
Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Dean_Catterson, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. hi guys, havent been on in a while ... GTA5 lol
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  2. Just payed the 2200R to you Holly.
  3. Just stopping by, wasup everybody.
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  4. Everyone is grand it seems! Don't think people have forgot about this because I know I'm doing loads of bits of work related to Wrem so hopefully we can get those more advanced asap. Also I am officially accepting applications to work in the Official Crib! Here are some jobs available:

    Mob sweeper:
    Clears mobs from area surrounding crib. Places torches to light up area.
    Pay: 200r per session. (By appointment)

    Land developer:
    Helps clear land to West and North of the crib. Gets to keep all materials gathered.
    Pay: 200r per session + Improved suite within the crib when its done. (By appointment or Volunteering)

    Not a very functional job. Just stands outside main entrance looking big and bad.
    Pay: You get to look slick. (Must be wearing appropriate skin)

    Stand-by Security:
    Must rush to the crib in event of emergency (as declared by Chief of the crib).
    Pay: depends on severity of incident. Long journeys will be rewarded as well as how you contribute to stopping the emergency.

    Yeah that's all we are looking for at the moment. Feel free to ask to do any of these jobs, they wont do themselves!
  5. I want the Bouncer Bean
    ApeEmperor and Dean_Catterson like this.
  6. I call land developer :p
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  7. Welcome to the team! If we happen to be on at the same time we can chat about the specifics of the job.

    In other news I need a wool supplier! Our current one in Wrem hasn't been updated lately and I and many other business owners are constantly short of wool. *Hint for someone to open a wool business
  8. *attempts to work out if he wants someone to open a wool business, or if he was just playing with *'s and making text big and bold and underlined and whateverelsehedidtothetext*
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  9. *This is DEFINITELY not a hint

    (Please someone open a wool business)
    mba2012 likes this.
  10. I might try my hand at growing sheep.... been out of sunlight long enough. maybe add some color to the lil island if no one else is going to start one.
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  11. Its definitely an empty market! This industry could fit in three or four businesses aha but not one is active out here, top opportunity to earn some money and experience the wild at the same time!
    I personally will need a fairly big amount of wool for my current project so this is all good news for me ha!
  12. so dean when do I start for my job?
    and is my skin ok for the job?
    ApeEmperor and Dean_Catterson like this.
  13. It's going to take awhile to build up some stock. Do you have a preference on colors to start with?
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  14. When ever you are online and in the area I guess! Otherwise if we need bouncers at the crib I will get you asap lol, for events, emergencies etc

    Red, White and Lime Green are the colours of the Wremian flag, so I guess they will be in demand! I will be proposing that all homeowners fly the flag from their roof when we get a government sorted out, so your wool will be highly sought after if that gets approved! All colours will be good though, and no worries about it taking a long time to build up stock :) I forecast an increase in site traffic (meaning more players and more business) during public holidays, of which there are plenty of coming up :p You might want to take advantage of that aha
  15. I have not been on SMP9 ever since the NR disbanded. I think it's a good time for me to come back to the wilderness.
    I am currently at a place in Wrem.
    Hello I guess.

    Yea, my home still exists:
    View attachment 21152 home.PNG
    Dean_Catterson and mba2012 like this.
  16. You are very welcome to buy a plot from one of our local estate agents :) Or, you could ask and get a plot to make your own home for free. Oh, and welcome back to the wild!
  17. What happened while I was gone?
    What happened to the main town of the used to be NR where my shack is located?

    Is the place below a good place to live?
  18. Under construction, and No
  19. Inzoino has been largely abandoned. That area is too close to Pazzo to build. Check the original post of this thread to see Wrems land, then ask me about the exact location and ill help you out :)
  20. To be more specific, I am thinking of taking over using the NPC village.
    Dean_Catterson likes this.