Random Screenshot Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Hoi, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. Right now we all know where this comes from. But in the future, we might not. So here are some more screenshots with a bit of story. I know ShelLuser will probably always beat me with his telling and screenshots, but that doesn't mean I can't show my side of the story ;)

    I logged in about 20 minutes before the event, and found everyone had gathered at utopia town spawn.
    I went away for some minutes and when I came back I noticed it had suddenly become a lot less crowded... where did everyone go? Ah, /v bday1.

    The whole place hadn't loaded in completely yet, but already, this is looking amazing!
    Dufne told me she was at "the west side". Um... Nooit op zondag werken... wait. Ah, of course, the debug menu shows cardinal directions.

    We decided to each stand on a candle, not yet knowing what the intention behind the cakes was.
    But apparently, our intuition hadn't failed us, because a bit later, Krysyy asked us all to find a candle to stand on, one per person.
    Krysyy: "Alright, so this event has 3 parts to Part 1"
    Krysyy: "parts of parts in a partception

    Then we needed to dance on top of them.

    Krysyy passed by all of us to check out our moves.
    Then we saw BigDavie coming along, with quite a professional routine.
    Stand in front of the chest, look up, read the name, place the sign, write access and the name, next.

    BigDavie: "Please do not crouch or we can't see your name"
    Soon enough I got my own sign too.

    But I figured I'd wait until Dufne's got placed so we could open our presents together.

    Got some nice goodies, and a very well-written, beautifully formatted book!
    Dufne got something else, too...

    At least this head isn't on backwards ;)
    Then we were asked to go into a class cage.

    I also realised I suddenly had 3 5 Years of EMC books, luckily Dufne could tell me who they belonged to so I could give them back later.

    Inside the box, it was speculated that we were going to have a drop party, but I had broken one of the iron blocks and caught a glimpse of what was underneath: a big drop, and then a beautifully decorated floor. Hm... spleef, perhaps?

    It turned out to be a variation on Fire Floor. In the first round I thought it would be best to continuously run and jump around, but I jumped in a hole.

    Once again, Dufne thought there would be a drop party... but once again, she was mistaken ;) I also noticed there was somebody whose name started with a "1" and thus was above me in the tab list... and what is that "sherlockgirl"? That shouldn't be above me! :p (I checked, there was actually nobody called "sherlockgirl" connected to the server, I still haven't figured out what was going on there :p)
    There was enough time to restrategise, though, and for the gold round I figured out it would be good to stand still on as many blocks at once as possible. This seemed to work a lot better.
    The next round was on ice. This was my favourite round, it was quite intense and the ice definitely made it more challenging, but it was still doable for sure.

    I eventually slipped when trying to jump to a safer spot, though, and fell down.


    The slime block round I messed up. I forgot you couldn't run on slime blocks and jumped in a 1x1 hole near the start. I wasn't the only one, though, as there was somebody unfortunate enough to jump off within the first few seconds of the round.
    To Will_McNab: "That was on purpose, right? :p"
    From Will_McNab: "it was an epic fail"
    If only I had known I would fail in the same way not long after... :rolleyes:

    The next round was made up of glass panes, and we quickly realised that there was hardly any room to strategise, as wherever we would stand, if a block under us disappeared, we would fall. This seemed more luck-based than anything, so people were dropping quickly :p

    The last round was a really fun one, for me.
    It was crazily stressful at the same time, though. The floor was made out of barrier blocks.

    This means we could only see if a block was or wasn't there if we were pointing at it with the cursor. So when it started, I first made sure I got a 2x2 with plenty of blocks around it, too. Then I kept checking and checking and checking if the 2x2 was still there. I frequently stopped checking the blocks beneath me to check around, so I could develop an escape plan. However, while all the blocks around me seemed to start disappearing, the 2x2 I was stood on remained for a long time. When finally one of the blocks disappeared, I thought "Okay. I need to find a new 2x2." But when looking around, they seemed to be gone already. When looking back down again I noticed another block had disappeared and I was on a 2x1. "I'd better jump to another spot as soon as possible. But it's all pretty far away... wait. I'm on a single block. I should just jump now - aw..." That 2x2 remained intact for so long, and then it entirely disappeared within seconds, it feels like :p

    Part 2 of 3 was over now, and the last part was the trivia.
    I don't have any screenshots from there, but there's a nice summary in ShelLuser's posts, which also describes the one question I did somehow get first at, despite all my stressing and the slooow wiki :p
    When the party was over, I went to smp8 and claimed my mail... and then again, because I wasn't capable of making an item frame myself... (:rolleyes:)

  2. Teaser post :p

    Somewhere today I suddenly locked my Utopia residence, and these mysterious chests got placed on my own res. (still accessible). 3.5+ DC worth of book & quills?

    Something is brewing today :)
  3. nuclearbobomb and 607 like this.
  4. So many forum games! :eek:
  5. I like how the last one of the chain is not red.
  6. You can see the big gold pyramid from anywhere on smp4!
    SkeleTin007, Jelle68 and ShelLuser like this.

  7. I honestly have no clue
    SkeleTin007 likes this.

  8. We're such good buddies.
  9. There!! Finally
    ShelLuser and TomvanWijnen like this.
  10. There we go. Now I got this. Now to learn edit. But that's done on Imgur
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  11. id delete those posts because of spam
    607 likes this.
  12. Thanks. I meant to but got busy elsewhere. Thanks. Deleted,
    607 likes this.
  13. Messing around with the r3d.craft seus shaders resource pack. The 3d effect is really cool.

    Lil_Emo_Cat, SkeleTin007, 607 and 2 others like this.
  14. Twas an accidental screenshot. Go random or go home.

    607, Jelle68, Kytula and 1 other person like this.

  15. NotSure being downright odd.