I'm sorry but I cannot thoroughly agree with this, this thread is based on the crappy side of EMC. You seem to quite not understand the flaws of this community. Hell, you may have gotten a positive staff experience, but some of us have not. Guys lets face it, this community is broken. I hate to admit but I have been considering leaving for quite some time now, the only thing that has been holding me back is friends.
I'd get involved on the OP's side of the argument, but this thread is beyond saving. I have no idea wtf is going on in it past Page 3.
Welp, its time for me to open that Big Vent. Prepare for Heating in yer Houses I very much dislike this thread. Its like a War of friends against friends, People I care about doing battle against others I care for too. Its not fun sitting there on the sidelines, helpless to do anything. This thread has gotten to the point of pointless bickering. And the thing that kinda Kickstarted this whole mess? The Mod who came on could have been having a bad day, which It kinda seemed that she did, maybe she didnt make the best of desicions but hey, I know I dont either when Im having a bad day. And Besides, Its kind of Human Nature to make mistakes, not to make the best of descisons (Unless you are a Robot, then you make mistakes because yer Programmer messed up yer code ) So yeah, we just need to sit down, watch Netflix, and Chill *closes the vent*
Well. I have read parts of this. If someone wants to condense it down for me that would be awesome. Because the only thing I am seeing is complaints and not suggestions on how to fix the issues. A few things I would like to say 1. As stated many times before there is no bans without out proof. I'm not talking about he said she said I'm talking video or other proof. Bans are not done lightly. 2. There is training for chat. As a matter of fact there is a lot of training for a lot of situations. But they ALL can not be covered. Especially because there are mods who are from other countries and some humor is lost on them. Example: I talk to drama and Manichildie Everyday and jokes or humor gets lost between us (they are icelandic) and we have to explain ourselves to get the joke across. 3. If you have an issue with a staff action as we have stated a million times PM Krys. While I know she gets millions of PMs a day she gets through them all and handles each situation. She spends more time dealing with EMC then I do work at my 60 hour a week job. 5. Little things that annoy you should be ignored not blown up. Staff are all people. None of us like dropping hammers or giving mutes. We all wish that there was no need for mods. But because there is we do our jobs to the best of our ability. And I will continue to do so until its no longer needed. KBAI TDMR
It seems to me as if you approach this conversation the same way you approach staff: a little one sided. So my comments are the reason you hit the 10k limit? Alas, I think we can fix that I'm going to skip the pointless parts; those we can't agree on. Example: You feel that a staff member should not be/afk for an hour or so and I strongly disagree with that. In fact: I even prefer them AFK than offline; if a freak accident happens on the server they're on there's a good chance that they'll catch it the moment they're back. So instead I'll respond to questions / comments which you specifically directed at me. [about abuse of staff power] His word against theirs. And for us players there's no way to find out who's right or wrong unless you're involved. Last ban I'm aware of was pretty heavy, yet as always there was much more to it. Like an involved person who did break the rules which makes the whole thing much more complicated. In my opinion too complicated for an outsider to determine who's right or wrong. In the end the reason of a ban is between the banned person and the staff in the first place. So I don't see how this matters with regards to appeals and such. Has the person already tried to contact a staff member to appeal this ban or protest on it? Actually I didn't attack you, not in the least. That comment was aimed towards myself, not you. See the problem here seems that you're reading between the lines and you assume to know exactly what people meant to say. And I think you also assume to know exactly what is happening in case of those mentioned staff actions. This is a prime example; you assumed that my comment was aimed at you and that I was somewhat attacking you. No doubt that you used this assumption throughout the rest of your response too. And if you approach all those incidents with the staff in the same way then I see a major flaw surfacing here. What I was referring to is this: Code: [CHAT] Residence: Uber_Corq-3 (Address: 4645) [CHAT] Owner: Uber_Corq [CHAT] Derelict Status: Protected (Staff) [CHAT] Flags: -container, -use, +move, -build ==> [CHAT] Your flags: -move, -build ==> [CHAT] Other flags: Corq[+admin] ShelLuser[-move, -build] And for the record: Corq and me have no beef at all, I still consider him a very fun & cool player who can take a good joke and even troll back on it (see above). Oh, yeah, seems he also happens to be a staff member (in a nutshell: f_builder_s and me made a cool troll chest, we copied the idea from Utopia. And I trolled Corq into believing that this whole thing was real, and he almost 'fell' for it (literally even). But as with good trolls he trolled back ). So yeah, reading how you picked up my comment and simply assume to know exactly what I meant and such amazes me, scares me a little even. Because if you simply start assuming things, then pick those up as being the truth without even bothering to check your facts before using them then all you do is set a really bad stage for any kind of discussion to take place. Makes it almost look as if discussing is pointless from the get go because you already made up your mind about everything. Even if you haven't. [about staff being right or wrong] See, another problem: you assume that they're wrong so you pick up the fact that they don't respond on that as proof. Fact of the matter is that I have seen staff admit that they may have made some mistakes. And there's more where that came from. The major difference here is that I can bring up arguments as to why I have a certain opinion on the matter. While on the other hand all I see in this thread are people mentioning how staff is wrong while there's no way for them to be sure about it and in other cases it's sharing assumptions. Forget about staffs reputation, what about our reputation? These issues are a double edged sword. Say the staff does share some proof (logs) then I'm sure that some people will pick those up as staff defending themselves and might challenge it. Even though its not their place to challenge in the first place. The other problem: the risk of hanging someone out to dry. Show the entire world what happened, what he did and risk to make everyone turn their back on him/her. A ban and its appeal is only between the staff and the offender. In my opinion for obvious reasons. The way I see it this thread only exists because some players felt the need to share their discomfort about the staff and other players felt the need to share their own opinion on the matter. Players who mostly all talk standing on the sideline (myself included!) since most things don't directly concern them in the first place. Yet some people think they're able to claim that the staff is making mistakes even though they don't have all the information on the issue at hand. Which I think is flawed reasoning. When I talked to the person I had a small run-in with he even tried to set me on fire! I'll share proof of that later on But... it was all in good fun, nothing between the lines. We shared a fun moment and heck... I treat him the same as I always does, and vice versa. That's called moving on. Alas, I do applaud you for some of your other comments. Especially those about taking criticism and acknowledging that sometimes dealing with issues can make one nervous and such. I guess the main difference here is that I don't feel intimidated by a moderator or staff for that matter. Not at all. That's not saying that I treat them like any other ordinary player (which sounds a bit awkward considering my reputation ) but yah... Which can sometimes include spamming their profile a little bit I do applaud you for sharing this but I also can't help mention that this strikes me as odd. Feeling intimidated by staff on one hand yet you seem to have no issues at all criticizing their actions on this thread. Those two seem like opposites to me to be honest.
