Desktop Reveal

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Impulsive_Egg, Aug 7, 2018.

  1. why do you have two minecrafts?
    AncientTower likes this.
  2. bro empty your recycling bin
    luckycordel likes this.
  3. I change my desktop picture every now and then, with pictures I take :) This is the one I have now. That reminds me, I should change it soon...
  4. I saw HTTYD on the front page and I just squealed a bit.. i'll post tomorrow.. show you how recently I reset the computer xD
  5. There is not
    A single person on this thread
    Who has an empty recycling bin
    Including yourself
    And you're specifically telling me
    To clean mine out
    Why are you like this
  6. Because yours is so clean?
    ASliceOfRhyBread likes this.
  7. but my recycling bin is literally full of memes, i had to clear out half of my meme stash :(
  8. I'll post mine too :)

    It was quite dificult to find an image that would work for me, as the average colour (colour wheel based) of the image had to be exactly complementairy to the colour red in my keyboard and I wanted to exact colour to be a white pastail, as tones of pastail green are about my favourite colours. It also had to be large enough to go over my two screens, as I don't like the look of two times the same image or something like that, - yeah, I'm a perfectionist, I know.

    Lastly, Otus, just for you, I emptioed my "prullenbak" after making this image, just so you can be statisfied about that :p
  9. Alright, now I'm intrigued. Would you mind sharing a photo of your entire setup, keyboard included? :)
    MoreMoople likes this.

  10. I told ya I reset it recently.. xD (images is open because of a project i'm doing)

    My pre-reset was the same background, but *extremely* full. xD It had a more coding setup than this one does but rn i'm takin a codin hiatus....
    Impulsive_Egg and MoreMoople like this.
  11. Yup, it's certainly been done before.
    On my laptop I've got a folder with different translations of two Bible verses for my backgrounds, in two different colours, and with a gradient background. Here's a link to the imgur album, if you care. The back-story is given in the description.
    On my desktop I've got a picture from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD. I looked up wallpapers from that game as I thought it would look nice. I did get the game for my birthday, later, but it's too hard for me.
    I don't have any icons on either, but I do have the taskbar displayed.

  12. Just my jalopy. :D

    edit: emptied bin for Otus! lol;)
  13. i agree my bin has like 300 items just cause i'm to lazy to go click empty
  14. Nice art!
    xGGirlx likes this.
  15. You take such beautiful pictures :0

    MoreMoople and Tuqueque like this.

  16. I hope you don't include the watermark on your desktop wallpaper. :p
    MoreMoople and Tuqueque like this.