That moment when....

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by WayneKramer, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. That moment when your vote streak hits 1400!

  2. ^^^ that moment when you streak hits 8:p:p
    Smooshed_Potato likes this.
  3. Keep it up and you’ll be at 100 before you know it ;)
    Smooshed_Potato likes this.
  4. yeah in 92 days
    Smooshed_Potato and 607 like this.
  5. That moment when Minecraft splits up your loot all by itself! :eek:

    Those 4 single chests should actually be 2 double chests ;)

    These days I'm almost constantly using 1.13.1 (I love those datapacks) and today I noticed that you can also connect to EMC with this. Well... it works but you're better off loading up another profile. Even so, I think it's still an awesome feature because it allows you to hop online without having to bother, which will work great if all you want to do is chat with friends.

    But for now... 1.12.2 it is :)
    ItsDicey, 607 and MoreMoople like this.
  6. If you open either of them, do they appear as a single chest in the inventory as well?

  7. Moment when u got 195 vault pages and you still can't find any torches! ^.^
    607 likes this.
  8. Yeah, that's where things get really bizarre really quick :D Both chests open together, and you'll end up with the same screen as if you're opening a double chest. If you're placing a double chest though your 2nd chest will initially disappear entirely, but if you then open the single chest that's left it'll re-appear and you you're back to what you see above.

    It makes perfect sense if you think about the differences between versions, but it's still weird :)
    607 likes this.
  9. That moment when there's a button or something that you keep hitting accidently while building and it automatically opens up this windows 10 help search...

    Or rather, 26 of it in my case :rolleyes:
  10. That moment when you finally finish 7 hours' worth of homework...
    MoreMoople likes this.
  11. That moment when you forget to bind the attack key to left click.
    My mouse has the tendency to bind left click to its scroll wheel.
    Ends up getting a little more clicks per second then I would like.
  12. That moment when you seem to have forgotten what year it is and write 2016 instead of 2018... :p
  13. That wonderful moment when....

    Your build is almost done! :)

    I felt like doing some old fashioned survivaling so we set out into a random waste with some food at best (and our tools of course) and eventually found a nice "cave-like" area which even sat on top of a large chasm / ravine. So: the ideal place for some solid cave exploration.

    So after collecting plenty of materials we decided to build a base right into the "mountain", using the space which was already there. And the result can be seen (somewhat) above. It's a bit hard to see I guess because of the bad weather, but the entrance sits at water level but inside you go up the stairs to read the normal floor (the white window you see starts at the floor).

    On the left you can see the stairs going down to the (metal) front door which actually end in the water :) The roof is made from a combination of sandstone slabs and birch wood slabs. You can see the walls; that's my usual building material for larger walls / floors / etc. (stone brick: smelt cobble and get stone, craft stone brick and you got an automatically protected block which is pretty cheap to make).

    And in the middle you can see that this is really inside the mountain. There's only dirt and some regular stone pockets behind the wall on the far end and on my right. You can still see an example of that at the top (that's the part we haven't finished yet).

    And that's the area we still need to finish. It's getting late (read: waay too early) here so that's something for later this weekend. You can also see the small problem we're having because the place where Aya is standing is actually a small open area with water. It also has a cobble stair down to the mine and the ravine / chasm I mentioned earlier:

    But that's something to worry about later. And because this is a (temporary) waste build we don't have to worry (too much) about making sure that all the walls are fully build and closed ("grief proof") because... why bother? :) The waste is first and foremost about mining after all :)

    Anyway... that's my moment and I love moments like these. Staying up waay too late and having fun just mining and building.
  14. I love playing on the Empire!

    That moment when you're writing this post about your new waste tunnel, and while doing so you're afk in said tunnel (I usually make screenshots 'on the fly' because it's easier and more honest that way).

    So that moment when you come back from the AFK:

    607 likes this.
  15. That's cool. :D
  16. that moment when you forget what moment you were gonna share.
  17. That moment when you are placing solar panels on a new part of your space station and see a space shuttle fly by with a familiar abbreviation painted on the side:

    Probably just Aikar checking to see if the moon is made of cheese again :D
    BrickStrike, MoreMoople and ShelLuser like this.
  18. that moment when i dunno anymore :confused: new enraged mobs are either extremely stupid or highly suicidal.

    first i hear a ghast continuously screaming until it stops. SO LOUD, and screamy it's *really* annoying. can only assume it spawned into a wall or something.

    then this:

    10 seconds later i get an enraged enderman after me. just 2 bad for him (good 4 me!) that it also doesnt know where to spawn b/c it spawned into a small redstone room (2 blocks high) and died. didnt even tp away when it started hurting.

    but that ghast yelling is seriously no fun. just too bad that u cant turn off enraged mobs in the nether only.
    MajorHaze likes this.
  19. ... this is the easy part...

    I am currently trying to break the world record of fastest fully automated brewing system. (even though I kinda made stuff to be in one place, this is far from compacted) This is speed as in: fastest in between button press and 27 fresh potions arriving. It actually is really easy: This one aleredey is kinda functional at almost twice the speed of the previous record: It takes ~35 seconds in between the button press and the potions arriving and ~40 second untill you can start it again, for potions that have a maximum of 5 ingredients. (I know potions with 6 exist... long story) What you see here is the part of the cerquitry that deals with the long timings: all of them are precies on the 1/20th of a second, but the time between them is quite large: The other part is going to be really fun. I still need to make a item distribution system: I basically need to get the ingredients in there as quickly as possible. Theoretically 36 gameticks or 1.8 seconds is possible, but I'm aiming at 5 seconds, by with I would have halved the world recod.

    The reason it is this easy to break the world record is because most poeple don't aim at 100% automated: with most really fast systems you need to go inside the redtsone for a blaze powder refill every 6400 potions. I automated it here, which is more challenging as you might think.

    You might wonder though: why am I calling this the easy part? Well, this thing all works together, so I cannot test something on it's own: you have to build everything and press the button to see it works.
    So, I did exactly that: I hadn't tested this redstone jet (I calculated the timings based on the game code) and pressed the button. It worked first time.
  20. ^
    That moment when the post above you is a paragraph :p
    ShelLuser and MoreMoople like this.