The Underhelm Thread

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by ElfinCarrot, Feb 21, 2016.



I might come on down to visit, check it out. Not stay though 27 vote(s) 45.0%
I want to stay here, if you'll have me. 12 vote(s) 20.0%
I already live here dude. 15 vote(s) 25.0%
Yeah sorry but, not very interested. 6 vote(s) 10.0%
  1. News: Starting on Friday I will be releasing my newest story, TALES FROM THE DEPTHS
    A somewhat corny and silly story that takes places in Underhelm, featuring both real people and characters I made up on the spot. Prepare for heavy dosages of spicy memes.

    Haven't figured out a price or where to sell it yet, but know that the first issue goes on sale Friday
    Kytula likes this.
  2. Underhelm was griefed, guys. :(

    Most decor/structure/signage is still intact, but they've gone in and broken/stole certain things. For example, in my case, they broke all the chests in my storage room (I see the same was done to the Master Storage bank in Greenlawn Grotto) and killed my pet slime. I also see that some farms have been completely stripped bare. I couldn't tell you what might be missing from your houses, everyone, so I suggest you hop on and assess damage yourselves when you get the chance. I've been told the griefer's been taken care of already.
  3. Sigh.. Why must people find enjoyment in griefing =/

    Edit: Left my tool set (Including Voter Helm) in a chest. Wouldn't be surprised if that's gone for good :(
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  4. this looks awesome! im defo going 2 come over for a quick visit sometime soon ^.^
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  5. pls sent me or shell a list of items which u guys need. GRIP has ur back, no worries!!

    dunno what shell would say but imma say we treat it as community project which means we try 2 help all u guys.

    maybe carrot or corq can coordinate? send me a list and ill try 2 check it soon as i can!!
    Uber_Corq and The8thToa like this.
  6. Also, Corq, I'll try and help you rebuild your supplies
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  7. shelly, _fb_ & me jumped online and most items have been returned. _fb_ cleaned up the bridge, shelly & me are gonna repair bridge a little more later this evening.
    SteamboatWillie and Uber_Corq like this.
  8. Thanks, you guys, but it was mostly just assorted regular stuff, of which I can get more from my residence. I guess I just need to actually lock my chests this time; I thought I could get away with not doing so. I don't really have to rebuild anything, per se. I'm more worried about what else they might've broken. I saw some tunnels dug between various rooms and some more mobs missing (mooshrooms, villagers). That and anyone else's chests are what would need to be replaced.
    AyanamiKun likes this.
  9. crud, moosh... we did villagers but dunno about moosh, lol! but is ok, we need 2 go there anyway 2 deliver some stuff l8r and I blame shelly 4 forgetting all of that ^.^
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  10. That would be part of the 50% you guys keep for yourselves, huh? ;)
  11. Uhm, no :p

    -20% seems closer to the truth :cool:
  12. I can get mooshrooms
    ShelLuser likes this.
  13. Wow I am so sorry for not seeing this, I've been held up the entire week.
    I'll try to head in myself and clean up anything that hasen't been already.
  14. Are the farms near you (just up the line) yours? Theres missing obby from a gold farm
    ShelLuser likes this.
  15. So, evidently this person actually hit everything on the cobblestone path.
    Meaning that other people with settlements in the nearby area could also be in danger.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  16. We (=GRIP) are working on that (somewhat) already. _fb_ already spotted a few issues, later today Aya and me are going to try and fix that bridge up some more and we'll also keep an eye out for issues. You can't report a griefing for someone else (my take: because the staff would have no way to determine who griefed and who was a legit builder), so I'm hoping we can find out who build what and contact them.

    This is one of those moments when I'm very happy that GRIP has large reserves. We can go a LONG way to help fix up this mess.


    Bridge has been repaired so the way to/from Underhelm can be ridden without risks of falling down or off or such.
  17. Just a reminder in case you didn't see the edit, to become an official member of Underhelm (including if you already are one), you now have to fill out this form and send it to me. This is the first of several big changes I have planned so keep this in mind.
  18. Hey guys,

    I like Elfin have been really busy this week and did not realize the extent of the damage to the Bridge. I will repair every tower and road issue sometime Saturday. Either early in the morning after work if I feel like it, or later that day after a nap. I would also like to donate a few DC of cobblestone to UnderHelm for the upkeep of the road that you guys have had to invest, and may in the future. Sorry to see this occurred guys. Hopefully it won't be much longer till Aikar lays the grief-free block down and puts a virtual end to this kind of chaos.

    Let me know if there is anything else you guys need help with, as I am sure my family and I will do what we can to lend a hand.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  19. I'm not part of Underhelm but my interest is with the restoration; GRIP also refunded some stuff here.

    _fb_, Aya & me already fixed the road, the towers seem to be pretty much intact but we didn't check all of it. There is a build somewhere on the left (while heading to Underhelm) which is still somewhat damaged (the one with the obsidian). We made repairs as best as possible, fixed the floor and today we're going back to fix the obsidian but we can't fix all of the build because we don't know how some sections looked :confused:

    And now that I 'meet' you in person: congrats on doing a fine job with that road. I know what's it like to build something as extensive as that and yeah: it is impressive!