Eve + Esther + Mary = Evesthery This was originally a shared account, then my sisters got their own. The name stuck, however, and I like it a lot.
In a far off land many many moons ago when BBS (Bulletin Board Systems) existed, my friend built a game that was hosted on a local BBS that was similar to Legend of a Red Dragon. We all joined the BBS to show him some support and we had to pick names. We were all obsessed with music and I chose the name "Wayne Kramer" who was the bassist of the MC5 but also had released some solo albums at the time. (See https://youtu.be/8XhQRFO4M7A but beware of some language) All these years later I still occasionally use the name online.
I got my name... 1. Lil: I like to have the word little in my name but it was to long so I started with Lil_ 2. At the time in school I was learning about Ancient Greece: Sparta and Athens . I like history and all that so I went with Spartan_ 3. I LOOOVVEE Cats So....Lil_Spartan_Cat
Acemox2k is my current handle. I remember when.... I was there, when this new thing appeared on the scene, I was dropping quarters in Space Invaders back in the beginning and putting up MY mark... ACE, mostly because only three letters were allowed to put your initials in but it also was a pattern of letters. A, skip b, C, skip d, E. Plus, hey, I was an Ace at video games. I did not see anyone else using this combination for awhile. Ace2k was my email address for the longest time till i lost it in my on-going divorce (she changed my password before I could because she knew that it was mine and I rock the Ace brand) and I will never get it back . I also used Ace2k as my online name until it was impossible to register because someone else was always ahead of me getting it on new servers or sites. Soooo I bought myself a PS3 while stationed overseas for my birthday in 2013 but never went online with it till I got Minecraft about a year or so ago. So now I needed a new name, Acemox2k was born. Ace (gota be there cuz thats me) Mox (got moxie to the max) 2k (2000) well, thats the the story and my tale is done.
Well, tis time to tell the tale of AverageWalrus, and a past name too. I started out a few days after my birthday in 1.1, when Wool Farming, Discs being dropped by Skeleton Killed Creepers, and Bow Enchants were new. I originally wanted to go by 'Discus', after the South American fish of the Symphsodon genus. However, the name was taken, so in my nubby little young head, I picked "Legendaryguppy" because guppies are fish and the word Legendary had that cool factor to young me. I eventually grew to dislike this name, and upon the day when Name Changing was released, which coincidentally, was my birthday, and the day I received a decent laptop, I changed my name to AverageWalrus. I had conjured up this name the previous summer, using it for a now defunct forum. The reason? Well, I liked walruses, and well, AverageWalrus had a nice ring to it. And then, about a month later, while searching about bats despawning, I came across a forum post from the days of yore. And I dont know why, but when I saw that ip, I decided to add it and log on..
My name was first going to be mecha_dragon because i liked a game called super mechs and i liked dragons, but minecraft didnt accept the name. So instead i changed it to mega_dragon and i just added the 1234 just cause
I always had question of my name but I actually how it turned out. I wanted Foxy as a name. That was a given. The Ravenger part was a mix up in a name generator and I loved it since.
finch rocks is my Xbox name, but named this account after my hacked account finch rocks 1, but now is unlisted on Xbox, as my other account (3rd) is totally unrelated and part of the Code of Conduct team, so i can pull strings, but now i mainly use my main finch rocks on Xbox, and i have the same on ps3, and several sites... So then i made finch_rocks for MC as an alt, as i have too much on this account, lol.... As for the name, finch is my last name, so that why, and rocks, is as in my last name rocks... Something me and a friend came up with back with the Sega Genesis gamer tags hehe..
Me? Well for starters, The Skeleton is for the skeleton side of me since I have a skeleton side of me and love to shoot arrows. (sometimes...) The Tin part well I blame Foxy hehe. And the 007 part, well I am a secret double agent, but way better than James Bond. And that is what makes up my name.
Well, mine's a simple one, truly. When I first got an Xbox 360, my local account was Nick42. First name is Nick, and 42 is my favorite number. In all honesty though, I CANNOT remember why.... >.< Anywho, when I finally figured out how XBL worked at the ripe age of 10, I named myself Blondekid42. I have now used that name on any place I access. To put it simply, my Xbox, Playstation, and Steam name is Blondekid42. Now, why Blondekid42? Well, I am Blonde, was a kid when I chose the name, and I love 42 for mysterious reasons. I think it has something to do with the universe or maybe even the Impossible Quiz. NOTE: If you friend me, lemme know you're from EMC and I'll accept. ^_^ Random requests usually go ignored by me if I don't know where ya saw me.
way back when dial up was annoying with its beeping and crap, there was the really really old style aim... with color fonts and some running yellow dude. pretty much what i used to talk to my friends i went to school with. i was on it WAY too much. i love batman, my name is Meghan, but friends called me Megh or Meghs.. hence, batmeghs.. about 5 years after the name batmeghs was born, i wanted to make a new one only new/current friends had.. so i stupidly? smartly? stupidly put a second t.... you know, same darn name? slightly different??? what? what meghan? why did you do that? why. oh well. THUS BATTMEGHS IS BORN. - though i am considering dropping that second t now... yes? no? maybe?