I havent logged in in like 9 months. Can you just give my 5k to tomvan and tell him to spend it on auctions? Lol
I usually sell all of my promos (with exception of pot of golds and memorial poppies) but sorry folks, I'm keeping the Krysyy head Might even display it at my stores. Thanks!
:O thank you! I'll follow orders and spend those 5k on some great auctions. And if you need a laptop charger, try looking on Aliexpress, I once bought one from there, it still works great.
They will be mailed this afternoon. This weekend I ended up sidetracked with all sorts of home improvement projects.
(and it's not just a laptop charger that I bought from there that works great... my sister's phone, my aunt's phone, my sister's tablet, a dashcam, a router, some cables, battery packs, and much more, all working great! AliExpress is definitely a recommendation for cheap, good stuff, that you might not even have been able to find in regular stores. )