REGIME CHANGE OF THE IRAQI REPUBLIC REPORT DIGESTUNCLASSIFIEDFINAL EVALUATIONEXECUTION: OPTIMALRESPONSE: OPTIMALREPLACEMENT: UNKNOWNREPORT TIMELINEFeb. 1, 1967 1:00 AM: Ba'athist loyal staff of President Arif move to take control of the military. HMKX assets planted within the military immediately begin movements to assist the effort. The takeover spreads down the chain of command, many high-ranking officers already Ba'athist/HMKX agents.Feb. 1, 1967 3:41 AM: Takeover of military complete. Takeover of other national assets begin, with HMKX agents being activated in order to seize control of the country. Security to President Arif and other major officials are rescinded. This creates suspicion, and a plausible excuse of traitors within the security is invented by a HMKX agent.Feb. 1, 1967 5:47 AM: Resistance from loyal Iraqi forces begins. Military resistance is quickly stifled with the chain of command, but an attempt to alert President Arif is barely intercepted and the perpetrator detained. In addition, a firefight breaks out within the primary radio station, but it is quickly suppressed. Lastly, some police resist takeover, but it does not affect progress. Total takeover of Government Iraqi assets by HMKX-Ba'athist agents is achieved. Only cells of resistance remain.Feb. 1, 1967 5:51 AM: The country is now controlled by Ba'athist forces. The Ba'athists silently alert their cells that they have won. HMKX agents begin the process of leaving the country.Feb. 1, 1967 7:21 AM: President Arif wakes from his sleep. He is informed that he should sign a form announcing his resignation and allowing the Ba'athists to inherit the nation. While he attempts to resist, he is reminded that he is surrounded by armed guards, and that he will be allowed a plane to UKNS territory and a comfortable life for the rest of his days if he cease all attempts to regain power. He immediately signs the paper, officially allowing Ba'athists to take over Iraq with little effort. His family is immediately recovered and transported to London. Feb. 2, 1961 3:50 AM: Mr. Arif is boarded onto a early-morning civilian HMKX flight. The flight is checked for explosives and/or flaws, and many of the passengers are HMKX agents to ensure Mr. Arif's safety. The flight arrives safely, and Mr. Arif is given directions onto a large home where his family awaits him. He arrives safely and is reunited with his family. Iraq, meanwhile is now settling well into its new government. REPORT END
The HMKX Empire, as promised has been given a small piece of land on which to build the New OEO headquarters. Iraq and the Empire are now formal allies, and the Iraqi economy is doing well thanks to the new leaders. The Imperial army has allowed Iraq to join the GAD. In addition, it is of note HMKX tech, while not advanced enough to yet send people into space are still fairly advanced. Therefore, the Empire has a satellite launch planned in 1 year.
Introducing the collaboration between Javor and Lithuania's final product: the Pinavia! (OOC: this is a real interchange invented in 2010) Lithuania has been working on it for a few years but hasn't had enough funding and was on track to finish in 2010. With the help of Javor, they got enough funding to complete the interchange. (OOC: I'm not gonna explain the interchange, go to The interchange will be implemented in the new roads, and along old ones as well once they become old. The inside space will be used as a rest area, as well as a DOT station.
The HMKX Empire has designed a new type of carrier. Yi-Sun Shin-Class Carrier: Displacement: 117,000 tons standard load Power: 3 AG-1 Nuclear Reactors A massive carrier, even by contemporary standards, this carrier is not as capable as it sounds. Instead, the carrier was designed in order to allow extensive refit and replacement, and a hull that will be easily repaired. The projected lifespan of this carrier is a whopping 60 years. Indeed, the engineers did a damn good job. This ship can carry roughly 107 E-3 by estimates, though projections of fighter scale say that the carrier will only carry 70-something fighters by the end of its lifespan. This ship has intermediate fighter defenses and basically intermediate everything, but its sheer size makes it a formidable foe. It will take 4 years to build 1 unit. 2 have been confirmed so far, with another 4 being debated. After extensive debate, they have been confirmed.
