
Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Dean_Catterson, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. Ok, I know a lot of people have been interested in my university project which I announced a while ago. I have decided that I simply can't juggle so many tasks and expect to do them at a high quality level. Because of this I resign as dean of Wrem University. I offer our university to who ever I am convinced can make a good job of it. Its a cool idea but I just don't have the time for it!
  2. How about "Ezra."
  3. I vote we keep the name the same.
  4. hmmmm ...... Prospera is a good name, we are a prosperous nation ??
  5. I call a referendum. In the National Hall at exactly 10pm UK time (roughly 15mins time) voters can send me whether or not they want a name change.

    Here is the official question and options for your answer:

    Should the City of Wrem change its name? If so, what to?
    1) No
    2) Ezra
    3 Prospera
    4) Wellington Boots

    In the event of no-one being there, no name change will take place. This is taking place so fast because it is not quite a massive issue
    hollyhill105 and mba2012 like this.
  6. Here are the results.
    1) No (2 votes)
    2) Ezra
    3) Prospera (1 vote)
    4) Wellington Boots

    Options 2 and 4 received no votes.

    The City of Wrem's name will not be changed.
    mba2012, hollyhill105 and 72Volt like this.
  7. I would also like to announce that since I haven't as much time to get on here these days, hollyhill105 will assume the role as Mayor of the City of Wrem, with myself remaining President. Give him a warm welcome I'm sure a great job will be done!
    mba2012 and hollyhill105 like this.
  8. Well activity sure has slowed since GTA came out!

    Anyway discussions have began for a political structure to be put in place for Wrem. Right now we are just speculating, but I will be making a conversation on this along with political advisors so we can develop a good and proper system to run this place. Watch this place for more info!
    72Volt and mba2012 like this.
  9. Make it simple. If you're going to have a written constitution, make it minimalist. You know full well you can't try to make another New Republic, not unless you get another doctorate, this time in Politics :p
    L0tad and Dean_Catterson like this.
  10. Yes for Wrem I'd like it to be more business related rather than political, that didn't work well in the NR but hopefully we can make some sort of system that will keep us relevant in the wild outpost community, boost our status and generally be a good place to come and live!
    L0tad likes this.
  11. And a good place to launch your attack on EMC ....I MEAN... Start a news business :)

    Speaking of witch, i am working out the auto DJ, and we may have our first 3 hour test broadcast this weekend!!!
    Visit my Radio Website
    If you want to give some feedback on audio quality, I think it is abit choppy, but please let me know. thanks (I suggest the HTML5 player least amount of lag)
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  12. I would like to purchase 4 Avicil Park from Monarch. I don't know who owns it, so might as well ask here.
    Dean_Catterson and mba2012 like this.
  13. Ill get you sorted when I'm able to get on, hollyhill105 is apparently finding it hard to get on so ill get talking to him and see what we can do!
  14. Ok you've got the green light to move on in! :) I am unsure what exactly the price is but when ever holly can come back on or when the price becomes known it can be paid to me or himself as Reps of Monarch.

    Only 4 more homes left in this classy corner of Wrem :p
  15. Is the stuff in the chest mine? If so, thanks! :)
  16. I bel
    Think they are holly's, all I did was plop those two signs outside lol
  17. That's odd, there wasn't anything in the chest when I checked the house out last night.
  18. Indeed... Could you do a quick/p/ for hollyhill105 incase he left it there? If not then we will have to see who owns the stuff. The safe thing to do now is wait and see who owns the stuff so that they can move it so we don't get in bother for moving it
  19. He was on 6 days ago.
  20. so how is everyone?
    ApeEmperor likes this.