Server Problems, Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by chickeneer, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. But why is that needed? I personally don't see any benefits from restricting this.
  2. It is part of the system to prevent different players from having a shop on the same chest. Probably could be improved by only running the logic for when it's attached to a chest (not a regular block)
    Tuqueque and ShelLuser like this.
  3. It's doing its job well :p
    OmarWrongChat and ShelLuser like this.
  4. yeah something seems wrong there, as on the pillar that still wouldnt link to the other chest.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  5. It treats the clay block as a chest itself, though, which already has a shop sign, since you can attach signs to the side faces of chests as well as above.

    "Another players shop detected on this chest which looks suspiciously like clay, not the actual chest over there."

    Also, if it really says "players", with no apostrophe, that could stand to be fixed as well. :p

  6. Wasn't that changed in a past update? It may be a bug, but it worked for me 2-3 weeks ago when I tried to rename some creepers. I'm not sure whether it still works or not

    JesusPower2, ShelLuser and Uber_Corq like this.
  7. Recently I have been a problem with what appears to be chunks loading slowly. I can see underground but not what is on top. Is this my problem or a server problem? Never had this problem prior to 1.9.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  8. Block lag, it's usually a server related issue; the client tries to fill in the whole picture but the server doesn't keep up with the demand. I'm in the same boat; sometimes I can play for hours while nothing happens and the other I keep seeing gaps and other open areas on my residence.
    Kytula likes this.
  9. It's good for finding abandoned mineshafts but not so good for falling into holes.
    TuckerAmbr, ShelLuser and Kytula like this.
  10. A teleport at the nether waste southwest outpost on smp7 is blocked by netherbricks...
  11. Whenever I try to connect i get an error message saying "Internal Exception: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host". Thats when it connects. mostly there is no connection all of a sudden.

    edit... every time I do get on it times out and kicks me off.
  12. I dont know if anyone else is having problems but the lag and getting kicked off the server for "timed out". I cant eve seem to open a chest when I am in the game. I guess I'm done for the night.
  13. Hi,

    there is a problem with voting.
    e.g this morning i voted on the top 4 sites mentioned on the voting page... I only got rupees for TOPG and MCSL.
    The other two...nothing. Got screenshots if needed.

    Besides the last one on the page i think every generated rupees on voting up until l a few days ago..

    Can all please be checked?
  14. Minecraft-MP worked for me today at 2:39 AM our time, and serverpact too at 2.39 AM. :) (those are the 3rd and 2nd links)
  15. The problem is that if a voting site doesn't work then there's usually nothing which EMC can do about it. In most cases the problem lies with the website itself and not so much EMC, so if this keeps happening then the best thing you can do is to contact the voting website first.
    We3_Nub likes this.
  16. If your using that as a means of finding resources, isn't that against the rules and considered cheating?

    Just saying... Don't want you to get in trouble
    ShelLuser and We3_Nub like this.
  17. I am not intending to see underground, if I want to play there is no way to avoid it sometimes. Although it is happening less.
  18. It's actually only happening more for me :p
  19. Hey :)

    I've just come across two interesting scenarios .... and wanted to make you aware of it. First, while de-constructing my Shop, I noticed that, when attempting to remove Shop signs, the sign changed to Sell the axe I was chopping with. It didn't happen all the time, but enough for me to notice it. Furthermore, today I noticed that when striking a sign selling Horse Eggs, my sign changed to the new [CHOICE] option .... which was a plus for me, but certainly a unique experience. Again, on my own Residence.

    And Second, in conjunction with that last experience, I just was attempting to sell Enchanted Books to someone .... and when right-clicking THEIR sign ... it, too, changed to the [CHOICE] option. Upon further testing, those signs with Slot 1 or Slot 27 all changed to [CHOICE] and the other Book signs changed to say "Enchanted Books" on the 4th, or subject, line .... instead of the Item jbs-01of (or whatever) the /iteminfo presented. On my own place ....well, maybe. BUT on someone else's ....that seems not right.

    Thought you should know.