Economy Crisis?

Discussion in 'Marketplace Discussion' started by Tah2, Feb 10, 2016.


Is The Economy Having A Small Crisis?

Yes 47 vote(s) 32.0%
It might be true, But it's not effecting me 50 vote(s) 34.0%
No 56 vote(s) 38.1%
I don't know 14 vote(s) 9.5%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Your sentence is missing a verb and a tense - is it "is" or "was"?
    Either way - I don't know that!?

    I know about "Winter special promotion", but its purpose is not inflating the economy (it is its side effect).
    Is there anything else?

    In my opinion the rupees on the website are way too cheap.
    It should not be possible to buy an hour of high skill mining or farming for just like $2.
    I could easily buy rupees instead of farming, mining and maintaining my shop (I make like $30 per hour with software development and IT services) - but for me it would ruin the game.

    How to stabilize EMC economy?
    Reduce rupee influx and add more services that can be bought with rupees.
    Like the new residence selling fee - an excellent idea, something that should have been done long ago.
    Idea: monthly fee for additional residences in rupees (first one is free).
    There is much to do in this direction that can take EMC a big step forward.

    Personally I'd like much more to support with a basic annual subscription of $36 and optionally more - and have no rupee sale on the website and truly honest economy and game instead. That would feel much better.
    Hawkeye1954 and UltiPig like this.
  2. Seems to me that the economy is definitely in a downturn. People just aren't buying a lot of items these days. Some of us work really hard to keep a supply of useful items like XP bottles, enchanted armor and weapons etc, and sales have dropped off to almost nil in some cases.

    I don't know if we need some kind of "stimulus package" or what to get things moving again, but the economy is a big part of this game. Maybe it's time for another waste reset. That always seems to kickstart things, at least in the mining community.
  3. problem, people don't earn enough so they hoard money and spend it by little. If no-one buys from shops. Shop owners don't gain money. so there isn't a flow of money....
  4. You type a lot on the forums, you're bound to make a mistake or two. :p

    But yeah, Aikar is a huge fan of inflation.
  5. I reached 35 million in sales today and got over 1100 customers :).
  6. Also irl there's a war on cash, to turn our societies into big brother nightmares. Google it.
  7. Fortunately, since there's not an EMC credit card or loan bank, there's no war on cash here.

    People need to vote more, I guess.
  8. A Pepper's Plea to the Free World,

    EMC is an example of what the future would be like in a cashless society. Rupee transactions are all recorded: the amount, to whom, what it was for, the location, and the time. All easily searchable I imagine by Aikar and staff.

    IRL central bankers would collect all this data and issue either positive rates to cool off the economy and encourage saving, or tax (negative interest rate in your bank account) peoples hard earned money for not spending it when they "should" be, since government always knows what's best for you. You could say I'm getting my money out of that money losing account, but so would everyone else (and there is a 100% chance that there is no where near enough money at the bank for everyone). A bank holiday would be declared, while politicians draft laws declaring all cash illegal and worthless. They have done this before in the United States and every country really. It was gold last time. I don't want to see it happen to cash.

    Not to mention IRS or FBI cutting you off from the entire economy the moment they think you might be doing something fishy. Who knows what conditions they may deem to be worthy of making your life really difficult for no reason. This all would happen while criminals (and good citizens who want to escape the nightmare) just laugh and use gold or just barter.

    Don't let your politians fool you into thinking getting rid of cash will make it hard for criminals to operate, it's just them taking away your freedom. Use cash as often as you can, or lose your freedom. And just think, cash is way more secure than samsung or apple pay could ever ever ever ever be.

    cowland123, Kaizimir and We3_Nub_ like this.
  9. I haven't seen anything to say that the economy is broken.

    Wood has continued to go up in value over time. Emeralds, Obsidian and Iron blocks are still 100k+ a DC.. EMC upset the balance of somethings by putting so many cheap vouchers into the system for xmas, but they've got to pay bills and it will calm down over time. It should still bring more rupees into the economy and lots of people are looking for materials for their new res builds.
    M4ster_M1ner and white_trash_dna like this.
  10. I don't think the economy is in crisis but it has changed a lot in the past year a lot of prices have gone down but a few have gone up. In terms of inflation gold (9r to 13r), diamonds (35 to 100+), blue dye, and beacons (10k to 15k+) are the stand outs to me. In terms of deflation mob drops (barring a few), enchanted books, and horses seem to have gone down the most dramatically from my perspective.
    I will say I'm vary disappointing by the separation between the effort/expense and how much some of these items are now worth. I think eviltoade was exaggerating a bit about how many emeralds you can get per hour; even ignoring the time to get/transform the paper/sugarcane (prices have gone up and a lot of public farm seem to be broken) my best rate is 2 stacks of blocks per hour (which is less then an sc). The horse appear to have become dominated by a few monsters socialist shops who have the resources to churn out the huge quantities it takes to turn out high speed horses in quantity.

    Summary: From my perspective the economy seems to have changed more to favor those who mine, farm items, or in any other way sell bulk. There's still room for other players/shops styles but I'm starting to get sick of the mega-shops.

