Empire Minecraft 1.9.4 Update

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, May 30, 2016.

  1. I was experiencing this, and the impression I got was that, if it teleports you slightly into a wall or something, it sends you back rather than letting you phase through the wall block now. If the teleport goes to an open "safe" space, then it works fine.

    Was something just changed to prevent teleporting partway inside of blocks?
  2. Are skeleton horses good now or the same? I don't want the feature blocked for too long...
  3. I don't know ask an staff ;)
  4. There are no plans to change them at this time.

    You do not own the horse, and we require a sense of ownership
  5. So... blocking a Minecraft feature? Got it.
    CyborgTed, 607, God_Of_Gods and 2 others like this.
  6. No, that's not an entirely fair comment IMO. Not blocking a feature: trying to make it work within the EMC universe.

    Think of it this way: what would happen if you were leaving your skeleton horse for a sec., someone else gets on, stables it and.... then what?

    I think there's a little more to this than simply blocking a feature. But that's my 2 cents obviously :)
    Kytula likes this.
  7. Well, he said there were no plans to change them so I assume he plans on ignoring them until he feels like re-adding them (such as the fire charges or invisible potions). I do not know much about coding, and I do not know why exactly they are making a huge deal of how they are handled (first person saddled = owner. Simple) but I feel it should be fixed ASAP. C'mon, it is skeleton horses we are talking about.
  8. I'm glad Sky is posting what I would post so I don't look like a hater :p :rolleyes:
    CyborgTed, tuqueque, Pab10S and 6 others like this.
  9. No plans to change them at this time. I agree that this could mean anything, but I wouldn't pick this up as an excuse to ignore them forever. I can't comment on fire charges, but to my knowledge the invisibility potions were left out to prevent people from abusing them and trolling with them.

    Thing is: there's a lot of weird things going on right now with 1.9. One example is the one I mentioned above: the shields. Turns out that there's more at work there than merely a shield misbehaving. I can't go into details simply because I don't know those, but I did find myself a (small) bit involved in the aftermath of that and yeah: it's not merely the shields it seems.

    And that's one example, I'm sure that if Aikar or Chickeneer had time to waste they could give us a whole list of these.

    Read the comment above about that block suddenly glitching? Just today did Aya try to replace a dirt block with a quartz block and for some reason the quartz block got placed, vanished and that was the end of that. Relogging gave her the quartz block back (in the inventory) but that's yet another example of oddities going on right now.

    I can appreciate your comment about Aikar blocking stuff if we weren't in the aftermath of a bugfest.

    Right now I'd put more value into being able to quickly equip (shift-click) my shield without stupid glitches (its SO much fun while fighting Momentus or skeletons and seeing your shield get dequipped!) than being temporary blocked from using skeleton horses.

    There's much more going on right now than just those, and I think you should keep that in mind as well... Even if you really want a certain feature very badly.
    607 likes this.
  10. I don't necessarily enjoy posting this stuff, it just makes me upset. Some very good aspects of Minecraft are blocked due to unwillingness to fix them.
    • Fire Charges
      • They fixed chicken eggs, I assume the same can be done for fire charges.
      • Have them disappear if it goes past 30 blocks from the source in town, and more in the wilderness/nether/end
    • Invisibility Potions
      • Have us all be part of a team using the Scoreboard addition to Minecraft (or if you want to custom code it)
      • scoreboard teams option <team>
        seeFriendlyInvisibles <true|false>
        • When set to true, players on this team will see invisible teammates (and themselves) as semi-transparent instead of completely invisible.
    • Skeletal Horses (apparently my take on it is disliked, though it is fair and makes sense)
      • First person to ride the skeleton horse becomes the owner
        • "What if my friend takes my horse before I do?"
          Well, he isn't a very good friend, is he?
      • Can't eggify
      • Can stable
    ThaKloned, Abele, jkjkjk182 and 4 others like this.
  11. There is no doubt that by far the majority of members of the Empire would like to ride a skeleton horse. But we don't have control over that I'm afraid.
    TuckerAmbr and jkjkjk182 like this.
  12. Sure we do! Make the skeleton somehow not count as an owner, or make the first one to ride it saddled be the owner. Just a few tweaks should do it, easy peasy.
    ShelLuser and StoneSky like this.
  13. That is assuming that no bugs slipped into the whole system :) Which was also what initially caused the delay for the 1.9 upgrade (anyone remember upside down Marlix?).

    When it comes to coding and bugfixes then things aren't always as easy as they might seem.
    Lux_Miles likes this.
  14. When will 1.10 come to EMC?
    ShelLuser likes this.
  15. Just dropping in to say that I hope no one is discouraged from exploring the End wastelands thinking that it's already been raided. Today I've been going around the SMP6 End wastelands and I've found the following items:

    5 Elytra
    3 Diamond Horse Armor
    2 Gold Horse Armor
    1 Iron Horse Armor
    6 Saddles
    3 pieces of "God Armor" (one chest and two leggings)
    4 Dragon Heads (one dropped into the void)
    25 diamonds
    1 stack of Gold Ingots
    13 Emeralds
    7 Ender Chests (more than replacing the ones I've lost since I've been exploring the End)
    1 Eff IV/Unbreaking III diamond shovel

    plus a bunch of stuff I can't carry back with me because I've run out of room like silk touch picks, other enchanted armor, more gold, etc

    I love exploring and the last four End Cities I've found on SMP6 all had ships, which is crazy because that's never happened before.

    ps. I highly recommend installing one of the approved "minimap" mods because I just started using one today and it's made exploring the End *so* much easier.
  16. :eek: Nice
  17. HaHa, You're a funny guy.
    TuckerAmbr and jkjkjk182 like this.
  18. Empire 1.9 Update Questions

    My comments here are meant to be constructive and about things I do and know about.
    I do appreciate the work the staff does on the Empire but I can't help myself to critique when it comes to things that need to be fixed, adjusted or added.

    The outpost system is nice but it does nothing to protect my builds which do not meet the stringent requirements of an Outpost.

    Shop Update

    Comment about Buy/Sell Signs
    The Buy/Sell signs are very nice but it took me awhile as a new player to figure out what the heck the text on those signs meant.
    I am not sure if the new sign system will help or what you could do to improve on this. Leaving it up to the shop owner to supply clarity is like shooting an arrow at a target in the dark, hoping it will hit. I have seen some really poorly constructed shops.

    "Shops also received an update for price creation, in that you can use K/M suffixes to prices like so: 32K : 24K"

    I have no idea what "K/M suffixes" means, you should not assume everyone knows all the lingo.

    Misc Changes

    "Server Signs on Player's Residences will no longer trigger by walking to avoid surprise teleports"

    So, how will they work?
    Sometimes the surprise teleport is what is needed, like in a maze.


    "Frostwalker requires build:frost flag"

    Nice of you to mention this but it would be nice to briefly list the 1.9 added things and some detail; how to get, what they do, ect. Not all of us like to read the entire Minecraft 1.9 update documentation, we just like to play.
    Information about items like; capes, wings, Skeleton horses, ect. is not easily found on the empire.

    THNX for giving the chance to give feedback
    ShelLuser likes this.
  19. EMC 1.10 will come when hell defrosts (there is a town called hell where it snows a lot)
    Omegian04 likes this.
  20. I might be stating the obvious here but k stands for thousand and m stands for million as in 3k is 3000 rupees and 5 mil is 5000000 rupees. Hope this helped you in that aspect.