more for emotional damage, amounting to 1.5x the original damages. (usually).
    They can pay up, and go without any trouble. They give the company precisely 12 hours.
    Not paying up is a very, very bad idea.
    Armed Police raid most buildings and facilities owned by the company. They cart off everything that looks valuable and all documents. Most executives are seized, and a travel ban is placed on said executives. Basically, pay up.
    Keep in mind there is no trial, there are only investigators and a small jury of government officials whose families are under surveillance to decide what happens, and whether a company should pay up.
  10. The Empire's plague is continuing to butcher. The Economy is in shambles, and someone will have to fix it sooner or later. The Empire, at this point is requesting aid from International sources as people are dying, but more than that people are getting sick and becoming useless mouths for several months before recovery.
    Meanwhile, Africa's ceasefire holds while NAE and Guinea decide to rest and recover and build up their reserves of everything.
    The World is slowly coming apart.
  11. Tensions in the Middle East are starting to heat up again in the face of Jordan being left for dead by HMKX and them doing stupid things because of it.
    Just another bit of lore
    HMKX Army Motto: "Bringing Justice since 1945!" (Referencing their numerous interventions)
    HMKX Artillery Section: "The End." (Referencing their tendency to destroy everything they come across)
    HMXK Rocket Subsection: "Death delivered at 60km/h." (Their signature weapon, Katyusha Rocket launchers has a speed of 60km/h)
    HMKX Infantry Section: "Everywhere, because we can." (referencing their status as the largest standing army on earth)
    HMKX Navy Motto: "You guys can't do anything without us, you know." (referencing the fact they ship all the other branches places)
    HMKX Supercarrier Section: "A very big stick." (Referencing the fact their Supercarriers are BIG AS HECK and all their escorts are larger cruisers).
    HMKX Submarine Section: "We may hide, but we are no cowards."
    HMKX Anti-Ship Cruiser Section: "There are two kinds of ships that make contact with us. Those that have sunk, and those that will sink". (Generic Boast)
    HMKX Air Force Motto: "Even Zeus trembles in fear." (Zeus, God of the Sky.)
    HMKX Recon Section: "We see all."
    HMKX Bomber Section: "We bring explosions. Lots of explosions."
    HMKX Flying Apocalypse Subsection: "Our only competition are the guys over at Nuclear)
    HMKX Nuclear Weapons Administration: "We perform miracles. Very big, very explosive miracles." (Nukes.)
  12. When I was reading this post I forgot it was fictional at first, oops. (I realised at the HMKX acronym)
  13. I'm glad you're enjoying the one-man show gig I've got going on.
    Things will get better.
  14. The European Commonwealth's border control at Turkey has begun shooting at refugees. Many are killed in the process. The government, nor the public, care very much. In addition, EC boats are ramming into and shooting at refugee boats, sinking them. Turkish and Italian beaches have started shoring up the dead bodies.
  15. The OEO is not pleased, but with its main backer in shambles it has bigger problems to worry about than some refugees on a boat...
    Holy crap the EC is actively shooting oh no
    The OEO might have to step in and get the EC to at least stop shooting at them, because the death toll is approaching 200,000. Refugees are no longer peacefully trying to get in, some are trying Libya and they're not too bad, but they can't take in everyone. There are simply too many people. Turkey is also taking in some. The refugees are starving. Saudi Arabia and Libya have increased their food rations to refugees. In addition, refugees are bringing AK-47s with them... because they're lying around heckin everywhere, seeing as Warlords use this weapon all the time. Why would they do that? To defend themselves from EC. I mean, quite a bit of the refugees starve to death in the sea, but the ones that don't either have food or are armed enough to take it. Because there is a ceasefire, the flow of refugees has gotten worse. This is because roughly 5% of those trying to escape were blown to bits. Now, no one is being blown to bits.
  16. The Empire's Plague has started to lose steam. The rushed Vaccine was somewhat effective, but the real killer was the institution of Martial Law. This directly resulted in the Army enforcing regulation, quite lethally. While thousands died at the hands of an army, when the death toll is approaching a million that's a small issue. People stayed in, and as a result people did not spread the plague. Health equipment was brought to rural areas.
    This all adds up to people getting cured from the plague and not getting the plague again.