POSTAL CODE & IDENTIFICATION ACT The new PCIA is for organizing our files. We are going to have a 5 digit code assign to everyone. People with the same 5 digit code will live in the same general vicinity and report to the same building for their mail. All 99,999 numbers will be assigned, and as the population grows, so will the number of people assigned to a certain post code. The current population is approx. 70 million, so approx. 700 people will be assigned to 1 postal code. However, when the population grows to 80 million, the number of people assigned to a post code will be about 800. Also, everyone will receive an identification card, like the one below.
The HMKX Empire was doing inventory of their Nuclear warheads. They discovered a surplus of 46 old Nuclear warheads sitting around, being maintained occasionally, from the 50s. The HMKX Empire has decided to scrap 20 of them, and sell 26 of them to the UFOS. The HMKX Empire wants roughly the equivalent of 8 Billion dollars for these warheads. This is a behind-the-scenes deal, with the Empire only trusting UFOS with these because these things cannot be mounted on ICBMs, and because they are worried UFOS will blow themselves up. Of course, the Empire is only saying the price and selling part, not their reasons. Lastly, the HMKX Empire will be issuing an address on the importance of rules in war. Stay tuned!
HMKX INTERNATIONAL DECLARATION OF THE RULES OF WAR INTRODUCTIONThe HMKX Empire henceforth declares a list of basic rules of war. These rules exist with the sole purpose of preserving a minimum of dignity within violence as a method of resolving conflict, so that said violence does not mutate into a mutual hatred for generations to come, with the eventual goal of the abolition of war. The HMKX Empire pledges to follow these rules to the best of its ability, as well as moving this pledge onto the OEO for a vote upon its reasonableness, and finally moving this into a vote to the GAD for ratification by members for all to follow. With this pledge, we will now outline the rules within this declaration.THE RULES OF WARRule 0: Human dignity must be preserved whenever possible. Those who refuse to do this should be arrested and tried. Soldiers have an obligation to detain and strip of power officers who do not follow this rule.Rule 1: Civilians must be protected whenever possible. Under this rule, human shields and targeting civilians are prohibited. Poisoning civilian water sources is also prohibited. Food sources, however are allowed as long as they do not constitute a violation of Rule 4. Gassing air is prohibited, as it could poison civilians. Excessive looting is prohibited.Rule 2: Medical workers must not be actively interfered with. While quick searches in order to make sure decoys are not involved are acceptable, the active hindering of medical workers is not allowed.Rule 3: Prisoners of War must be given food and drink, and their dignity must be protected. Abusing POWs is not allowed under this. Taunting POWs are not allowed. POWs, in the event they cannot be taken should be released into non-dangerous areas.Rule 4: Scorched-Earth tactics are not allowed in any shape or form. Scorched-Earth tactics are defined as tactics which render land completely uninhabitable, or otherwise hinder life in peacetime. Landmines are not allowed under this rule. Poisoning land is also prohibited under this rule.Rule 5: Collective punishment is not allowed, as well as overly brutal punishments. Military occupation must be just to all involved, and military police should be replaced with conventional police as soon as possible.Rule 6: A valid declaration of war must be issued at least 12 hours before the start of hostilities. To not do so is a crime.Rule 7: These rules are utilitarian. Rules may be violated under the condition that suffering is lessened by violating them. The greatest possible good is the least possible suffering for the least number.CONCLUSIONThe rules of war are for a purpose, a benevolent purpose. Therefore these rules were instituted. This must not be forgotten, for if we do we are nothing more than animals. We must never forget what we are in the end.
