What's in your name?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Ritunn, Jul 12, 2016.

  1. I find it funny you two are reminiscing about the discs.
    Nickblockmaster and Kytula like this.
  2. how do I even begin? My name is rotted in redundancy. I have always found it quite humorous when a person says redundant phrases, thus madidiot21 was born. 21 is my age.

    But sadly, I am not mad nor am I an idiot! Although I sometimes typed illiterate xD
  3. You're all weird.
  4. mine comes from my best friend and i were being stupid and couldnt pronounce my original name ostepost. (i dint pick it i buy all accounts on ebay) and somehow after months of calling me a name everyday gthat was not ostepost out came obletop. i really liked it and ostepost got hacked and couldnt be fixed so i went on ebay and bought an account for 3$ and named it obletop. I really love it because its cute and doesnt have to have any numbers. so everything i do on the internet has the name obletop. and then i saw some furry art and learned what a furry was and realized hey i do this stuff normally and i love animal movies where they talk and act human like. so i found out i was a furry. i tried for a couple of weeks and figured out im a red panda that was pink because i love bright pink. (there is supposed to be a heart around my right eye but hard to pixel it) so i gave my fursona the name oble top. and ever since the both go together and i really like getting petted.
  5. My name? Fire Department New York. Lots of people know that anyway.

    Am I part of the FDNY? Nope. So do I live in New York? Nope. Part of any Fire Department at all? Nope.

    Simply, I was interested in fire trucks at the time. I made Lego fire trucks years ago, based on American ones. Really got into it, really refined my trucks, used real pictures and other builders as reference, used digital designers before building in real bricks. Made tens of friends in the Lego Fire Academy, still friends with some of them now. I don't build any more, but I still have my old trucks from a few years back... may as well share a photo here! :)

    When I made my Minecraft account, I didn't know what to call it. FDNY was one of the fire departments I liked to look at, so I went for that, and stuck 21 on the end. I've stuck 21 on the end of almost all nicknames I've had, even when I was younger, so it stuck. Strikehard21, ODST21 and FDNY21.

    Heh. Guess we are all strange! :rolleyes:
  6. Exactly what I thought when I first joined :D
    Nickblockmaster, FDNY21 and Kytula like this.
  7. Lots of people do get it right first try! Good job :D
    ThaKloned likes this.
  8. Now spelling it right... now that I don't think I mastered until year 2 :D
    FDNY21 likes this.
  9. I remember having to use floppy disk T-T stupid dial up
    Kytula and ThaKloned like this.
  10. Aw yes.. Hated those things lol Windows 3.1. Took about 14 hours to install and only needed 37 discs :D
    607 likes this.
  11. Remember when games would span multiple floppies? Gamers complain about discs these days, but I recall having to swap disks mid game in order to continue. When walking through a doorway it would be like "please insert disk 7" and then going back "please insert disk 5".

    Then with double sided floppies it would be like "please insert disk 5 upside down".
  12. Please don't remind me of that it was a torture i still have floppy disk.....
    ThaKloned likes this.
  13. Getting off topic. :0
  14. Ah, that is a point... there are a few that still say FNDY instead :p
    ThaKloned likes this.
  15. Carbonyx is a reference to my all-time favorite video game franchise, Ratchet and Clank
  16. Ratchet & Clank are my favorite games for the Playstation! Such great games they got going.
  17. Kelighum's Iris.
    Nickblockmaster and JesusPower2 like this.
  18. Best response ever lol
  19. That's the fun thing, though :p

    I wish my name originated in the floppy era... :p
    Nowadays it's really hard to get good names on many sites... I really like Kytula, Keliris and Kephras. Hey! They all three have a "K" at the start, that might have something to do with it, interesting!
    I prefer names without redundant underscores or numbers. I do like FDNY21 though, because those numbers seem to serve a purpose for some reason.
    I love my name, 607, but unfortunately on many sites it isn't available by the rules. Minimum of 4 characters or minimum of 1 letter is something I see quite a bit. :/
    On YouTube my name is supermariobrosdeluxe which I really want to change as it's ugly, unoriginal, and you can't find it easily as it autocorrects to super mario bros deluxe, the name of the game. The stupid thing is that I don't actually have any videos of Super Mario Bros. Deluxe on my channel :p
    607 and SixOhSeven both aren't available, though.
    For some time I put OrangeDuck before 607 on the sites I signed up to, which is the nickname of a friend of mine. I stopped doing that though, as I don't see her as often anymore and people start calling me OrangeDuck while that's not me, I'm 607.
    What I've been doing recently is putting the name of the site after. It doesn't always work, though.
    For example, for an NNID the name 607Nintendo wasn't allowed. I eventually got The607 which is also nice.
    On Instagram, 607.instagram wasn't allowed, but 607.insta was, so I went with that.
    Then on Wikipedia, 607 wikipedia was fine, and I then just edited the wikipedia out of my signature so people simply call me 607.
    So yeah, naming accounts is quite an ordeal! ;)
  20. I have always had ALOT of problems with naming myself. like really. I am very bad with names and want something that people can easily recognize and can be used on multiple platforms (so I really dislike my names I used like 'UltimateMinecraftDummie' ieuw... ). I always used alot of different names that were really unoriginal and so non-saying it was hard to get a personality bound to your name.

    Untill... I bought minecraft and I got to the create account page and was like, oh.. of course, I need to come up with another name >.>... I dont know how it got in my head, but I just used my family name, "haastregt".

    It turned out as a really good name. First of all, I really like names that have not really a meaning or are some real words mixed together (so names like Suriyakeng, Kytula, Etho). Although I have no clue how other people would read my name, haastregt sounds cool and original and you can leave your own imagination to get a picture to the name. Because of this reason, it is also really easy to get a personality bound to your name, just like with real names. I just simply became "haastregt" or "haas".

    Later, whenever I needed to come up with a name, I just thought why not use haastregt? It just works really well for me, and besides I have never had that this name was already used (except if I already created an account once and just forgot xD)
    Patr1cV, 607 and MiphaOfTheZora like this.