2016 Redstone Competition! (April 22-June 3)

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by AmusedStew, Apr 18, 2016.

  1. It almost seems impressive that I managed to miss this! :eek:
    I got to say: I love the choice of the judges. And I love the submissions, too.
    Hm... I wonder if I could think of something myself, still... I haven't done redstone in years, though... (in fact, I haven't played Minecraft for real in years :p)
    I don't think I'll be able to get something in myself, but I like how this is done!
    ArkWarrior1 and ShelLuser like this.
  2. Yea, I saw this thread but I suck at Redstone. So, congrats to winners. :)
    607 likes this.
  3. For me, redstone falls somewhere between theoretical physics & witchcraft, yet I submitted an entry anyway :).
  4. I dont see your submission?... Unless you havent done so yet.

    And I do agree, Redstone is pure witchcraft. There is nothing else to it.
    607 likes this.
  5. I didn't got a submission. Be sure to PM all judges so that we can have a look, you can use this link for that.

    Aaand, ninja'd by Stew :)
    AmusedStew likes this.
  6. Oh wait, those aren't the winners. Those are the entries lol. But, there is clearly a winner of this.
    gg Jelle68. :p
    Maybe I will submit a basic piston thingy just for fun. :p
    Jelle68 likes this.
  7. I did submit, I'll try again shortly
  8. Re-submitted. I just realized, I'll need to give you all lever perms to turn it on/off. I'll post again when I've had a chance to jump in game & do so.
  9. Access has been granted for AmusedStew and the 3 judges. Please pm me in-game or on forums if you have any questions (or improvement suggestions).
  10. I did scour the internet & watched tons of YouTube videos and could not find a single machine that does what mine can do. Believe me, I tried to find one I could just copy for use on EMC. Since I couldn't find one I was forced to design my own and have been using my entry for several months on EMC.
    607 and AmusedStew like this.
  11. sooo, shelly is really excited about event and i also saw some really cool stuff (helped shelly with story above!).

    imma donating some stuff 4 event: 2 stacks of redstone blocks, 32 redstone ore, 32 diamonds and 32 emeralds. stew should decide how 2 use that, im just donating ^.^

    Stew: pls pick up items in my shop: /v +rei shop, on smp4, its chest on the left.
    607 and AmusedStew like this.
  12. bump :)
    Counting today there is 5 days left!
    Thanks for the donation, I picked up the items and added them to the pool.
    AyanamiKun likes this.
  13. Bump, added a dragon head prize for first place!
  14. Never heard anything, I just want to confirm my entry was received.

    Edit: Never mind, I checked the submissions list (derp).
    AmusedStew likes this.
  15. Contest ends tomorrow at 11:59PM! Get your submissions in last minute!
  16. About 12 hours left!