    P.S. Apologies for the semi-rant nature of this post but I needed to get this off my chest.
    We3_Nub_ and skyrimed like this.
  11. I'm bad with money estimation, which is partially why my shop is so cheap. I do know that a majority of the players don't have a lot of rupees, so I try to make my sales affordable to all. Since prices are fluctuating, it's hard to judge how much an enchanted bow might be worth. I have bad judgment over the economy in general. I wish I knew how to pay more attention to price range ugh
  12. What if EMC bought items? They could set a decent price and people would flood to sell stuff. Decreasing Demand and shooting rupees into the economy. Problem solved!
    Hawkeye1954 and skyrimed like this.
  13. That is actually a really great idea! Unlimited space, unlimited rupees out of EMC, and what if voting gave a certain bonus chest that ranged from common to super rare? you could get extra rupees, diamonds, enchantment books, etc.
    Just a thought
  14. I played on a server like that before. If you think the farms are huge now when there is a never ending demand the farms are unbelievable. It was all that server turned into. Everyone with huge farms and AFKing all the time. Inflation would explode. If you didn't have an automated farm you would have no chance.
  15. First, i'm new so i have no reference to how things "used to be". Except for the fairly common references to diamond prices. But with that said, it appears to me the economy seems to be chugging along just as one would expect. Taking into consideration a few things.

    There may be some merit to the above mentioned mechanism in terms of eating up some excess product from the market. However it would have to bought up at below market value otherwise there would be a ridiculous influx of rupees into the market. In the end it would only lower the value of the rupee within the economy further.

    Also, i reiterate my statement that it's not all that hard to make rupee's if you simply work at it for a bit. I've been on here for only a little over a month. With very little prior Minecraft experience and I have already made and spent probably a few 100,000r. Of course i went right to work collecting and selling and then starting to put together my own shop. So far, I've made far more selling to other large shops than my own shop generates.

    It should be noted as well. That while it's a pretty cool community around here and it always seems fairly busy. I rarely see more than 10 or 15 people on any one server at any one time. That means your immediate market. Is limited to about 10 or 15 people who are likely just playing away and not needing anything. Unless you have a shop on every server... but only one person comes to mind there :).

    The big purchases come along when somebody on a particular server decides to undertake a large build project of one nature or another and buys up a whole bunch of goodies all at one time. This depletes stocks, the shop owner makes a little money, then those looking to sell their surplus or who have made a business out of stocking shops, make their cut when restocking, etc, etc, etc,.

    While it may be true that shop owners accumulate large amounts of rupee, as they must out of necessity to keep items in stock. I imagine that they also tend to make rather large expenditures from time to time too for various builds and shop adjustments. Not to mention the rupees payed out regularly to people selling items back to the shop or making auction purchases, or whatever their particular go to method may be.

    Then you have those that just have a little cutesy tutesy shop that only sells little pink ponies, or banners with piece signs or what not. And they wan't everyone to purchase one of each at a really affordable price because they are just "helping people out" or they "just like to make em". That is all fine and dandy. You can play your way after all. But if you are going to take this approach, do not be surprised when your not rolling in rupees while it seems others around you are making piles of em.

    What we have is an economy where all items are essentially infinite, the only limiters being time, and consumption. It is inevitable that there will be a large amount of product on the market, and prices will become competitive in order to move it. You can see that more difficult to obtain items seem to hold value to some extent or another. While others do not, whether it be due to farming, or simply that they are more fun to obtain. And who cares really? If you want a bunch of it buy it. If you don't want to buy it. Go gather it in whatever fashion you desire. Remember, it's play your way.

    In summary, economies evolve. I do not believe there is any kind of "crisis' whatsoever. If you want to make lot's of rupee's then you have to play the economy. If that's not your game that's cool too. If you don't like a farm, don't use it. You don't like mega malls? Don't use em. You wanna make lot's of rupee? Gather loads of stuff and sell it to said shop/mall. Quite simple really and we can all have loads of fun in the process :).
    Pab10S, ThaKloned, Omegian04 and 8 others like this.
  16. If this thread was a contest I think you just won best post; 99 out of 100.
    I just want to add
    +Players can earn about 1.2k per day by voting and that's not counting streak bonuses.
    +Easy inter-smp vault access extends immediate market to everyone online on EMC + we have a lot of player rotation (people coming and going) throughout the day; if someone needs something and does not already have a preferred shop for said item there is a good chance that they will search the +shop tag on their smp and then extend their search to others smps (I like to call this "smp hopping") if they don't feel they have found the best price &/or require large quantities.
    +Some examples of shop expenses:
    A high quality horse for breeding will cost between 20k to +100k rupees depending on stats and color.
    Purchasing gold in bulk to breed horses will run around 19K for a SC and that's at a good price.
    P.S. "little cutesy tutesy shop that only sells little pink ponies" Oo
    I know you probably didn't mean it the way it came out but please don't make fun of the effeminate.
  17. Haha, no intention to offend. I simply mean that if that's your thing. Accept it for what it is. There are plenty more things to consider as well but I thought I'd better stop before i had to start adding chapters... lol.
    MissFable and SirTah like this.
  18. What you said was perfect for others. Well said
  19. Point taken and I wasn't offended:cool:. What could be written about the EMC economy could probably fill several books ;).
  20. I think you missed the key in his post because of the softness of his language. :(

    1.7 paper villagers are half the emerald rate of 1.8 villagers. If you're still using 1.7 techniques a year after 1.8 came out, then yeah, you're going be off pace.
    Eviltoade likes this.