That’s a bit too close for comfort. The Empire privately warns the UKNS. In addition, the Empire has made the decision to pull out of Myanmar. The Empire pushed the fact it could annihilate Myanmar if it wanted, and got a pretty good deal for Myanmar's utter bloodbath. Myanmar shall not mistreat the Rohingya peoples. The Empire will pull out by the end of the year. The Empire will compensate Myanmar for damages. (No one expects this provision to be kept completely, not even Myanmar.) Myanmar will compensate the Rohingya for damages. The Empire cannot keep whatever they looted. Ditto for Myanmar. This is a huge hit on the Chinese president's popularity, right there.
TUN has had its eye on Malaysia for a while now and yearns for more political and economic advantages in South East Asia. Through proper spying and study of Malaysian troops and geography, TUN has concluded that they have a decently sized military, along with okay military equipment. Although they still use a lot of British Military Equipment, they surprisingly are not that outdated in technology, and at their point in time, they are a pretty formidable fighting force in Southeast Asia, excluding the UKNS and Javor military occupations. TUN, with a large military force in Indonesia already, line up on the coastlines in Indonesia across from the southern borders. The main objective is Kelang. TUN sends in multiple Destroyers, Corvettes, Frigates, Submarines, and other naval units, including the U.S.S Independence Supercarrier. The plan is to bring in a large naval force, and block off the Strait of Malacca, the South China Sea, the Sulu Sea, and the Celebes Sea. Then, send in troops from UKNS Indonesia, and Javor Thailand into the Western Malaysian Peninsula, push forces through, take over Kuala Lumpur and gain political advantage, while having tremendous support via the sea. Eastern Malaysia will be invaded next, but it will be on hold due to the severe advantage of having the West Peninsula. The 150,000 Troops who are being sent to the Coast of Indonesia and the border between Thailand and Malaysia will be sent there in 2 posts. The United North Royal Navy will arrive in Malaysia within 3 posts and will block off key locations and provide huge advantages to coastal attacks. There will also be transportation ships which will transport soldiers and other tanks and military equipment. The U.S.S Independence will arrive within 3 posts as well and will provide insane airforce advantages. The easiest part about this invasion is going against the military which pales in comparison to TUN, although, avoiding harm to the citizens and cities of Indonesia will be a much bigger problem, and invading all of Malaysia, including the thick jungle and mountains will be deemed difficult as well. With the amazing tactics and high tech equipment of TUN, anything can be possible.
The UKNS pays no heed to the Empire's warning. They will continue on their current course unless it is virtually impossible for them to do so. The UKNS also calls for an early meeting of the leaders of the TUN, UFOS, HMKX, and Javor (the kind that the UFOS set up) to discuss setting up a non-aligned international body that nations can use to peacefully discuss and resolve grievances. They believe that the crisis arising because of Israel will be a useful case study for such an organisation's effectiveness, weaknesses, and strengths and can be perfected. The UKNS, with its troops stationed in Indonesia, would also like to the help the TUN and the Empire. Wresting control of Malaysia from its corrupt government and saving its people would be a benefit to all parties involved.
Yeah, I was wondering when we were going to see the summit again... Thank you for the help UKNS, your military bases are closer, and your help will be much more effective. As a part of the Invaded Countries Act, TUN promises a few things to Malaysia. In the course of the invasion, preservation of ancient temples and religious sites will be of top priority, and TUN will avoid at all cost destroying or damaging these ancient sites. Citizens will be well protected. As in any invasion, it is in no interest of TUN to kill or harm citizens. Citizens and their communities will be protected, and possibly aided. If the invasion is successful, the government will not be kept the same way in its corrupt state but will be changed to democratic standards. Of course, the sultans will not be changed, and the rotation of a king will stay the same, although the federal government will receive vast changes, and the power of the sultans would be hindered under the Federal Government of TUN. Malaysia is of course still given their right to the same human freedoms and will keep their rich culture and religious spirit. Although, laws and justices benefiting Human Rights will be enacted, and equality and human freedom will be a driven force in reshaping Malaysia. This is in no way of killing off the culture though.
