
Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Dean_Catterson, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. I will be releasing plans fro phase 0.5 of neo wrem soon.
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  2. Would it be possible for me to get an early preview? As I have a few of my own plans that I want to develop, and I don't want my plans to conflict with yours.
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  3. The OP has been updated! Now featuring TWO maps!

    Here it is; showing all of Wrem's current land claims.
    If y'all could PM me with Volt and Stoneguards and all our other neighbours borders then that would be great as I could then add them in :)
    mba2012 likes this.
  4. I was actually going to hire you as a team member, i will get a draft yo you by Friday. :)
    mba2012 likes this.
  5. Hey, Dean? If you ever need to expand Wrem more, or need supplies, I have supplies where Hyboria was that could make the project go faster :) Contact me so I could let you open the locked chest, if you want the stone and bricks :p
    L0tad, mba2012 and Dean_Catterson like this.
  6. Do you have any stone slabs I could 'borrow'? :p
  7. Ok wasn't able to get on tonight but hoping for a weekend full of progress! EMC is whats getting me through the wait for GTA 5 right now!

    Cheers m8 would be real useful for the roads
    mba2012 likes this.
  8. ok guys, there is a new resident in wrem, he is called : LiamClaw14 hes a great guy and a willing worker, he lives in 4. Avicii Park and please give him a warm welcome thanks
    Dean_Catterson and mba2012 like this.
  9. ok guys .... bad news, someone has horribly griefed my buisness hq !!!! The monarch Hq was flooded by lava by someone, and has gutted the entire building !!! please can anyone help me rebuild the tower and find out who did this crime !!!
  10. Leave the building as it is and contact a mod.
  11. Ok, first of all ... i have discovered the identity of the Griefer. He is LiamClaw14, who i let into our city, i showed him kindness, gave him food and sold him a house, and then he goes and ruins my company !!!! This was poor judgement on my behalf, and i am now glad that he is gone
    PsychcRabbit and Dean_Catterson like this.
  12. love ur little speech
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  13. I cant wait for the border disputes
  14. I look back on the forums I don't saw my post about my vacation two days ago
    now let expect I have gone to the wild and I will be gone in till Wednesday and then
    I will be back if it is important plz pm on the forums or on Minecraft that all.
  15. If you have no feedback, constructive criticism or update progress for Wrem then please refrain from commenting on this thread.
  16. Wrem will NOT be beaten by what happened today. We've had our doubters from day 1, yet we are still going strong. We got through bad situations before, and sure as hell will do it again.

    Pic related. 2013-09-15_21.40.11.png
    _joe, mba2012 and 72Volt like this.
  17. Wait, Dean, I thought you were mayor... Did you get a promotion? :p
  18. Mayor of Wrem (city). President of Wrem (country). Yep this will get confusing!

    We need a new name for the city I think, open to suggestions :)
    mba2012 likes this.
  19. Wait... If Wrem is also a city, I think I can change my very top secret and running too late project a bit :p
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  20. No new name is needed, the City of London and Greater London get on alright sharing a name. Just refer to the two entities as the City of Wrem and the Nation of Wrem, to distinguish them.