[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. Honestly, I'm quite glad he's not out of the race. More votes occupied by him means less votes for Trump. I wish Bernie the best of luck in the upcoming weeks. :D
  2. democratic socialism is not communism. in fact democratic socialism is closer to what we have now then capitalism

    in a capitalist society free trade is encouraged with no regulatory governmental facilities overseeing them. except....we have the irs, and the us treasury, and a plethora of other named organizations overseeing what each and every company does.

    all democratic socialism is is giving people the opportunity to work up to the top of the corporate ladder.

    isnt that the american dream?
  3. Thought I'd share this
    Delegate results

    2,383 needed for nomination · 158 still available

    Clinton: 2,755
    Sanders: 1,852

    Pledged delegates Clinton: 2,184 Sanders: 1,804
    Superdelegates Clinton: 571 Sanders: 48
    Clinton clinched the nomination for the democratic race.
  4. There is some truth behind that, but I do not count the newly-announced super delegates because they can change their mind before the due date.

    Also, that doesn't mean that Bernie still can't run because he wants to grasp what's left. It'll help him in the convention.
  5. Make no mistake Bernie is out of the race. Even if Hillary is indicted prior to the convention it will make no difference. She will still be nominated. If somehow she is convicted of a felony prior to the election then Bernie could run as an independent but his time as a possible democratic candidate is over. He needs to stop looking so desperate and concede. He also needs to ask his supporters to support Hillary. He has cut half his paid staffers already. He knows his time is over. He will concede soon.
    TuckerAmbr and ww2fan168 like this.
  6. Let's join this discussion
    I don't really think that that's fair to say. I do actually think socialism does work, I’m not talking about the DDR or North Korea, those are such Democratic that it is almost the same like Republican on the same extreme. I’m talking about countries like Norway, or the Netherlands (where I live myself) those countries are way more Democratic than Sanders (I’m not really sure about Norway, but well…) Did the Economy collapse? Is everyone poor? So yes, I’m actually saying that I think Sanders Isn’t socialistic enough.
  7. no, thats not how it works, she needs 2383 BEFORE the convention to clinch the nomination. meaning she has to win that from primaries alone not counting superdelegates. she has 2191 right now.

    if she does not get 2383 pledged delegates before the convention then the other people in the race are allowed to attend and present their case to the superdelegates.

    then and only then do the superdelegate votes count and history has shown us they change sides ALL THE TIME. sanders is getting rid of his campaign staff because there is now nothing hillary can do to prevent him from going to the convention as a nominee. theres no real reason to do any more campaigning because all that is left is DC and Philly both of which require little to no staff. he hasnt dismissed his secret service, and he is still a frontrunner for the nomination.
    God_Of_Gods and Dr_Chocolate like this.
  8. "Trump's wall will destroy the economy, but at least illegals wont be taking our jobs and he's a bussinessman and could help is get out of the $19.3 trillion debt." Ok I see you argument is valid, but building a wall will literally crush our economy. Like you said, "it will destroy the economy" but these "illegals" are the ones helping to make the money to pay off the debt. I don't think that the fact he is a bussinessman could help us get out of our debt. The wall will only "empty our pockets" a little more.
  9. As a Socialist myself, I believe that, no, Communism doesn't work (China-ish, Venezuela, Russia, Yugoslavia, Eastern Germany, North Korea). It's been proven to not work and was never really supposed to anyway. What Bernie wants is not Socialism, and it is not Communism - which, by the way, are two completely different things.

    The biggest difference is that *democratic/liberal* Socialism allows for capitalism to still work and take place. The other big difference is that *democratic/liberal* Socialism is proven to work: The UK from 1997 - 2009 (bad example, new Labour was a bastardisation of what Labour ir, but hey, until the 2008 recession they were doing pretty well.), Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, hell any central European nation.
    To other countries, yes. Not to their own though lol.

    I also don't realise why you care for Israel so much. They abuse human rights, and have invaded Palestine. Screw them.

    I also literally fail to comprehend how "you married a woman who looks like a man" influences your view on a politician. Anybody who does that might as well have any future political comments totally disregarded.
    Dr_Chocolate, SirTah and bitemenow15 like this.
  10. The illegals shouldn't be here in the first place, since the "illegal" part of their immigration?

    No, that's how many delegates are needed to win the nomination.
    DH32 likes this.
  11. Okay, but they're people too. They deserve human rights.
    SoulPunisher and IsaacNorman like this.
  12. They're only "illegal" because the country deems them to be "illegal". They're still just regular humans like you and me. With that being said, why can't we treat them with human dignity?
    mba2012, PupInAction and Dr_Chocolate like this.
  13. YES! @Dr_Chocolate & IsaacNorman!
  14. Illegal Immigration into the United States is illegal for a reason. It hurts the economy and causes security issues when they are not a registered citizen. Yes we have room for improvement on how we go about removing these issues, but they are issues nonetheless.
    DH32 and SirTah like this.
  15. My understanding of calling it "illegal" is because we're scared of losing our jobs? To be honest, if I were told that someone else could easily take my place, I'd just work harder, so it won't come to that. Plain and simple.

    Security? There are a lot of countries in western Europe that don't build walls, even though people are coming in to their countries. I believe our security paranoia is coming from a different source, but that's a story I'm not going to go into on here.

    However, I am glad to see that you are open to admitting that we need to progress some more before this issue is much smaller (much like the western European countries) before we can rest on what we have.
    SirTah and Dr_Chocolate like this.
  16. Please learn democracy.

    Dr_Chocolate likes this.
  17. That isn't the issue. The issue is that they take low-paying jobs meant for the population already there and thus increasing unemployment, not that they'll take already filled positions. That's what the debate is here at least, I'm assuming that's how it applies to the US too.

    No, we don't build walls (we have plenty of them that aren't in use though, our history has proven they don't work :p). The UK, which is an island nation, makes full use of the English channel and deploys its navy into it as a threat to stop the refugees in Calais using the tunnel to come into here, and we like to isolate ourselves against what happens in the mainland - it's what we've always done, and it's what helped us run off and conquer a huge chunk of the world in the past. Our politicians see no reason for change. The other countries (the UK does and overly-so, in my opinion) have harsh-ish border controls to non-EU citizens (who can pass through like 85% of Europe without passport checks or anything). It's not as perfect as you'd think.
    SirTah likes this.
  18. The low-paying jobs, such as farming and agriculture? (I see them landscaping out where I live) Are you willing to work out in the heat for $2.50 an hour? (Exaggeration of minimum wage, but you get what I'm trying to say.) I have yet to see a white person who is willing to do the hard work in the searing heat in the fields that the minorities do.

    I'll make it easier for you, I doubt you would, and neither would I, (I'm a minority, mind you.); I don't blame you for thinking that way, that is, had you say "no".

    I wasn't meaning to point at England, rather Germany, France, Switzerland, the countries that aren't distanced from each other by water, rather the countries in which have more than 2 countries bordering each other. They're not building walls to keep people out (like Trump proposes), but I do agree that they do have some regulations of their own.
    SirTah likes this.
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