As many can see, Javor's current primary focus is transportation. Our next projcet: long-route buses. This will provide many major cities with a reliable bus service going back and forth between many cities, connecting the cities with the rest of the nation. Here are the routes: Route 1: Fenwick-Dewey-Rehoboth-Lewes-Milford-Dover-WIlmington DE-Philadelphia Route 2: Philadelphia-KOP-West Chester-Reading-Lancaster PA-Hershey-Harrisburg Route 3: Harrisburg-State College-Altoona-Delmont Route 4: Delmont-Pittsburgh-Grove City-Erie-Conneaut Route 5: Conneaut-Mentor-Cleveland-Akron-Canton-New Athens Route 6: New Athens-Wheeling-Moundsville-Marietta-Lancaster OH Route 7: Lancaster OH-Columbus-Springfield OH-Dayton-Cincinnati-WIlmington OH Route 8: Conneaut-Mentor-Mansfield-Columbus-Buckeye Lake Route 9: Conneaut-Mentor-Sandusky-Toledo-Bowling Green Route 10: Conneaut-Trumbull Cty.-Youngstown-Wheeling Route 11: Philadelphia-Allentown-Jim Thorpe-Wilkes_Barre-Scranton-Blooming Grove Route 12: Blooming Grove-New Haven-Hartford-Springfield MA Route 13: Springfield MA-Pittsfield-Keene-Newport Route 14: Springfield MA-Worcester-Framingham-Boston-Kittery-Saco Route 15: Worcester-Framingham-Plymouth-Mashpee-Provincetown Route 16: Portsmouth-Manchester-Suncook-Concord-Woodstock-Marshfield Station-Berlin Route 17: Saco-Portland-Augusta-Waterville-Bangor-Old Town-Dover_Foxcroft Route 18: Bangor-Bar Harbor-Calais Route 19: Bangor-Millinocket-Roaring Brooks Campground-Houlton Route 20: Houlton-Presque Isle-Caribou-Allagash-Portage Lake
At 6:00 am, Malaysian time, TUN prepares for a sneak attack. Troops all along the border and coastline are well prepared and eager. TUNRN sends in naval blockades and patrols in the Strait of Malacca, the South China Sea, the Sulu Sea, and the Celebes Sea. They prepare their armaments and keep a close watch over Malaysian ships. 2 hours later, TUN forces make a surprise attack through the Thailand/Malaysia border. They storm through with thousands of troops and M60 and Sheridan tanks, along with attack helicopters. They make it through to Changlun and into the state of Perlis. They are met with a ton of firepower and are held back for a short time as they are bombarded with the first line of Malaysian troop defences. Eventually, through brutal tactics, TUN makes a sharp push straight through and establishes a holding point in Changlun. This, of course, is all sweet time for the coastal troops to get through Klang. Initially, troops were sent through U-Boats and landed on the beaches of Carey Island, a forested area south of Klang, seemingly dead of most life. It's just a thick bush... There are, of course, no real threats on the island, but it is no doubt offsetting. Troops there set into vehicles and on foot through the thick bush and onto the main road, which goes straight for miles, along with the boring walls of jungle trees. This isn't the only force moving in though, this is just a "stealth" force, expected to move in through quickly and attack the heart of Klang. Before troops land into Port Klang, TUN royal airforce conducts multiple air raids, by bombing coastal defences and weakening the first line of defence heavily. This allows U-Boats to arrive at Port Klang and transport troops into the city. Citizens are shocked, and they have the right to be, this attack was entirely secretive. Destroyers along the coast bomb military defences and destroy enemy ships. This is just the first wave of attacks, soon, 150,000 troops will be in Kuala Lumpur, at the doorsteps of the Governments house.
The Empire has mobilized the 2nd fleet to observe. This observing intent is made clear with Imperial communication and action. In addition, the TO-2 is complete. The E-2's weaknesses were on full display in Myanmar, with the E-2-FB not being the best Fighter-Bomber, and TO-1 being a terrible jungle-terrain tank. The TO-2 built on the weaknesses of the TO-2 being a terrible all-terrain tank. The Empire's insistence on simplicity had to be compromised to some extent. The TO-2 is a powerful battle tank, and is easy to produce but is very hard to repair without the proper parts. ERA Armor is incorporated into its design to counter the TUN tanks. ERA Armor make this expensive, and research is underway to make ERA cheaper. The TO-2 is not all that fast, but has a powerful main gun. The TO-2 will not undergo mass production until the Empire can figure out how to make ERA cheaper, and the tech involved in the TO-2 less prone to malfunction. The Empire's new tank is designed to be a much-more all rounder, even if some capability is sacrificed.
The Empire has an interest of holding a power base in the Middle East. The Empire mobilizes from Turkey and tries to annex a small part of Syria. This is successful. This area is a 10*50 km strip of land. Syria, of course is angry but they cannot risk fighting Turkey, HMKX, and Saudi Arabia all at once. This is to build a airstrip and Nuclear strike bunker. Consolidate Imperial power in the Middle East.
TUN doesn't like how everyone seems to be pushing Israel around. Back off, please. TUN has set up an embassy in Israel and has made great foreign deals with them.
