Economy Crisis? Hello EMC Community, After being a member for EMC overa year (Time has flied by). I have noticedmany changes to EMC (Updates, Economy, Community).But lately I have noticed something going wrongwith our Economy (My Opinion). After talkingto several players (ToddV etc.). They couldconfirm that the economy is in a sort of crisis. I have experienced that some prices of items have dropped, especially promo items. I mademy rupees off of mining or reselling my old promosand had a constant amount of rupees (400k). But lately I try what I always do but this limitis more challenging to get. In myopinion it's harder to get rupees. Also I have noticedEMC players as an average have less rupees these days.I found this out by selling promos, less players havea high amount of rupees to buy high price items. Couldit be that our Economy is suffering? I have witnessedthat players who do have money, Save a lot and don'tparticipate in the economy rather hoard it. Which isa reason other players can't get a higher amount of rupees.So I asked myself why is this happening? I talkedto ToddV and his assumption was thatsupporter vouchers are dropping in price? Could thisbe the root of the "Economy Crisis"? I would liketo hear the communities perspective on this topic.I might be wrong or right, Let me hear your opinion.
I've seen this with enchanted books as well.. what used to be worth 1-2k ~1-2 years ago is now 100-200r
I don't think so. Not many people want higher priced items because the demand for them isn't there. Each promo pretty much mirrors the one that we had last year, which makes every consecutive year slower and slower in promotion sales. If things that were different came out I think players would spend more than they currently do, but the lack of fresh items has the promo economy in kind of a slump.
Don't forget the enchant market is total garbage too, with books of unbreaking 3 at only 250r or something. One year ago, you could add another 0 to that price. And I think you are right, all the top players with all the good old promos are hoarding all the stuff they have. They got the money and the promos, making it like the only way to get their money is selling them vouchers or a lot of dc's of materials for any crazy projects they have. And collectors like myself have to ruin their wallets to buy it because they got the monopole of the market. Anyway that's my opinion lol
I have more rupees now than I have had in months. If there is an "economy crisis" I'm not feeling it.
I am not feeling it at all either... Although I have millions save one alts that have no shops on those names, so the money sits there.... Maybe the cause is coz of me... lol,
I have been feeling it. Before I had my break from EMC, I would be able to make around 10k a week (without voting). Now, that has become about 1k a week.
As far as the enchanted book business, I myself being one of the sellers of those 250r Unb3 books, it is ridiculously easy to make emeralds, almost even more so than when there were infinite paper villagers before 1.8. I can easily make a dc of emeralds in under an hour, and my (our) UNB3 villagers trades the book for only 17 emeralds. I cant really comment much on the promo market, other than the newer items (last 2 years or less) don't often go above 40k or possibly a little higher. The only item I foresee going up and there being a demand for in the future is the Mineral Mincer. Other than that, I think all of this just depends on HOW you participate in the economy; and keep in mind that it is important to diversify. If I were to solely flood the market with emeralds, soon there wouldn't be as much need for them. Having personal experience with this in regards to flooding the market with sea temple items as well as iron, it is important to mix things up and try something different if you aren't making the same amount as you once did doing the same thing. An Economy is alive....fluid....
Many valuable/desirable things (gold, iron, emeralds, beacons) are farmable with enough time and effort. Perhaps there is simply enough stuff in existence, and enough farms producing said stuff, that more is being made than will actually sell. Additionally, EMC has been around for a while, long enough that players have huge stashes of even materials that aren't renewable, like stone, sandstone and cobblestone. As people start to lose interest and leave the server, demand shrinks, while the supply stays the same or even increases because of selling to mega malls or continued accumulation. Just my 2 cents. Not an expert economist or anything
I wouldn't say the market is in a crisis, but I would say it's going through an adjustment. If you're having trouble making rupees, maybe you should consider when was the last time you "adjusted" your methods? Agree completely. This is one of those economic changes that took a while to go "mainstream". It still hasn't caught on completely since I see many players buying at the old price. (Also, thanks for all the books.)