I can't adequately respond to this thread simply because I have read through the entire thing and therefore completely understand the specific details of the issues. This is because the responses have grown longer and longer, the replies have come thicker and faster, the anger and distrust and raw hurt has become a tidal wave of emotion. So I didn't read more than a few pages and some of the longer posts. But I get the gist. These threads turn up time after time after time. Rather than attempt to use my own words to express how I believe we should handle these threads, I'm going use a post of Kephras's that originates from perhaps one of the hardest periods (if not THE hardest) EMC has seen thus far. I think that this post is generic enough to be applied to any of these arguments, and so I hope that at least some of you can try to apply it now: And we are. We are all better than this, and I know this because I have spent countless minutes laughing with you, confiding to you, counting on you to be there. When I see these threads, I dive in with a heavy heart and stern resolve. Sure, it sucks, but it'll end eventually, at least until someone else posts one. It's up to you to decide when that end happens, one way or another. It's up to you whether it ends in a firm handshake and perhaps a smile or a lock, grim and forbidding, and a stewing cauldron of unexpressed emotion. Choose wisely.
What? This is completely uncalled for and has no relevance to the discussion. If you're trying to disprove the point made in this thread about the staff being incompetent, this is the wrong way to go about it. This part of the post is just flat out offensive. There are many people who actually have problems with suicidal feelings in this community; don't make fun of their situation - especially if you're a moderator.
O_O i didnt pick that up as making fun at all, i think crystal was very very VERY serious. why would she make fun? i dont get it why u think that way not gonna argue; im pulling out of this mess.
I believe crystal was being serious. She isn't one to joke about that sort of thing... And yes, I have had suicidal issues in the past, technically I am still bipolar. And tbh I do wish that I had gotten to a psychiatrist sooner. So what crystal said is completely relevant.
Am I lacking context? Now that I've re-read the post, it looks as though she's replying to someone, but there's no quote, and I can't find any post relating to someone wanting to kill themselves here.
I believe this is just like the real world. This means we cannot do anything about it, unless we put filters(this is a metaphor, just like at school or collage that it filters good students up and not so good students blocks them) in the tutorials... Btw, i did not read any of the comments
You think too much, here's a DOGE ░░░░░░░█▐▓▓░████▄▄▄█▀▄▓▓▓▌█ very cool ░░░░░▄█▌▀▄▓▓▄▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▓▓▓▓▓▌█ ░░░▄█▀▀▄▓█▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▀░▓▌█ ░░█▀▄▓▓▓███▓▓▓███▓▓▓▄░░▄▓▐█▌ such awsome ░█▌▓▓▓▀▀▓▓▓▓███▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▄▀▓▓▐█ ▐█▐██▐░▄▓▓▓▓▓▀▄░▀▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▌█▌ █▌███▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▐░░▄▓▓███▓▓▓▄▀▐█ much amazing █▐█▓▀░░▀▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓██████▓▓▓▓▐█ ▌▓▄▌▀░▀░▐▀█▄▓▓██████████▓▓▓▌█▌ ▌▓▓▓▄▄▀▀▓▓▓▀▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█▓█▓█▓▓▌█▌ █▐▓▓▓▓▓▓▄▄▄▓▓▓▓▓▓█▓█▓█▓█▓▓▓▐█ WoW
I did not read them because i didnt want to, but i know that ALL of it would be drama. Why? Because this topic is drama. And i dont want to bother to read them as I enjoy EMC as it is, as it was, and as it will. EMC has change, but i adapted. The people of the world change, but i adapted. The world sitution is something that is out of our hands, i dont like any of the conflicts that the world currently has(ISIS, Dictatorship: Cuba, Venezuela, China, North Korea, etc; mass production(ecology), frontier problems:Us-Mexico, China-Tivet-Taiwan, and many more) . I cannot change them, nor do i coexist with them(as i dont like them), but i adapted to them. Emc community is no different than the world, in the sense, that it changes; it may have ups and downs. Nature is also the same. The ones who have adapted and the Survival of the Fittest survived. You may totally disagree with this, but i dont really care. This is my opinion, and you have no right to judge it publicly, but, as I said before, i dont really care of what you think about me/my opinion.