HMKX "RULES OF WAR" ADDRESS TRANSCRIPT[MINISTER OF FOREIGN POLICY PETROV]: Today, I will issue an address. In order to issue this address, I shall first ask a very fundamental question. [MINISTER PETROV]: Why do we create rules for war? [PAUSES]There are many, many answers. [MINISTER PETROV]: But I shall only be sharing some of them today with you. [MINISTER PETROV]: We make these rules, so that a better world may be formed. We make these rules so that we may, after times of war live in peace. So that our wounds heal in peace, and our hate dies forgotten. And perhaps, eventually, our great and perhaps delusional dream of a world without war may be realized. As you well know, our Empire does not tolerate criminals of war. We have punished criminals within our own ranks without regrets. But we must tell it to all the world. That we are moral, and that we encourage the rest of the world to be moral. So, this is why. As I speak this address, the Global Advancement and Defense pact votes to ratify this and put it into effect within the member states. Soon, many nations will be following these rules within war. We have also put it up to the OEO for a vote. It is our sincere hope that they ratify this, and make it a staple. We are making progress. There is still war, of course. Africa as the holdings of the former British Empire has fallen apart is in a constant state of civil war. And yet, when some foreign power or indigenous government swoops in to fix the place? After this, all the war shall follow these rules. As a matter of fact, our government is right now factoring in the rules of war in their calculations about diplomacy! I've had to do great work for this. But that is not the point. The point is that war will be clean. Honorable. Of course, there is still nothing good about war. But we can still make it a little less worse, one step at a time. Perhaps this is but a small step. But starting is half the journey, is it not?
The HMKX Empire has started backing the Abyssinian Empire. In addition, within there the Empire has promoted a capitalist system* and has invested heavily, which in turn has led to explosive economic growth. The Empire will continue backing Abyssinia militarily and domestically, and will help Abyssinia grow to a regional power exerting dominance over their Area. The Abyssinians have expanded over the rest of Ethiopia, and some other lands. In addition, the HMKX have pressured the South Africans to end Apartheid. By pressure, I mean threats. Threats of invasion and all that. Guinea is expanding over Africa, with it consuming swaths of land with Imperial backing. Madagascar and the Empire have established ties, with the Empire assisting Madagascar. They are now trading with the rest of Africa. But God willing, This will not become another colonial Era.] *The HMKX Empire's brand of Socialism is very strange. Taxes are high for the rich, but the main goal of the extensive HMKX regulation is to prevent a monopoly and create sustainable growth. Competition, the heart of capitalism is glorified. However, illegitimate/unethical practices are frowned upon and relentlessly hounded by the law.
A New Change With another sweeping win by the Liberal government in the current election, TUN is looking for a massive change. Change that will not only affect TUN but the world. TUN has previously seen their own foolishness in recent years bickering with The Empire's leaders, and not getting any progress done. This bickering has caused violent flames which are hurting the relationship between these two world superpowers. That fire will soon be taken out, and a seed will be planted which will bring great prosperity to our world. This starts with facing our indifferences and injustices and joining each other in arms. No more fighting, no more bickering, and no more harshness. Our world needs our attention, and we will give it that. So, with a new leader being sent into office, these changes will be pushed forward and actually be promised, unlike the previous leader of the liberal party.. *cough* Malaysia *cough* Foreign Relations: The Empire. Ah, yes the world has seen enough bickering between us, and it needs to stop. The Empire isn't to blame though,TUN has done their part and has done it vigorously. So why not bury the hatchet and look to a brighter future? The United North hopes to strengthen the trust and friendship between our two giant nations once and for all. We need not show how big we are with our tanks or supercarriers, but show how strong our integrity is. With that, TUN hopes to open more trade deals and friendly communication with The Empire. Javor TUN is honoured to be allied with such a growing nation, a nation which is growing far faster than anyone else. With Javor's growing highways and infrastructure, TUN hopes to focus on many more projects with Javor. UKNS Being our first ally, and an ally which has stuck with us ever since the splitting of their own colonies, TUN wants to maintain a stable relationship, and break any negativity going on with opinions on Israel. If their prime minister would actually stop vacationing and get back to his office, *cough*. UFOS A clumsy nation, but a curious and eager one. There has been controversy in the past, with them trying to annex the Marshall Islands for themselves, but we should put that aside. The UFOS is resourceful and eager to help out. Why see them as enemies, when they have so much potential in this world? TUN wishes to open up more trade agreements and rest any aggression. Other Nations It is an utmost goal of the new TUN government to spread influence and positivity in the world. TUN wishes to open up more friendships and trade deals with the other nations of our great world. Of course, we do not wish to overtake anyone's ally, we are not trying to steal anyone's charm here. Military: Such a sketchy topic in our world today. TUN and The Empire have been trying to show each other who owns the best military, and in the end, it's just a waste... All that spending, just to say "My guns are bigger than yours." With that said, TUN is going to cut down a ton on military spending, although they won't weaken themselves, TUN is going to prioritize on diplomacy instead of supercarriers. TUN will be focusing more on peacekeeping missions now with their military, rather than invasions. TUN itself: All the focus has been going to foreign objectives, and not on TUN itself. Thus, TUN is spending a big budget on growing the economy and making TUN a great and prosperous nation again. Javor has been doing this for a while, and it's why they are so successful. No more focusing on invasions and war. More focusing on spending money on the well being of our own nation. Malaysia: The Empire has been pushing a goal to give Malaysia independence, and although that goal won't be fully reached, it's being considered. TUN's new government is thinking heavily on what to do with Malaysia, and that is to probably leave them to themselves. Sure, they will still be a colony of TUN and will be under their law, but they will be more independent as before, and their government will be left to themselves. All in all, TUN's main goal is to strengthen foreign relations, bury the hatchet with previous enemies, cut down on military spending, and focus on growing their own nation and bringing peace all around the world.