    It is expected that the plague will die out in at most a month.
    Allow me to also add a few details of the Empire's primary Supercarrier, Yi Sun-Shins.
    Yi Sun-Shin Subclass: Not that well compartmentalized. Probably easier to sink than any of the others of this class, to make up for this HMKX added more personnel for damage control, and they have a high amount of Titanium in more vital areas. 2 in Subclass.
    Zheng He Subclass: First Subclass to have effective compartmentalization. They have less Titanium compared to the other classes. Also has the most available power for modernization. These are the prides of HMKX's Navy. 3
    in Subclass.
    Genghis Khan Subclass: 2nd-most all-around capable Subclass. 1 in Subclass.
    Sejong the Great: A class in its own right, lots of Titanium and quite a bit of Compartmentalization. Expensive and has relatively less power to work with. 2 in Subclass, 1 being built.
    ???: Planned Subclass, there are 2 possible designs both incorporating more automation and less maintenance requirements. One is around 105-115k displacement, while the other is around 120k-140k.
  17. Lorey lore lore! This time, on the Judicial and Prison systems!
    The Judicial system is decided by Judges. They have no idea who the accused are, nor the defendant. Only the bare minimum of details needed to complete the case is given. The entire trial takes place where an accountant types of the details of the case and delivers it to the judge as well as the cases of the defendant and the plaintiff, whereupon the Judge promptly chooses to either make or not make a comment. He/She decides how much to punish the recipient under Criminal Law.
    There are 2 types of Prison.
    Rehabilitative, for thieves, fraudsters, manslaughterers and drug users.
    Punitive, for corrupt officials, rapists and murderers.
    Rehabilitative Prison sentences are not recorded, and meant to be rehabilitative. They prepare the recipients for a new life, and have things like libraries and gyms for the Prisoners' usage, as well as classes on employable skills and mental health assistance.
    Punitive Prison sentences are recorded, and meant to deprive the recipient of a life. In these prisons, a culture of hatred is encouraged, for whatever reason, especially on Child Molesters and Corrupt Officials. It stretches human rights to the limit, and OEO has been trying to get at them for a while.
  18. UFOS has aggresivly made advances toward FRNS they have started blockading their supply lines and sabooging their troops supplies The UFOS hopes to get them to retalliate and is be very uncharacteristly agreesive we'll see how FRNS responds
  19. You need to mention this is about the Falklands, can't just do that thing for no reason.
    OOC: AltPunisher, note that any war involving the Falklands will not involve significant HMKX help. They are in terrible condition, and at most, with a lot of UFOS begging and perhaps some concessions on the upcoming famines, HMKX could maybe mobilize their sole currently operational Supercarrier.
  20. Now that time has passed, UNAFR has shown the world that they can rebuild themselves. The workforce is at an all-time high, with an unemployment rate of 3%. That's 1% lower than the longest low in TUN history when they boasted a 4% unemployment rate. It is expected to drop down to 2.9% within the next 2 years. The reason is that of the high number of jobs being opened due to the oil sands and the mining industry, as well as commercial, the biggest in the world.

    New York boasts the biggest commercial success, making the Province incredibly rich and valuable.

    As for the military, the budget is low, yet it doesn't entirely fade that of what TUN was, which is good.

    Taxes on Alcohol and Tobacco has risen by 5%. The war on drugs has also been very extensive, yet not very effective.

    Due to The Empire's crushing losses due to the plague, as well as their cruelty to their workers, the UNAFR is said to be the happiest nation ever, a true remark of their success.

    With The Empire being mentioned, UNAFR sees them strangely as weaker now that TUN is gone. Nonetheless, The Empire is still seen as a second world country in the UNAFR media's eyes.

    Citizens of UNAFR are now getting grand education, health, and financial benefits. School curriculum is improving drastically and becoming more affordable. The healthcare act is in control, giving free healthcare to those in emergencies. Financially it is much easier for millennials to reach their financial goals in life and obtain a house. The rich have no part in ruining people's lives anymore, thus younger people are given more paths in life and more affordable housing.

    UNAFR asks UFOS to stop with their reckless actions and to back off from FNRS or face an economic downfall. Yes, the UNAFR doesn't need to cripple a nation with brute force anymore... They have new tactics.