That moment when....

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by WayneKramer, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. I'm going to make you very happy than: I do also read your posts if in a thread I'm reading :p
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  2. That moment when someone falls asleep on their keyboard.... (from Staff Slack)

  3. That moment when you run to the beach and tuck your head into the sand to hide. :p
    Hashhog, DarkModFallen, 607 and 4 others like this.
  4. That moment when you realize that some players have so many rupees that it's pointless to try and outbid them in an auction because they don't mind overpaying for items.
    ShelLuser, 607, Sgt_Pepper4 and 3 others like this.
  5. How would that make it pointless? The holder of the auction gets more money that way. ;)
  6. Because the person who he is trying to outbit probably is Tomvanwijnen, and since I share my everything with Tom, it means that not-bidding makes me having Items for less rupees :)
  7. That moment when you're in the End and you're down to one heart after being bombarded by shulkers because you weren't being careful enough. Just barely made it out alive by creating a wall.
    ShelLuser and Sgt_Pepper4 like this.
  8. That moment when Aya's llama takes a wrong turn:

    I'm using Optifine these days to reduce lag (I can recommend that to everyone) so it may look a bit odd but that darker strip is actually a staircase down into my auction pickup room :D

    But llama's in caravans behave a little weird in town ;)

    LBoss & me didn't have to search long ;)

    Everyone can. Behind the main staircase in my house is a small block donation chest. Dump a block in (doesn't matter what) and the trapdoor opens. In the room below (redstone experimentations) you'll find a tp sign to my storage room (next to the stairs). Just go forward into the other room (redstone machinery) and turn left. Wall is on your left, can't miss it.

    However... Some players, like yourself, can simply click the teleport button to my storage. You'll find that immediately on your right once you entered my house.
    607 likes this.
  9. Moment when there's 2 many promos :eek:

    607 likes this.
  10. Hi gang,

    I know I might be overdoing it a little bit so I figured I'd better group some things together and leave it at that for a while. But yeah, what else can you expect but tons of fun from playing on one of the best Minecraft servers there is, if not the best? ;)

    Those moments when...

    Aya has a death wish? :eek:

    Was on SMP2 when I got a poke from someone who got stuck in the (frontier) Nether. So I decided to try and meet him up ahead, that resulted in discovering this pack of hounds after which I figured I'd better ask for some help. Aya had her own ways to try and lure the dogs out of the lava :D

    The moment I'm actually building :D

    Finally set up another waste base for mining. Can't have a Minecraft session without a good base :)

    However... This comes with some moments of its own. Like that moment when you might be overdoing it a little bit :D

    You got to admit: it's hard not to notice where the exit to the mining base is when you build it like this :D

    If it wasn't obvious enough already: I seriously love the new block protection setup. Just building fun things without having to worry about you blocks suddenly going p00f? Awesome!

    That moment when Aya gets eaten by a dragon? :eek:!
    I did change the head location to make things less annoying :D
    Candlewax, 607 and NuclearBobomb like this.
  11. That moment when you get perm prot
    Sgt_Pepper4, ShelLuser, 607 and 2 others like this.
  12. That moment when you think you saw a blizzard with chicken feet :p
  13. That moment you find a pocket in the nether loaded with almost an sc of magma blocks
    Carbonyx, Tuqueque and ShelLuser like this.
  14. That moment when you somehow get yourself into a softlock in Super Mario 64...

    Sorry for the bad quality of the video, it was recorded quite impulsively. :p
  15. That moment when you've had the "Nyan Cat Song" on loop in the background for the past half hour and aren't sure why.
  16. that moment when an old Justin Bieber song comes on the radio.
    Candlewax and ShelLuser like this.
  17. 1.) That moment when you're on a really long boat ride in the middle of no where and when you finally hit land you notice some where along the way you must have hit Q because your god pick isnt in your inventory anymore ..

    2.) That moment when you take your enderchest out of your enderchest to see whats in your enderchest .. ( If you get what i mean .. Kinda a blonde moment :D )
    Carbonyx, 607, UltiPig and 1 other person like this.
  18. ... when you realize after falling into a pool of lava that it was a bad idea to throw a bucket of water, effectively trapping yourself under a ceiling of obsidian, in a pool of lava!
  19. that moment when you launch yourself off a gigantic mountain and double jump for you elytra, but you don't have it on.
    607 and NuclearBobomb like this.
  20. gg
    EmpireMall likes this.