What of the the rules of war? The Empire would like support on this matter. War must not be too brutal. The GAD's finished voting, statement is RIGHT HERE GAD RESOLUTION ON HMKX SUGGESTION "RULES OF WAR"The GAD wholly supports by a unanimous vote the HMKX suggestion on the rules of war. War, while an important part of Human history has long since been far too brutal, sometimes resulting in years and years of dispute and war, as in the Midde East. The GAD hereby pledges to condemn any nation violating these-common sense-rules, and punish any members which violate this rule. These rules of war will be followed with the utmost respect, as the problems of the world stem from violence and cruelty. The GAD promises to do all in its power to enforce these rules of war in areas it controls. The HMKX Empire economy is growing slowly but steadily. They average a 2.2% growth rate, but they've not even once had a recession. This is because of the bizarre brand of Socialism the Empire promotes. And yeah to burying the hatchet, HMKX's military budget was down anyway.
well i wasnt getting the alerts for this thread but HMXX We accept your offer for 8 billion for the 26 nuclear warheads
Excellent. Warheads will be delivered via cargo ship. The Empire is really hoping that UFOS reverse-engineers these things. The Empire has taken alll precautions to make sure they do not blow up, even in the case of the ship exploding/sinking. (Someone please make a post to mess this up, preferred method: information leak)
the UFOS economy has slowly been going up which the president of UFOS thinks of as a great achevement as it's South America so The UFOS is going to create an oil pipeline from Argentina to Chile where our weapons and tanks and stuff are produced this will take 2 years
The E-3 has finally been recreated, with an extensive onboard computer system. The many prototypes suffered mechanical problems, but they have finally been lowered to a manageable degree. While slightly more prone to breakdown than competitors and much more prone to breakdown than the E-2, the extensive onboard computers allow a very powerful combat performance. The aging E-2 must be replaced as soon as possible. Imperial radar is... fine. Not good, not bad, just fine. However, this fighter is a powerful air combatant, because it incorporates many Imperial technologies that were in the works. Air-to Air missiles are definitely equipped, and this jet is a capable multirole fighter. It is fairly fast, outstripping most competitors and on par with Imperial intelligence for other models of nations. It is to maintain readiness at all times, and be a general workhorse for other models of Aircraft. (Just think of the E-3 as the F-16 of the Empire.) The Empire's work continues on Missile Defense systems. No more missiles, yes please to defense, not attack. The Missile defense systems are mainly placed within the Chinese region. Wonder why. The E-3 was also designed with defense in mind. It is made to defend, and defend damn well, and maintain complete superiority in defense and stand up for itself in attack. The one exception to this rule is the return of Stalin's organ. It is a blatant attack vehicle. Retaining all the strengths and a few new ones too. The long time it takes to reload a launcher have been significantly remedied, but the mobility has slightly been hindered. Obviously, the Empire would be stupid to flagrantly display these new weapons proudly, in this new thawing of the cold war. So they hush it up, don't make a big deal of it. Where the hell is the UKNS PM? If he doesn't show up by the end of the year and do something about that man-in-space launch, the Empire will be forced to launch an international manhunt.