The UFOS government agrees with you we have mobilized 100000 troops to help defend Israel if needed Also UKNS where would the summit be held? And
Relax. The Empire's only consolidating power in the Middle East. In addition, I think the Empire and Iran broke up with the whole deal thing. Lastly, the Empire's trying to be buddies with East Timor.
Also, mobilizing for foreign powers is... not smart. This only reinforces the Imperial perception of UFOS loose cannonry.
Wait how does us mobilizing troops to help defend another country signal us as a loose cannon Please elaborate
Hold up, you dont need to send troops at all... I'm just referring to UKNS condeming israel, i'm not trying to start a war, just sticking up for my ally, israel is none of your business.
THE EMPIRE IS YOUR ALLY. THAT'S STUPID. THE EMPIRE IS SUPPOSED TO BE YOUR FRIEND. THE EMPIRE IS SUPER WEIRDED OUT YOU'RE COMING TO THE DEFENSE OF A FOREIGN POWER, ONE WHICH THEY ARE NOT EVEN ALLIES WITH, ABANDONING AN ACTUAL ALLY. Ahem, back to legitimate action. The Empire accepts UKNS invitation. France has been told to tamp it down with the Nuke-mongering, not sure if they'll listen. The Empire has opened major Titanium mines as a investigation into its feasibility as a fighter jet material, and just general use. The Empire has completely outstripped coal use. The Empire now uses oil. The Empire has expanded Aluminum trade with Guinea. In addition, the Empire's healthcare service is now active in major cities. The Empire is beginning to construct the Calamity-II-Class Supercarriers. A large carrier fleet will allow the Empire to protect their larger cities. It will take 5 years to build all 3 units. The Empire is scrapping all remaining battleships in their Navy. Some will be repurposed as massive barges for guns, with all functions that made it an independent ship stripped. The Empire has ordered new submarine classes. Their old fleet is outmatched. Nuclear reactors will be used as proof of concept. However... the Empire is now out of money. Yep, the Empire has fallen to something as simple as budget logistics. I mean, they have enough money, but they can't start anything lest they put the emergency funds in jeopardy. So no more large scale projects, for the rest of the year, until the Empire can collect some taxes. Another corruption purge is within the works.
IMPERIAL CORRUPTION LAWS: PENALTIES The Empire has strict punishments for corruption. Corruption is death of the state. Receiving bribes will result in a life sentence to gunshot execution, depending on financial circumstance of the receiver and circumstances of receiving. Embezzlement will result in chemical execution to execution by slow-acting electric chair, depending on financial circumstances of the embezzler and circumstances of embezzling. Succumbing to threats by higher-ups or other figures will result in a 20-year jail sentence to execution, based upon circumstance. Giving threats to lower-ranking government officials will result in execution by slow-acting electric chair. Using authority to coerce civilians will result in life sentence to execution, based upon circumstances. This includes extortion and blackmail. Giving bribes will result in execution by chemicals. Deliberately compromising governmental judgement via induction of unqualified sources or advice will result in a life sentence. Abuse of governmental power will result in a life sentence to execution, based on circumstance. Lobbying will be treated as bribery. Misuse of power will be treated according to damages and results. Graft will result in a life sentence to executing, depending on circumstance. Nepotism/Favoritism/Clientelism will result in a 20-year jail sentence to life sentence, depending on circumstance. Networking will result in a 20-year jail sentence to life sentence. Other cases will be determined as logic demands. In the event the corrupt person dies before sentencing, or corruption is uncovered posthumously, they will not receive a funeral. Their corpse will be cremated and buried in a garbage dump. If they are already buried, their remains will be dug up and cremated. If they are already cremated, they will be relocated to a garbage dump. Their name is to be removed from any federal government plaques and thanks, and all awards are to be stripped from them. In addition, the name of the person is to be listed within a roster. This roster serves no practical purpose other than to be a archive of corrupt persons. Lastly, if they have served within the military, their records of service will be nullified, and their public service record nullified. This will not happen if the corrupt person receives their punishment. If they die within jail, this procedure is not to be executed. Corruption is an extremely detested crime within the Empire, as it is the step before all-out treason. Corruption is a disease.
The Empire has initiated its third corruption purge. THE DETAILS ARE HERE. The Empire has eliminated many of its bureaucratic officers, but less than last time. It appears the harsh punishment for corruption did the trick. The Empire will be hobbled for a bit, but no biggie. DEATH COUNT: 582 incarcerated for 20-50 years 124 incarcerated for life 36 executed by chemicals 18 executed by gunshot 10 executed by hanging 4 executed by slow-acting electric chair* *the slow-acting electric chair's full capability was only displayed on 1 person. The rest died within 5 hours. The one that endured the full 37 hours of death was likely a serial killer, and had repeat corruption offenses.