That moment when....

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by WayneKramer, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. That moment when you're a combo breaker.
  2. You find 3 momentus in thirty minutes, got 2 vault vouchers.
  3. That moment when u wake up and started playing your laptop then realize its a school day
  4. But it's Saturday! School would have already started for me if it was a school day.
  5. Im confused:

    AM i too fast?
    AM I the one only one in the forums
    Or is it that moment when tuqueque will conquer EMC?
    TromboneSteve, ShelLuser and MrCDub like this.
  6. Guess it's time to practice chanting "all hail lord tuqueque"!
    tuqueque likes this.
  7. That moment you walk into a dog breeding center in the waste which is about to reset. So you feel really bad for the dogs who are about to be deleted.

    I think i might break out my Eggcelent wand and rescue each one of these doggies.

    EDIT: Just took my Eggcelent wand and gathered 29 abandoned doggies. They're all safe from the reset now.
  8. moment when some1 left cool chest art in my freebie chest!!!

    i have freebie chest in my shop where ppl can put and take stuff, this was a cool surprise 2 see!
    Acemox2k and Kytula like this.
  9. That Moment when you correct a sentence and realize you bumped the thread :p
  10. That's still there? I found that same thing a couple months ago and took a screenshot
    607 likes this.
  11. That time when u join smp3 and a mod joins and starts talking u
    ShelLuser likes this.
  12. That moment when you mine really far away (like to the boarder) and you forgot an enderchest
    ShelLuser and CallumDAKing like this.
  13. It's not there anymore. Like i stated i went back and collected them all with my Eggcelent wand. But yeah someone bred all these doggies and left them there to die during the reset. So i just had to liberate them all.
  14. Poofasaurus hard at work!

    She got word that some of her signs were hard to read and yah: she decided to replace all of 'm, and I got her in the act of doing that. #respect :)
  15. Blizz Ard Inferno ^.^

    killed my 1st blizzard 2day and even got an eye! its so cool that u can still find blizzards & super turkeys in the wilderness!
    CallMeTower likes this.
  16. that moment when you get crappy games from steam keys...
  17. That moment when you draw a really good picture and it says you have to buy the software to be able to save it... Talking bout' chu sai...
  18. If you don't mind, why don't you take a screenshot? It won't be as good of a quality, of course... but better than nothing, I'd say.
  19. It's great if you find them outside of the protected outpost zone. So far i know of a BlizzArd trapped under water in a protected area and a super turkey stuck in a cave in a protected area.
  20. Well, with sai you have all the tools and stuff and you cant hide em.