The HMKX Empire has lowered tariffs on a number of TUN and UKNS goods. In addition, the Empire seems quite agreeable to a FTA with the UKNS. In addition, the Empire has extensively developed its Russian Oil fields and has partnered with Saudi Arabia to refine its oil. As well as this, Iraq is an enthusiastic ally of the Empire, due to the Empire having an helping hand in its government's creation. So, the Empire, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iraq have created an informal alliance. It's called "The Big Oil" These countries through an array of contracts and networks work together to use their considerable crude oil into action. If you even want a chance at joining, you would need 8,000 Billion Barrels to join, oh and you have to be Sunni Muslim, sorry. This was an unintentional result of the Middle East being mostly Sunni Muslim. (OOC: I calculated their oil reserves, and they add up to roughly 612,400 Billion Barrels.) This organization will be useful for any future players who do not have significant oil reserves, or Javor. Wink, wink. The ulterior motive of the Empire within this is complete strategic domination of the Middle East by aligning themselves with Sunni powers. They've been fostering three-way ties between Saudi Arabia, themselves and Jordan. Yemen is also a part of this massive group. The Empire is trying to calm down their bloodthirst against Israel. But it's quite understandable, Israel attacked first. Of note. Iran will never be joining this massive bloc. They are Shia, and are historically rivals with Saudi Arabia. Iran is on the verge of a revolution, and even if they were Sunni, they would probably never join. They are in no condition to.
The HMKX Empire would like to negotiate a deal with Javor on Oil. The Empire assures Javor OOC: Also, current global superpower oil reserve calculations: (BB=Billion Barrels) to help you guys get an idea of how much oil you will have for the next 30 years or so. HMKX Empire: 110.2 BB, 80BB from Russia, 25.6BB from China, 9.6BB from India, a negligible amount in Japan. Will run out by the 2030s. TUN: 16 BB, 10BB from Alaska and 6 BB from Canada (Economically feasible by 1970s, will increase tenfold in coming years. In the 2000s, oil sands mining will become economically feasible and will make TUN oil reserves go up to 180BB.) Their Albertian oil sands give them immense potential. UFOS: 14.8 BB, 13BB from Brazil and 1.8BB from Australia; they seem to be entirely dependent on it. They'll exhaust it sooner or later. UKNS: 10.2BB, 6.6BB from Norway and 3.6BB from Indonesia; UKNS seems not to have taken advantage of any of this oil and is instead dependent on HMKX. This is... odd. Javor: 0.4BB, all from Thailand. Will need an oil deal, eventually. And ditto for coal: (MT: Million Tons) HMKX Empire: 361,900MT, 157,010MT from Russia, 114,500 MT from China, 90,090MT from India, 300MT from Korea. Russian Coal is mostly low-quality, but they've mostly phased out Coal usage anyway. UFOS: 48,713MT, 38,600MT from Australia and 10,113 from Brazil. Brazilian Coal is mostly low-quality. This is problematic for UFOS, because they still need Coal. UKNS: 11,674MT, 6,739 from UK, 4,196 from Germany, 740 from Indonesia. They are dependent on that stuff. TUN: 6,578MT, all from Canada. Not much of a problem, because these guys have phased out Coal usage more than the Empire. Javor: 1,354MT, all from Thailand. Ditto for Natural Gas: MM (Million Meters Cubed. EMC does not have superscript/subscript, so I am forced to use MM.) HMKX Empire: 47,870,900MM, 47,800,000 from Russia, 50,000 from Korea, 20,900 from Japan. No worries on this front! UKNS: 5,089,000MM, 2,875,000MM from Indonesia, 1,922,000MM from Norway, 292,000MM from the UK. That's quite a lot. Javor: Currently Proven deposits: 342,000MM from Thailand, an unproven vague, but definitely large amount in Ohio in the Utica Shale. TUN: Currently Proven deposits: 1,996,000MM from Canada, a large amount in the Utica Shale. PHEW. This is just a little resource to help you guys understand your global resource positions. (The data here is from the 2000s, but it should be good enough to give you an idea of how much your nation has.) I worked hard on this, a thanks would be appreciated.