What's in your name?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Ritunn, Jul 12, 2016.

  1. Due to personal medical situations I've gotten familiar with human biology, specifically of the gastrointestinal kind. One such term I'm well acquainted with is peristalsis. It's a medical/biology term that describes how intestines (and some other select muscle groups) contract and relax in a wave-like motion. Perry_Stahlsis is a play on words for that term, while injecting a minor mispronunciation.
  2. The certainly explains the "Shel" part... As a programmer I've often heard of L-User errors. :) AFAIK they're the same as PEBKAC errors. Does Luser refer the the aforementioned error types?
  3. Quite interesting!
    Perry_Stahlsis likes this.
  4. Well erm.. I just found my name catchy :p The-Omg_Lover.. and also my girlfriend says Omg alot :p
    JesusPower2 likes this.
  5. Well, my name came from an online site called "Fake Name Generator"

    I basically just went on there and the first name that popped up I chose... That's been my name every since!
    TomvanWijnen, Kytula and JesusPower2 like this.
  6. according to some ppl my name comes from anime, and its a bit true. but 'Ayanami' is also a regular Japanese name ^.^ even name of a Japanese navy ship! :mad:

    kun is Japanese 2 and is used 2 be polite, somewhat like mr or ms.

    put them 2gether and u get my name! :)
  7. I could be wrong, but I believe "kun" is a sweet form when talking to a child or younger person :)
    TomvanWijnen, 607 and ScufIsAOriginal like this.
  8. jhall10 was my old name, and that was assigned to me by my college as my username:
    j - first name initial (Joseph)
    hall - last name
    10 - 10th person to have the username "jhall"

    I decided that I wanted a more original name, but wanted to retain some of my old name. So, I started working with variations and changes to my old name.

    JDH = My initials for my name (middle name is Douglas)
    JDHallows = Reference to my previous name
    DHallows = Deathly Hallows, referring to the last book of the Harry Potter series, which is one of my favorite series of all time

    This took me a few days to create, so I am actually quite proud of it! :p
  9. Seems like there is a lot history is some names!
    607 and Kytula like this.
  10. Jelle68, well, the Jelle part comes from my front name, I did want to have it in my name, so that people would call me by my front name. And '68 was the year of birth of my mother, but not only, 68 = 2^2 + 2^2^2 x 2^2 (I'm using a x in number of a * because that looks better) and that's just awesome, that's the best maths'll ever bring :) Oh, yes, at the moment I made my name, I didn't know that 69 was a thing, I even wanted to call my alt Jelle69, but I do now realize that wouldn't be a great thing, so it's MagnusMercrator, and that one has got a story aswell:

    MagnusMercrator originally was the name of my meggamall, It took some time untill I found it, since I wanted it to have MM in short, since that's the same as MeggaMall. as you might understand does the name contain two words "Magnus" and "Mercrator", "Magnus" means "Big" in Latin, and "Mercrator" means "Merchant" and since that mall is really really tall, I thought that'd be a great name for my mall, but how did the accound get the name? MagnusMercrator was before the name change called "Ilse32" wich was nmy sister's minecraft name (her name, and day of her date of birth +1, for some reason) she didn't like EMC, so I did get that accound to use on emc. about I year later, I wanted another alt, but my Mall, and high vote bonus, and other things were on my sister's res, so I thought: I'll give my sister an new accound, and chang the name of her original, making it my alt, and since MagnusMercrator was the name of the mall on it's only res, I gave it that name.

    One more alt: CaptainFantasy, this is the new "Ilse32" but, since she doesn't like EMC, it's my alt on EMC, it's a name she uses for every game or something, but it's a name I thought: My sister is a dreamer, school is going bad because that, everything, so, "Fantasy" and in her fantasy, she sais she is the captain that saves the world and things, and tahdah CaptainFantasy, and I did really think it would be taken, since I do still really love it, but nope, it wasn't

    My other alt is my friend't accound, he doesn't like EMC, so he gave his accound to me for EMC (and he uses mine as an alt for pvp servers) the name is ItalyDutch, scince his Mother is Italianse and his father Dutch, sure

    I hope this are enough stories for now :)
    JesusPower2, TomvanWijnen and 607 like this.
  11. AyanamiSan :rolleyes:
  12. My name comes from nothing to do with my real name Karl it comes from the Latin Lu meaning light and miles meaning soldier
    JesusPower2 likes this.
  13. Yeah, I noticed that before, I love it.
  14. Thanks
  15. My brother (ZombieSlayer010) and I played around on this website called sploder. It was a pretty terrible site really that allowed you to create minigames and play other users games. I guess I must have been into Terminator at the time because that's what I went with on that site. Other than that reasoning I don't know how I got to Terminator. Anyways and the 908 was just what was available on the site. Around that time 1.0 was released and I had a friend that just bought it and I wanted an account too. So Terminator908 was born and I see no end the name either.
    JesusPower2 likes this.
  16. am I the first to realize what Shakespeare said? (well, technecly did Juliet say it, but, sure.)
    "What's in a name? That wich we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet"
    TBird1128, 607 and Shadow_Dcord like this.
  17. Well this one is going to require a lot of typing

    To start, my old name SonicFury74 is a pure name built entirely on rage.
    I hate everything about Sonic the Hedgehog and I hope everything in his series burns in a pit down in the farthest reaches of the Underworld where Hades can't smell the ashes. Seriously nothing can match my unbridaled hate for the series.

    So naturally I picked the single most ironic name "SonicFurry" because the Sonic fandom is it's own sort of....not fun. Just don't look it up there's just a whole lot of "not right" about some parts of the fandom lets just...lets continue

    And then altered it to match my rage for it, Sonic-Fury- while also adding my favorite numbers because reasons.

    Then comes along me starting a phenomenon known as the "Elfin-Spawn". You see prior to me changing my name there was one Elfin, ElfinPineapple, who I wanted to prank by changing my name. Unfortunately there weren't many good avocado skins, so my next choice was a carrot. So, I changed my name of ElfinCarrot

    I now reign supreme as the all holy god of all Elfins that they all aspire to be like in every way shape and form

    git gud pineapple
  18. How I got my IGN is very similar to Omar's, When I bought a Xbox I didn't know what to call my self so I used the Xbox Generated Gamertags and I got "ObscureGolem" and that has been the name I've been using ever since. :p
    Blondekid42 and JesusPower2 like this.
  19. Thinking of the Xbox Generated names, the name it first gave me was quite a strange one. I used the free name change to get Blondekid42, of course. My original Xbox name was FaultiestAura. I.....didn't like it.... XD
  20. I'm gonna bump this with my name story :p

    Back in December 2012 my friend gave me this account because my original account was called "peoplespool" (for all you new players out there name changing wasn't a thing then) since then I've stuck with Rundercaster until a few months back when I changed my name to stop my head glitching (completely messed up my voters armour(cant use the command to rename them anymore e-e)) then I changed my name to RunderC for the exact same reason :p

    There you have it, the story of how my name came to be mine, I might ask my friend how he came up with the name and edit his response in (his ign is skyblade108 and he only comes on if I tell him xD)
    AyanamiKun, Blondekid42 and 607 like this.